It doesn’t matter if the next Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives is Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise, Elise Stafnik, Jim Jordan or Mickey Mouse.
A different mouth from the Bronx, is this Matthew Gaetz's moment? Very unstable for the country and what are the odds of more widespread political violence, an outgrowth of this chaos and goal of fascists?
the problem is that they already have, which is what makes them so dangerous. remember when we learned that a star can have died a few thousand years ago, but we don't know it because it takes so long for the information to reach us? or something...astronomy not being my strong suit. but that's what this reminds me of. "when you got nothing, you got nothing to give." except perhaps a lot of grief.
political uncharted territory is very, very uncomfortable. history is not reassuring on this point.
thanks again, Tom, for laying things out so eloquently.
It’s about control not fostering democracy! It’s about dictatorship and authoritarian rule!
Perhaps Brexit is a close comparison! The twit Johnson failed as a Prime Minister to lead Great Britain into an era of prosperity! Many of Those who voted for Brexit rue the day because they now know it was a huge mistake!
The right wing loonies don’t like our form of government! Indeed! What will take the place of the federal subsidies to most of the red states which reap more in tax money than they contribute? It will be a cold day in hell before the wacko greed monger Libertarian billionaires bail out those states! Those sociopaths will give 100’s of millions as dark money so they can control the status quo which they have created!
If Kremlin Kevin, the Bakersfield Benedict Arnold without the physical courage and servicer of Lev Parnas's fiscal and physical desires, promised to do it, why would we expect him to keep the promise?
And Democrats do need to fight them everywhere.
By the way, I found in Facebook memories that besides Senator Huckleberry Adolf Pederasty of South Carolina, I used to refer to a senator from Arizona as Senator Benedict Queeg Grumpypants. I stand by that one.
Good morning, TC and Everyone, I have just finished my morning routine of more breathing treatments than anyone wants to know about, this morning made more difficult because, on top of the general fact that my lungs are collapsing, I apparently have the flu (negative for Covid). I share this info because it seems an apt metaphor for the general collapse of our republic made worse, and noisier, by the current Kevin McCarthy Show.
As I read it, TC, this alien landscape in which we have wandered for these years at least since 2016, is now much much closer to being the solid ground on which we will walk from now forward. McCarthy has sold the farm. Dimwit that I am, I still don't quite understand the agreements with the PAC's. It might be as simple as it being about elections and odds (or thumbs on the scales) and that would involve numbers and I just don't do numbers. Even a whiff of one gives me heartburn.
All lhat aside, I have come to respect both your information and your instincts, and reading your post today makes me sad and bone-tired. We have fought with great passion for a very long time, and to end up with Republicans squabbling in public on the floor of the House while the Man Who Would Be King hangs out on the corner selling blow-jobs at a dollar a pop, is nearly--but not quite--unbelievable.
These alt-right movers and shakers are a machine--well-oiled and utterly relentless, and they have moved forward with the kind of emotionless efficiency I suppose it takes to win. Can that be right?
If I didn't feel so miserable with this flu, I would get up and find William Faulkner's speech when he won the Nobel Prize. It was about the lasting nobility of the human spirit.
Take some time off Dean to regain your health. I have to do it from time to time, even without having the flu. Our sanity is truly being tested these days.
Thank you so much, Jeanne. I know you're right but I'm in that frame of mind that says the minute I stop reading and thinking about what's happening, the BIG TERRIBLE THING will happen. It's kind of like clenching your fists till your knuckles are white when you're on a plane going through heavy weather. Keeps the plane in the air.
I know what you mean Dean. I've been dealing with high blood pressure and trying to not go on yet another medication. Sometimes I have to not read for a few days, sometimes more but the anxiety gets to me. I know I'm not alone but what the hell is going on? Trying to live in the present, as I've been told to do, doesn't always do it. Prayer and meditation help.
we're sounding even more alike. I attribute the not-so-horrible events of the last election to my refusal to watch. same thing in 2020. and I still maintain that if I'd refrained from watching in 2016, Hilary would have become president.
I realize this is insane, but I still think it's true. the same way I know that people ice skate but still maintain that it's impossible for a human being to move quickly on ice, balanced on a blade less than half an inch thick.
for what it's worth, Dean, if it makes you feel any better, my lungs are nothing to write home about either. they've been very unhappy with me for a very long time.
I've always liked having companions in misfortune. if you don't take the same comfort as I do in this kind of thing, just forget I said anything.
On concerns regarding this whole motion to vacate needs to have a Speaker before *one* can launch an effort to remove one, no?
Also, had a few common-sense, large adult-occupancy house rules been more closely followed, perhaps things would be a little different at the moment, and not just in this particular House but a few other environs as well, and everyone would be resting easier.
House Rule #1: Everyone makes their own bed.
House Rule #2: Before making one's bed, check for bed bugs, lice, etc. These pests show up from time to time in any large multiple-occupancy setting.
House Rule #3: If said pests are found, thoroughly clean and disinfect all bedding, more than once, if necessary, especially on one's own side of the aisle, since certain kinds of these pests are more inclined to keep coming back there than others. Be aware that vigilance is necessary to prevent serious reinfestation, and do not contribute to their spread with inaction or silence.
House Rule #4: If Rule #3 is ignored and discomfort and loss of sleep occurs, see Rule #1.
Could be worse than laughing stock. They see our country powerless while Kevin strokes his........ego! You do realize the Speaker-is third in line for the Presidency just behind the VP! How’s that help your sleep apnea?
it's funny that I forget this horrifying fact on a daily basis. but it's a useful--if painful and difficult--thought experiment to imagine every person nominated suddenly finding himself in that position.
I'm sorry I said that. it's only going to aggravate my insomnia.
I know he said he'll never back down, but the other republican reps aside from the rebellious 20 are getting fed up with their antics. They need to stop this insanity and elect someone else .
The toxic takeover is nearly complete. But that only means the Republican party is burning itself down to the ground. I have to wonder what will grow from the ashes.
“ What he has promised to do will allow more MAGA extremists to win House seats. McCarthy has agreed not to fund moderate or establishment candidates that can defeat extremists in safe Republican districts.”
Hmmm. I see the split in the Republican Party as inevitable. Maybe McCrappy has sped up the process in time for an Abe Lincoln to birth the Sanity Party.
Why are the promises that McCarthy makes to the Gaetz / Boebert clown crew set in stone? Can't that be rewritten by someone who doesn't need a the clownshow's support? Theoretically?
Anyone outside of the clownshow 20 demanding that extreme Motion to Vacate or anything else that would blow congress up? The idea that all members get to debate and amend any legislation also stuck out for me. That would bog things down completely.
Ok, I know I’m challenged 🤪 ….but I still don’t get this ? So I if any other R-Dunbo is elected House Speaker…the “rules” as demanded by the miscreants will be null and void, rexcept for the Motion To Vacate..Or is it just the threat of ??
‘It is irrelevant if Kevin McCarthy wins or loses the Speaker of the House election. The crisis
has grown beyond the point of electing one leader.’
‘The fatal blow was struck yesterday.’ (TC)
If you’d like to go further back than Reagan to see the blood flow from even the weakest of
moderates, here’s a reminder:
‘The Revolution Eats Its Own’
‘Like the Jacobins and Stalinists of yore, today’s Republicans have extirpated their moderates and have no one left to execute besides themselves.’
‘There are some reports that the Gang of 20’s negotiators want the agreements in writing. To get his total up to the required 218, however, I suspect McCarthy will have to go beyond that,promising committee chairmanships and seats on the Koch Brothers board of directors to every one of the 20, and that he’ll have to sign this promissory note in his own blood. And a small cut on the finger won’t suffice.’ (Harold Myerson, AmericanProspect)
Harold's right. Revolutionaries always end up killing each other. Witness what Daniel Ortega, former revolutionary commander of the Sandinistas is now doing in Nicaragua. He's as bad as the Somozas, if not worse since the Somozas never told people they were good, which he does.
TC, As you agree with Harold and I, did you forget to 'Like' us or are we just lacking some aspect of likeability, perhaps, the problem is all mine? I posted a like for you somewhat reflexively, not in any way to influence your decision. That I know would be impossible. Cheers!
I think that you're still distracted, TC. My comment continues without that deeply wished for 'like' from you, but I don't feel anything like Kevin does.
Interesting analysis, TC. I have a question. Why would Kevin McCarthy pledging not to support moderate candidates in safe Republican districts automatically mean that within two or three House elections, the House Republicans will be entirely extremists and clown car members? This prediction seems to ignore the possibility that Democratic organizations would fund moderates and advertise/agitate against extremists in those districts, to prevent exactly the scenario you describe.
Lauren Boebert only won by 546 votes against Democrat Adam Frisch. Her seat looks win-back-able in 2024, with more GOTV and ad money. There must be other crazies who can also be beaten. What happens to Santos' seat once he decides that being a widely scorned and shunned liar isn't the fun he thought it would be? Each of those 20 Hard Core Crazies should be carefully looked at for their weak spots. The Democrats beat a lot more Republicans that anyone predicted in 2022. We can do it again!
Also, just because Qevin promised not to fund moderate challengers to WingLoons, that promise doesn't bind any of the heavy fundraisers in the Senate from intervening in select House races. Mitch McConnell (whom I mostly loathe) clearly expressed his opinion on the 20-ring House Speaker Circus by appearing with Joe Biden and Andy Breshear to take public credit for funding for a bridge the connects Kentucky to Ohio. Mitch clearly takes a dim view of the Repub shenanigans.
I can only resort to a sailor’s axiom: These Fucking People. I can only hope they self destruct.
I’d like to expand on that and say fuck these fucking people! They are beyond reprehensible!!
Boy! The mouths on you ladies! Keep it up!!! :-)
TC- thanks for providing a forum where I can not only curse freely, but be encouraged to do so! Lol! It’s very cathartic. And warranted.
I'm obviously the last person to argue...
🤣 this household, my SO, the former Marine, is the softspoken one. I'm saltier by far!
A different mouth from the Bronx, is this Matthew Gaetz's moment? Very unstable for the country and what are the odds of more widespread political violence, an outgrowth of this chaos and goal of fascists?
Just heard that Gaetz nominated tfg for Speaker. Tfg got one vote... from Gaetz.
Yes. After Bannon called for them to elect Trump in his War Room show this afternoon. Gaetz is an obedient little shit.
…and Trump came in last. He's America's biggest LOSER!
He's up at bat and swinging.
I have a TFP magnet on my fridge. Look at it and roll my eyes so hard I can see my brain, just about every day.
that doesn't sound too healthy. you might wanna reconsider...
the problem is that they already have, which is what makes them so dangerous. remember when we learned that a star can have died a few thousand years ago, but we don't know it because it takes so long for the information to reach us? or something...astronomy not being my strong suit. but that's what this reminds me of. "when you got nothing, you got nothing to give." except perhaps a lot of grief.
political uncharted territory is very, very uncomfortable. history is not reassuring on this point.
thanks again, Tom, for laying things out so eloquently.
I tell you all, this is how it started in
Germany in the 30s. We MUST stop
this advance and threat. We know
who the 20 are and have to stop their reelection when they come up.
2024 and beyond has to have a
total Democrat hold on the presidency, house and senate.
It’s about control not fostering democracy! It’s about dictatorship and authoritarian rule!
Perhaps Brexit is a close comparison! The twit Johnson failed as a Prime Minister to lead Great Britain into an era of prosperity! Many of Those who voted for Brexit rue the day because they now know it was a huge mistake!
The right wing loonies don’t like our form of government! Indeed! What will take the place of the federal subsidies to most of the red states which reap more in tax money than they contribute? It will be a cold day in hell before the wacko greed monger Libertarian billionaires bail out those states! Those sociopaths will give 100’s of millions as dark money so they can control the status quo which they have created!
I wish I could say "You're wrong," TC, but I can't come up with anything.
Me too.
If Kremlin Kevin, the Bakersfield Benedict Arnold without the physical courage and servicer of Lev Parnas's fiscal and physical desires, promised to do it, why would we expect him to keep the promise?
And Democrats do need to fight them everywhere.
By the way, I found in Facebook memories that besides Senator Huckleberry Adolf Pederasty of South Carolina, I used to refer to a senator from Arizona as Senator Benedict Queeg Grumpypants. I stand by that one.
Good morning, TC and Everyone, I have just finished my morning routine of more breathing treatments than anyone wants to know about, this morning made more difficult because, on top of the general fact that my lungs are collapsing, I apparently have the flu (negative for Covid). I share this info because it seems an apt metaphor for the general collapse of our republic made worse, and noisier, by the current Kevin McCarthy Show.
As I read it, TC, this alien landscape in which we have wandered for these years at least since 2016, is now much much closer to being the solid ground on which we will walk from now forward. McCarthy has sold the farm. Dimwit that I am, I still don't quite understand the agreements with the PAC's. It might be as simple as it being about elections and odds (or thumbs on the scales) and that would involve numbers and I just don't do numbers. Even a whiff of one gives me heartburn.
All lhat aside, I have come to respect both your information and your instincts, and reading your post today makes me sad and bone-tired. We have fought with great passion for a very long time, and to end up with Republicans squabbling in public on the floor of the House while the Man Who Would Be King hangs out on the corner selling blow-jobs at a dollar a pop, is nearly--but not quite--unbelievable.
These alt-right movers and shakers are a machine--well-oiled and utterly relentless, and they have moved forward with the kind of emotionless efficiency I suppose it takes to win. Can that be right?
If I didn't feel so miserable with this flu, I would get up and find William Faulkner's speech when he won the Nobel Prize. It was about the lasting nobility of the human spirit.
A big group hug to everyone here.
Take some time off Dean to regain your health. I have to do it from time to time, even without having the flu. Our sanity is truly being tested these days.
Thank you so much, Jeanne. I know you're right but I'm in that frame of mind that says the minute I stop reading and thinking about what's happening, the BIG TERRIBLE THING will happen. It's kind of like clenching your fists till your knuckles are white when you're on a plane going through heavy weather. Keeps the plane in the air.
I know what you mean Dean. I've been dealing with high blood pressure and trying to not go on yet another medication. Sometimes I have to not read for a few days, sometimes more but the anxiety gets to me. I know I'm not alone but what the hell is going on? Trying to live in the present, as I've been told to do, doesn't always do it. Prayer and meditation help.
we're sounding even more alike. I attribute the not-so-horrible events of the last election to my refusal to watch. same thing in 2020. and I still maintain that if I'd refrained from watching in 2016, Hilary would have become president.
I realize this is insane, but I still think it's true. the same way I know that people ice skate but still maintain that it's impossible for a human being to move quickly on ice, balanced on a blade less than half an inch thick.
there! I said it!
Oh, you could have just asked me. All those ice-skating videos are mocked up in a studio somewhere in Burbank. Pshaw~
I actually just did Laugh Out Loud.
I hope you can rest, and feel better.
for what it's worth, Dean, if it makes you feel any better, my lungs are nothing to write home about either. they've been very unhappy with me for a very long time.
I've always liked having companions in misfortune. if you don't take the same comfort as I do in this kind of thing, just forget I said anything.
On concerns regarding this whole motion to vacate needs to have a Speaker before *one* can launch an effort to remove one, no?
Also, had a few common-sense, large adult-occupancy house rules been more closely followed, perhaps things would be a little different at the moment, and not just in this particular House but a few other environs as well, and everyone would be resting easier.
House Rule #1: Everyone makes their own bed.
House Rule #2: Before making one's bed, check for bed bugs, lice, etc. These pests show up from time to time in any large multiple-occupancy setting.
House Rule #3: If said pests are found, thoroughly clean and disinfect all bedding, more than once, if necessary, especially on one's own side of the aisle, since certain kinds of these pests are more inclined to keep coming back there than others. Be aware that vigilance is necessary to prevent serious reinfestation, and do not contribute to their spread with inaction or silence.
House Rule #4: If Rule #3 is ignored and discomfort and loss of sleep occurs, see Rule #1.
Pleasant dreams...
makes me want to vomit. We are the laughing stock of the world right now.
Could be worse than laughing stock. They see our country powerless while Kevin strokes his........ego! You do realize the Speaker-is third in line for the Presidency just behind the VP! How’s that help your sleep apnea?
I read that a little earlier - when Nancy Pelosi was the speaker it didnt have quite the same scary ring to it did it?
It certainly did not💥
indeed it didn't.
it's funny that I forget this horrifying fact on a daily basis. but it's a useful--if painful and difficult--thought experiment to imagine every person nominated suddenly finding himself in that position.
I'm sorry I said that. it's only going to aggravate my insomnia.
I know he said he'll never back down, but the other republican reps aside from the rebellious 20 are getting fed up with their antics. They need to stop this insanity and elect someone else .
I'm not sure "we" are but the shoe sure fits those Repugnants, doesnt it?
I meant the USA. And 'they' are repugnant!!
The toxic takeover is nearly complete. But that only means the Republican party is burning itself down to the ground. I have to wonder what will grow from the ashes.
another very painful thought experiment...
No money for you!!!!
“ What he has promised to do will allow more MAGA extremists to win House seats. McCarthy has agreed not to fund moderate or establishment candidates that can defeat extremists in safe Republican districts.”
Congress will be ruled by Looney Tunes Lauren and Mayhem Matt! JFC! And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!
Hmmm. I see the split in the Republican Party as inevitable. Maybe McCrappy has sped up the process in time for an Abe Lincoln to birth the Sanity Party.
Why are the promises that McCarthy makes to the Gaetz / Boebert clown crew set in stone? Can't that be rewritten by someone who doesn't need a the clownshow's support? Theoretically?
Because of that Motion to Vacate. And the threat of another go-round like this.
Anyone outside of the clownshow 20 demanding that extreme Motion to Vacate or anything else that would blow congress up? The idea that all members get to debate and amend any legislation also stuck out for me. That would bog things down completely.
Gotta say I kind of like The Clown Show. I am hoping it will force an agreement between rational Rs and Dems. I am afraid I am grasping at straws.
It is funny, but they are playing with things they don't understand. Dangerous...
Yes, another "reform."
Ok, I know I’m challenged 🤪 ….but I still don’t get this ? So I if any other R-Dunbo is elected House Speaker…the “rules” as demanded by the miscreants will be null and void, rexcept for the Motion To Vacate..Or is it just the threat of ??
My Q as well…
TC was clear.
‘It is irrelevant if Kevin McCarthy wins or loses the Speaker of the House election. The crisis
has grown beyond the point of electing one leader.’
‘The fatal blow was struck yesterday.’ (TC)
If you’d like to go further back than Reagan to see the blood flow from even the weakest of
moderates, here’s a reminder:
‘The Revolution Eats Its Own’
‘Like the Jacobins and Stalinists of yore, today’s Republicans have extirpated their moderates and have no one left to execute besides themselves.’
‘There are some reports that the Gang of 20’s negotiators want the agreements in writing. To get his total up to the required 218, however, I suspect McCarthy will have to go beyond that,promising committee chairmanships and seats on the Koch Brothers board of directors to every one of the 20, and that he’ll have to sign this promissory note in his own blood. And a small cut on the finger won’t suffice.’ (Harold Myerson, AmericanProspect)
Harold's right. Revolutionaries always end up killing each other. Witness what Daniel Ortega, former revolutionary commander of the Sandinistas is now doing in Nicaragua. He's as bad as the Somozas, if not worse since the Somozas never told people they were good, which he does.
TC, As you agree with Harold and I, did you forget to 'Like' us or are we just lacking some aspect of likeability, perhaps, the problem is all mine? I posted a like for you somewhat reflexively, not in any way to influence your decision. That I know would be impossible. Cheers!
I think that you're still distracted, TC. My comment continues without that deeply wished for 'like' from you, but I don't feel anything like Kevin does.
I liked your post.
Interesting analysis, TC. I have a question. Why would Kevin McCarthy pledging not to support moderate candidates in safe Republican districts automatically mean that within two or three House elections, the House Republicans will be entirely extremists and clown car members? This prediction seems to ignore the possibility that Democratic organizations would fund moderates and advertise/agitate against extremists in those districts, to prevent exactly the scenario you describe.
In those "safe" Republican seats, there are no moderates now. The choice is between Extemer and Extremerer
Lauren Boebert only won by 546 votes against Democrat Adam Frisch. Her seat looks win-back-able in 2024, with more GOTV and ad money. There must be other crazies who can also be beaten. What happens to Santos' seat once he decides that being a widely scorned and shunned liar isn't the fun he thought it would be? Each of those 20 Hard Core Crazies should be carefully looked at for their weak spots. The Democrats beat a lot more Republicans that anyone predicted in 2022. We can do it again!
Yes - that's not a "hard-R" seat. It should be targeted.
Also, just because Qevin promised not to fund moderate challengers to WingLoons, that promise doesn't bind any of the heavy fundraisers in the Senate from intervening in select House races. Mitch McConnell (whom I mostly loathe) clearly expressed his opinion on the 20-ring House Speaker Circus by appearing with Joe Biden and Andy Breshear to take public credit for funding for a bridge the connects Kentucky to Ohio. Mitch clearly takes a dim view of the Repub shenanigans.
In Texas, surely you jest…