Donald Trump has been a loser his entire life. His followers are also losers. Donald Trump has been a piece of animated garbage his whole life. His followers are attracted to animated garbage. Whatever comes next, I like my garbage and everything it has touched buried in a landfill, composting.
I tuned in to Hannity's insanity last night and listened to every flaccid excuse he could come up with. You know, look how unfair it is-Trump voters being scarce supply in NY & DC...
I read some of The website also, one of the latest being from 5/11/23 explaining how Trump could still have supporters. Any thinking person is simply exhausted trying to imagine it but it was quite insightful.
And we know we can't change their minds with reason with the only hope for the base is that a few are authoritarian-light.
What does piss me off is the ability for FOX to continue to lie and $$-benefit from it. That corporations keep selling advertising like it is no big deal is equally alarming as it must be nice to look at China and see "capitalism " flourish without elections or the inconvenience of democracy and think, why not here? More than the head in the sand voter but that greedy donor class THAT is truly fearful.
This calls to mind Sam Harris's contribution to a collection of essays called "This Will Change Everything, Ideas That Will Shape the Future," in which each contributor was asked to explain a single change in the way we live that would alter absolutely everything going forward. Harris, a neuroscientist with the Reason Project, said , "Imagine how our world would change if, when the truth really mattered, it became impossible to lie." He want on to explain that mind-reading is rather far off but reliable lie detection is not so far off and would radically alter all of our lives. And it must be affordable and unintrusive. If we only had such a thing think of all that would be avoided, the Iraq War, Qanon conspiracy theories, the selling of bad investments, and Donald J. Trump and those of his ilk who use lies to gain power. With Trump the pity is that he's not a good liar, but he's found enough traitors predisposed to believe the baloney he and his co-conspirators have run through the right wing media meat grinder. Gen. Grant would say the same thing today, Tom, and he wouldn't be lying.
Everything chump has ever said, I mean everything, has been so stupid that I was sure only a few certifiable idiots would buy the crap. Then I watched as so many lapped it up. They had been softened up by the horrors of W/Dickie and the onslaught of lies about Obama. Not going to hold my breath waiting for Sam Harris’ “impossible to lie world;” mind reading would put me in severe jeopardy as my thoughts are way more vicious than my words.
I just finished reading the indictment. Smith is playing chess and I don’t know how to set up the checker board. Brilliant. There is no sense in talking/debating anyone who’s not read it. All the little imagined defenses, or a replay of the second impeachment just got blown to smithereens. Yippee kiy yay mf.
My hope is that since many outside the ranks of us political junkies aren’t paying a lot of attention right now, when the trials take off in earnest, they will notice and be appalled. A woman can dream.
I have been reading the indictment and it makes me furious that so many attempts were made to use deceit and lies and threats to keep that P.O.S. in office. The indictment is written in clear language that is not hard to comprehend. Everyone who has access to it should read it. It boggles my mind that someone who made so many attempts to bluff his way into power still has so many people that support him.
"Mainstream corporate media" who may want to reap eyeballs by giving tfg the kinds of massive attention they have in the past , need to give serious consideration to what they can expect to happen to their "freedom of the press" and possibly their continued existence if by some horrible turn of events tfg is returned to the White House.
I have to do more than hope. Getting involved wherever I can, including one-one talking, writing and supporting. I figure I can spend a few $$, too. Can't take it with me but might help in the long run.
The repubs and Rupert (and clones) have done a masterful job of propaganda, going back decades. Therein lies our problem. Along with the billionaire bucks going into this effort to warp minds, harden hearts, and kill reason…
Great stuff, TC. You have presented the core truth of the situation with erudition and clarity, the virtues sorely lacking not only over in the enemy camp at Fox, but in most of the mainstream corporate media as well. The important point is that most Americans see it rightly as you do, so if we stick together we can squash the GOP cockroaches once and for all in 2024. Otherwise we might have a shooting war on our hands.
Donald Trump has been a loser his entire life. His followers are also losers. Donald Trump has been a piece of animated garbage his whole life. His followers are attracted to animated garbage. Whatever comes next, I like my garbage and everything it has touched buried in a landfill, composting.
That's good for the planet.
I tuned in to Hannity's insanity last night and listened to every flaccid excuse he could come up with. You know, look how unfair it is-Trump voters being scarce supply in NY & DC...
I read some of The website also, one of the latest being from 5/11/23 explaining how Trump could still have supporters. Any thinking person is simply exhausted trying to imagine it but it was quite insightful.
And we know we can't change their minds with reason with the only hope for the base is that a few are authoritarian-light.
What does piss me off is the ability for FOX to continue to lie and $$-benefit from it. That corporations keep selling advertising like it is no big deal is equally alarming as it must be nice to look at China and see "capitalism " flourish without elections or the inconvenience of democracy and think, why not here? More than the head in the sand voter but that greedy donor class THAT is truly fearful.
"The Republican Party is now a party of traitors. The question is, what should the rest of us do about it?"
Now? It has been for decades.
Yes, knowledgeable folks like you and me have known it for all our lives. It's now completely obvious to anyone with an attachment to facts.
Well, I won't pretend to be knowledgeable or to your level of knowledge!
Hey! You're the professor! I'm just the ambitious amateur. :-)
But you've outresearched and outwritten me!
They stopped pretending not to be traitors when they realized doing so would mean losing power. That's all they care about.
Since you were a toddler...
This calls to mind Sam Harris's contribution to a collection of essays called "This Will Change Everything, Ideas That Will Shape the Future," in which each contributor was asked to explain a single change in the way we live that would alter absolutely everything going forward. Harris, a neuroscientist with the Reason Project, said , "Imagine how our world would change if, when the truth really mattered, it became impossible to lie." He want on to explain that mind-reading is rather far off but reliable lie detection is not so far off and would radically alter all of our lives. And it must be affordable and unintrusive. If we only had such a thing think of all that would be avoided, the Iraq War, Qanon conspiracy theories, the selling of bad investments, and Donald J. Trump and those of his ilk who use lies to gain power. With Trump the pity is that he's not a good liar, but he's found enough traitors predisposed to believe the baloney he and his co-conspirators have run through the right wing media meat grinder. Gen. Grant would say the same thing today, Tom, and he wouldn't be lying.
Everything chump has ever said, I mean everything, has been so stupid that I was sure only a few certifiable idiots would buy the crap. Then I watched as so many lapped it up. They had been softened up by the horrors of W/Dickie and the onslaught of lies about Obama. Not going to hold my breath waiting for Sam Harris’ “impossible to lie world;” mind reading would put me in severe jeopardy as my thoughts are way more vicious than my words.
We try based on circumstance, and in reaction to what entropy dealt us as a life.
This. is. lovely.
I just finished reading the indictment. Smith is playing chess and I don’t know how to set up the checker board. Brilliant. There is no sense in talking/debating anyone who’s not read it. All the little imagined defenses, or a replay of the second impeachment just got blown to smithereens. Yippee kiy yay mf.
My hope is that since many outside the ranks of us political junkies aren’t paying a lot of attention right now, when the trials take off in earnest, they will notice and be appalled. A woman can dream.
Any gender should dream. Human = dream-oriented!
Nothing about Trump was ever normal.
I have been reading the indictment and it makes me furious that so many attempts were made to use deceit and lies and threats to keep that P.O.S. in office. The indictment is written in clear language that is not hard to comprehend. Everyone who has access to it should read it. It boggles my mind that someone who made so many attempts to bluff his way into power still has so many people that support him.
"Mainstream corporate media" who may want to reap eyeballs by giving tfg the kinds of massive attention they have in the past , need to give serious consideration to what they can expect to happen to their "freedom of the press" and possibly their continued existence if by some horrible turn of events tfg is returned to the White House.
He has told them, enemy of the people.
It's going to be a rough road ahead. Let us hope sanity prevails and that our democracy survives.
I have to do more than hope. Getting involved wherever I can, including one-one talking, writing and supporting. I figure I can spend a few $$, too. Can't take it with me but might help in the long run.
Absolutely. It's what I counsel people to do all the time.
Agreed. Giving in to despair is a one way street.
Good point on the media interest in maintaining the controversy and the appearance of a competitive election campaign.
Playing with fire is their favorite position. Walter, come back
The repubs and Rupert (and clones) have done a masterful job of propaganda, going back decades. Therein lies our problem. Along with the billionaire bucks going into this effort to warp minds, harden hearts, and kill reason…
Today's post is the best ever!! Have i told you lately that i love you!?!
Flattery will get you everywhere, Cecilia. :-)
Great stuff, TC. You have presented the core truth of the situation with erudition and clarity, the virtues sorely lacking not only over in the enemy camp at Fox, but in most of the mainstream corporate media as well. The important point is that most Americans see it rightly as you do, so if we stick together we can squash the GOP cockroaches once and for all in 2024. Otherwise we might have a shooting war on our hands.
Good stuff, Tom. I wrote this two years ago, about...
Thank you TC. On the money 100%.