Right on target, TC. Keep it up. One of your best articles!!!!!! You've said it: the people who used to be called Republicans are now the adherents to a cult of personality---the quick shift on the border bill shows that. And we need to believe Trump: he will exact vengeance. One has to ask: what does he have on most Republican leaders: is info that is embarrassing or a liability? is it the fact that they will lose their financial lifeline via think tanks and paid speeches when congressional career ends? OR is it really the fear of physical attack? It's clear everyone on the R side is scared shitless.....(I recall reading that Mitt Romney spends something like $1 million per month on security for his family; is that correct?) It seems clear to me that if things turn against Trump in the courts, the militias will begin to rumble......maybe subtly at first..... I hope the good generals have a plan A and B and C and can shut down the renegades in the ranks. It is a nice day outside with sunshine in N. Ohio (this time of year that is a rarity; think I'll go for a walk......)

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I think it's all of those things as explanations for their fear. I don't think Rmoney spends that much, but it is a lot.

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They are never going to forgive us for electing and re-electing Obama and denying the Fat Ferengi a second term. That's their reasoning, as flawed as it is, for all of this.

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"Fat Ferengi" - I like that!

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Thought you would.

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awww that's terribly insulting to a Ferengi, bad as they are....

although the Rethugs ARE following the 33rd Rule of Acquisition, "It never hurts to suck up to the boss."

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Cultists never have had the distinction of being intelligent.

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And while we're talking about

the Senate, I need to point

out something.

In 2024 there are approximately 24 Senate seats up for grabs. Several

of these are Dem seats.

We're going to lose Manchin

is pretty much a given. Menendez is another, though

hopefully a Dem will take his


We have several retiring, a couple on term limits. Sadly,

Tom Cotton is not 1 of them.

A lot of attention has been on

taking back the House, little

so far on our majority in the

Senate. We HAVE to hold the

majority and better yet, increase it.

We have 3 super important

goals this year: The Presidency, The Senate and

The House.

Souzzi will most likely be an

addition to the Dem house

next Tuesday. Everything is

running in his favor right now.

Let's push him over the finish

line and move forward.

Take it ALL in 2024! Not one

step back! Push Trump, MAGA and Freedom Caucus

over the cliff!

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Here in MI Debbie Stabenow is retiring from the Senate. Elisa Slotkin, current House Dem is running against Mike Rodgers (R) for that seat. It's likely that the DeVoses talked Rodgers into running again after he left DC once in disgust. He's not a crazy R, but there's something in the water handed out on the right that's eroded their bones and brains. Slotkin talks like a centrist Dem because she's steeped in military mind works, but it may not be enough to get her elected to the Senate as she runs against Rodgers with his waspy name and whiteguyness.

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Tom, I love your “southern fried weathervane” description. But, let’s be clear, the only wind they’re responding to is the hot air coming from their puppet master who grows increasingly mad on power. Trump has become totally unhinged and he’s running the show. The danger grows daily.

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Let's not forget the adage,

"You destroy a government from within." Trump, cult, Project 2025, delay, delay,

delay, overtake RNC, SCOTUS, Circut Courts,

Mainstream News, Social


An excellent report Tom.

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They may take their marching orders du jour from the fat guy, but I think they are also just shills for Putin. It may be the fat guy who has "stuff" on them, as any mob boss might have, but it could be that the REAL "stuff" is all the Russian money they need for their high life styles. At any rate, regardless of who is pulling their strings, these fools are NOT Americans; I'm just not sure on whose behalf they are really working. It certainly isn't me.

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Fabulous article!

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I totally feel your frustration, and I'm right there with you on the recent actions of Senate Republicans. It's just mind-boggling to see them put their own political agendas above the urgent needs of the American people and our allies. Seriously, what the hell are they thinking?

First, they kill the bipartisan border security and aid bill that they've been hyping up for months. And why? Because Donald Trump doesn't want to deal with the border crisis this year, so he can use it as a campaign strategy. It's all about winning the November election for him, and the wellbeing of the people and our international relationships can just take a backseat. Nice, right?

Right after killing the border bill, they start demanding amendment votes related to border security before they'll even consider advancing the foreign aid package for Israel and Ukraine. Are you kidding me? They just filibustered the most Republican-friendly immigration reform bill ever, and now they want to add border security amendments to this aid package? It's like they think we're all idiots who can't see through their hypocrisy.

It's disheartening to see the lack of integrity and consistency from these politicians. They make promises they can't keep, they flip-flop on their positions, and they prioritize their own interests over the needs of the people. They've forgotten what it means to serve the public and act in the best interest of the country.

The sad truth is that the Republican Party has become a cult of personality, with Trump calling the shots and everyone else falling in line. It's pathetic to see how quickly they've abandoned their principles and surrendered to his whims. They're more afraid of crossing him than they are of doing what's right for the American people.

I wish I could be more optimistic, but it's hard to see any real change happening anytime soon. We need to hold these politicians accountable, demand transparency, and fight for a political system that actually serves the people, not their own self-interests.

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See here, folks, the border is NOT in crisis after all. The terrorists, asylum escapees, rapists, and moms carrying bags of killer fentanyl on their backs right next to their kids are fine with the Republicans who think 11 more months of "the terror at the border" Trump keeps warning about is no real threat. They want it both ways, and, by george, they're gettin' it. Like Grover here, I think I'll trudge off down the street to plant more warning notes and contemplate how Jonathon Swift would have characterized today's US factions.

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Boy, have you nailed them…

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Good Lord, you don’t really believe that swill do you? If so, you have brainwashed.

Wow, it's really disheartening to see the way some people dismiss the struggles and hardships faced by those seeking refuge. These individuals are simply human beings, often with nothing more than the clothes on their backs, desperately searching for a safe place to call home. It's important to approach this issue with empathy and understanding, recognizing the basic human rights and humanitarian needs at stake. Instead of turning a blind eye or spreading negativity, let's work towards finding compassionate solutions that address the root causes of migration and provide support and assistance to those in need.

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Readjust your Snark-o-meter.

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Did you write this reply to me?

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Your response perplexes me. The original post was unequivocally repugnant and untrue. I find it astonishing that my reply could be of any concern to you, especially given your apparent enjoyment of critical discourse. Is the expectation here that we should uniformly agree, avoiding any form of dissent or critique?

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You didn't see that the comments that worried you were put in there as snark. Yes, nowadays it's hard to tell snark and satire from reality, reality now being so crazy.

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Thought I was turning the argument back on them and being ironic. Sorry I missed the mark.

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You were spot on, and the Jonathan Swift reference should have been the clincher.

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I read and had a knee jerk reaction. Sorry about that.

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Sneaky little learned smartalecky bastards!


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Good, this is a place where the subscribers keep the author on his toes. :-)

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You are better than Baryshnikov in his prime.

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They have been treasonous for more than half a century at minimum. It just took this long for it finally to come out.

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Ever since Nixon's intervention in the Vietnam peace talks.

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Which I wish people had known at the time. Tricky Dick should have been traitor Dick.

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I know, I know. The whole description of this political situation is really spot on, and the reaction (and I quote) "What the actual FUCK????!!!!!" is particularly apt. I find value in you simulating a stroke on paper so I don't have to actually have one (because otherwise some days I might) and your expressive outrage is both cathartic and (forgive me) sometimes sends a bit of coffee out my nose with laughter.

However, please do back off a bit on denigrating the entirety of the southern population. As I am absolutely sure you know, there are hard working, kind, intelligent southerners in each of the reddest states, and things like accent are just superficial. For example, I personally enjoy some of the southern accents so much I took a Southern Lit class once just for the readings done by a lovely elderly female professor from Savannah Georgia. I do have a friend from the Appalachians cursed by an accent which I'm convinced depressed her job prospects and most people's assessment of her intelligence for most of her lifetime, so yes, stereotyping happens but please at least do try a cuppa tea and a brief spell on the porch when it tries to nudge it's way in via outrage.

I find myself quite fond of you and your writing, and sympathetic to the impossibility of expressing ever greater levels of fury and flabbergast... so if you simply cannot at times rein in that one tendency I'll mostly henceforth confine myself to a sigh and a head shake with a silent "there, there"... but I feel like I should, at least once, bring it up.

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The good folks in the South are actually better Good Folks than good folks elsewhere, because it's harder to do. Unfortunately, as even some of them have said to me, they're the minority.

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We are indeed

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I tend to agree -- it's the southern *white* population, and some of them are actually pretty cool. Joyce Vance and Doug Jones for instance.

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Joyce, fortunately, had the benefit of being raised in Southern California before going to Alabama.

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See my response above.

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My main point seems to have gotten lost: When people refer disparagingly to "Southerners," or "the southern population," or even "the good folks in the South," they're almost invariably forgetting that their generalizations apply primarily to *white* Southerners. A significant percentage of the southern population is Black, or Native, or otherwise not white. So I suggest including "white" before "Southerner" when that is the case.

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Good points. Filed for future reference.

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Is it now time for Jeffries, Pelosi, and some more or less reasonable Republican like Don Bacon, to take Mikey aside and explain to him in words of one syllable and with pictures that if he doesn't pass whatever the Senate sends over on Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, etc. that there will be an immediate (privileged) motion to remove him and install a Speaker who will take advantage of the supermajority that represents the will and desires of the American people to finally get things done?

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Frank Fat’s...that brings back memories.

This episode is really chilling. The parallels to 1932-33 in Germany gives me the absolute creeps. Such a fast about face in the Senate and a complete lack of justification. They are clearly scared 💩less. The GOP is a one man party now.

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To see Mitch cave is a shock, but then he is Moscow Mitch. your parallels are indeed apt.

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Glad you found your F. I’m beginning to get worried we’ll be running out of F’s by November at this rate. For all of Trump’s legal problems, he must be stoked to be such a successful puppeteer.

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Fuck, TC, fucken fuckers are fucked.

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