Wouldn’t it be great if social media had to publish the names, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers of those who post such threats. I’m sure these are the same fearless types who’d walk around in Moscow wearing a Fuck Putin teeshirt.

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I agree. Exactly why are the people who anonymously provide this information protected from having THEIR information "provided" publicly? Tit for Tat, right?

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Sounds like a good idea to me. This behavior will continue until there are adverse consequences for it.

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Brilliant comment, Art.

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Trump openly calls for insurrection again and again with no consequences to date. At his direction, supporters threaten judges, prosecutors and election workers with seeming impunity. Why?? This is not insignificant, it’s emblematic of societal breakdown. Our silence in the face of such threats will be our undoing.

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It already is

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Right on TC! The masks and "soft talk" are coming to an end. MAGA folks are revealed as the domestic terrorists that they are. Maybe this will mark a shift in the attitudes of the media toward calling Trump and these scum what they really are.

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How optimistic you are. Growing old waiting, well, older

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Wouldn't THAT be nice?

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Isn't it ironic for the left to talk about masks.

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Art, the problem is that there is always that one unhinged person who reads this virulence and hears Trump's voice in his ear..... " Who will rid me of this troublesome priest?"

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I’m going to revert to an old standby: Those Fucking People.

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Thus, let’s stop worrying about how the deplorables respond to whatever we decent folk do to stymie Trump and Trumpism. We know how they respond no matter what we do. So let’s do what we can, when we can, as often as we can.

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I sure hope that judges are made of stronger stuff than Repub lawmakers. They fold and resign with no action. We need people who will stand tall and not be blackmailed, bullied and threatened. Easier to say than to do. What’s the alternative.

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You have it right.

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“The Gov’mint shall not abridge ma rats to threaten peepo I disagree wit wit murder. Its only speech; ma fweedom!!!”

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They always say they're oppressed when you limit their right to be assholes.

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The same people who’s parents protected them from the Grade School teacher who made them sit in a corner on a stool for talking in class

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We knew this would happen. Question is, who will do anything about it? Isn't this threat language enough to have the people who wrote it investigated? I know they can find out the source of the statements...forensics, after all. These people are all cage-brave, and think they can threaten with immunity as long as it is through a social media post (the "cage" in this instance). I think there needs to be some consequence for this. Too bad it is all "protected" by the 1st amendment.

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you would think so--that "threats in interstate commerce law" that was used against the NY woman who threatened Judge Chutkan.

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If any of these death threats are posted to a specific judge, politician or anyone

else involved with the court's

decision; NY woman's threat,

they will be dealt with.

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just saw this: A self-proclaimed white supremacist was sentenced to more than six years in federal prison Wednesday for making online threats toward the jury and witnesses at the trial of a man who killed 11 congregants at a Pittsburgh synagogue.


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Those fucking scum.

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I thought a direct threat to someone's life and limb with the means to carry out the threat constituted assault.

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There are limits to first amendment. Who doesn’t know that? Seems like our enforcement agencies

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Trump is a fool to be so cavalier in his invitations to violence by conflating himself with his magas because there may be someone out there who's still trying to impress Jodie Foster. (And JFK had Secret Service protection too.) Trump's delight in learning about the ardor of his magas is not only wicked but also may stir up someone whose love object in life or family breadwinner is now in prison for his/her actions on 1/6 after hearing the Trump clarion call. Trump's shameless ignition of directed violence may be the very thing that's quietly undergirding so many judicial decisions because consequences are usually a consideration in rendering such decisions, right? Trump thinks he's impervious to consequences, but his megalomania in this regard could be the very thing that might bring even more havoc into his own life.

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One can always hope for "termination.... with extreme prejudice..."

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Someone will die, not likely to be his arse.

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Funny, I had just gone down the video rabbit hole before reading this. The last video, by The Young Turks, was in the same vein as others interviewing Trump supporters. They live in an absolute bubble. One woman gets all her news from telegram, some other guy named one name, a social media pundit I’d never heard of. He was spouting a “communism infiltration” with no examples, much less evidence. When they cross the line and make threats outside of the protected bubble, they’re gobsmacked that retribution exists. These people are idiots, and entitled.

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Entitled, weaponized ignorance and stupidity on steroids

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We, and the media…sigh, need to keep amplifying that it was Republicans and Independents who filed this lawsuit. Although the threats would be Dems fault,according to DeSantis’ dystopian logic,as we engineered this “ stunt” to draw support for Trump. WTF. Perhaps he’ll call in his State Guard,now trained in “ aerial gunnery”, to quell the cultists.

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How long will the decent citizens of this country be held hostage by these low life cretins. Social media companies should be required to ban any user who threatens, first time, no review. Law enforcement needs to prosecute. They are used to no consequences. Must be chump derangement syndrome. Boomerang

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Why haven't they been visited by the Colorado State Patrol? Department of Homeland Security? FBI? Somebody, anybody? These big mouth jackasses would collapse faster than a dollar store umbrella if law enforcement leaned on them as hard they'd lean on non-WASP individuals for the same behavior.

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Several sections from your article indicate at least an informal observation of the linkage between Trump's calls for violence and verbal and behavior responses. Does this mean a time line of call and response has been compiled which could be used to show Trump's rhetoric actually causes outcomes like the insurrection at the Capitol? Causality seems to be one of those aspects that seem so obvious but so difficult to prove; more so than that Trump knew he had lost. Carefully compiled, it could rise to the level of a formal sociology study.

I hope the Colorado judges are receiving protection. The need is so obvious I don't think they should have to request it although I would think they should be able to reject it if they wanted. It would be a tragedy if one of the few brave justices willing to actually stand up and take positive action were to be harmed or if any of their families were harmed.

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That's the "new rule" of law--decisions you don't like are grounds for threats and violence.

All spurred on by the name calling and worse of the Loser Guy.

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Having been on the receiving end, I am not surprised. But, you know, we can work with them. And heaven knows Democrats understand what decent folks republicans are, right?

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Oh, yes, we certainly do.

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