Oh, yay! Feline Friday is so refreshing after all the crud we have to read through all week. Welcome back.

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I agree!

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Not your crud, TC!

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Oh they are beautiful kitties TC. Sorry I’m not my usual feisty self. I was in a car accident last night after leaving work. Crazy, six cars involved. I was plowed into by a truck that had been hit by another one and another one. My car may be totaled but I’m okay just really achy all over. I’m so glad to be home now with all of my kitcats on my lap. A natural heating pad.

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Oh boy! Take care and heal soon!

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Thank you

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Hope you're feeling better today Karen. What a way to end your day at work.

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Thank you Bliss. Yes, it made for a very long and stressful day.

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Put your feet up and take another day off , give those muscles a chance to heal a bit before you go back. My cousins are both nurses, I know what you do can be a workout.

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treat yourself well. at our age, a little shake-up can really mess you up. I had a little fall last month and the bruises weren't gone for at least ten days. some very interesting colors, though.

seriously, Karen, be kind to yourself.

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Thank you David. I’m working on it. My niece talked me out of going to work today. So making some progress on that front. Those psychedelic bruises are really something though

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Yes, definitely take it easy till the bruises aren't "psychedelic"

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Excellent advice. I would give the same. Nurses are the worst patients.

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My daughter is proof

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My most sincere sympathies, been thru one recently, it’s a bitch, but glad your kitties have their Mama

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Thank you Jeri

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Karen, since you are an RN, you’ve probably long ago heard about arnica gel for making bruises heal and disappear faster. So sorry to hear about the awful car accident. I’m glad you escaped without serious injuries. Glad you are giving yourself time to recover.

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Yes, I love Arnica. I always have some on hand. Thank you Elizabeth.

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It works brilliantly if you take homeopathic arnica internally right after the injury. I always carry a vial in my coat. 30C is good, and 200C is better. I gave some to one of my dogs when she had to have an ingrown nail removed, and she bled so little, the vet started asking me where he could get some.

it's interesting that, in some venues, ANY "alternative medicine" has become "right-wing." pretty dumb. similarly, when I was working in my Bronx middle school, somebody told me that phonics-based reading instruction was also considered " right-wing ". it was the stupidest thing I'd ever heard and I asked why people said this. the answer was that Bush favored it in Texas (if so, it might have been the one true thing he ever promoted), and my answer was that I was pretty sure Bush went to piss first thing in the morning but I wasn't about to start holding it in because I couldn't stand him. this shit can get crazy.

but do whatever you need to do, Karen. we need you WELL.

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Funny how the pendulum swings. Thank you David. It’s nice to be needed.

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Karen! Better by the time you read this! Sure is when we need our guardian angels.



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Thank goodness you are OK. Rest up and be well soon!

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Thank you Lynn.

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The heart is for glad you're ok and 'keeping warm'.

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Thank you Tamera. I have a 2 cat heating pad on me right now.

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They are really beautiful - good company, too!

Smurfie is gradually settling in - shes been with me a little over 2 months. She & Axel tolerate each other and shes still quite spastic & flakey here & there. Pookie (bird) cage & all gets moved into my bedroom on top of my dresser every night - then back out in theliving room by the window in the morning. Its kind of a pain but much better than finding the cage half on the floor with the bird down underneath her dishes. Her wing feathers have grown back (after the fall) & she can do her flight times again. Oh what we go thru for our animals!! Altho my arm muscles are being built up from lugging the cage back & forth.

Happy feline Friday.

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I’m sure it’s worth it. Best wishes to Pookie.

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Pookie thanks you!

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They’re beautiful. Thanks for the stories about your feline friends. From my earliest childhood to the present there have always been cats. Right now we have 4, all strays, with us and one rescue dog. I never met a cat or dog I didn’t like.

Best wishes.

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it's funny. I'm about as passionate a dog lover as anyone I've ever met, but I've still met a fair number of them who were terrible.

I've actually found the cats I've known to be more consistent as pleasant companions, with a few exceptions. my oft-mentioned best friend had a big black cat who lived very comfortably with his human parents but never quite lost his wildness, which often manifested itself by his lying under the place I was sitting and attacking my legs as if they were a combination of sparrow and scratching post. I still have the scars. he also lived to be twenty or thereabouts and shocked the vet by requiring a double injection to "ease" him over that final bridge. the easing wasn't so easy.

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Ouch! I’ve had some scratches but still like them all.

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I am glad they are there to keep you company!

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These cats are beautiful! They look so healthy.

They must like living with you!

I have told you I am not a cat person but I admit I enjoy hearing about and seeing yours. Thanks.

Love to Jurate.

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I like seeing your clowder of cats. Artemis and Apollo are my last kittens. I’ll be in my late 70’s when they turn 15.

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If I am still able after these kids cross the Rainbow Bridge, I will go to the shelter and get the oldest kitty there (the one with the least chance of adoption) and bring him/her home so they don't die in there.

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It's funny how those old ones sometimes live years after finding a good home and family like that.

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really nice there's a Feline Friday again.

it's good to have a breather, especially after this week, which was too "interesting" by half. "half" is a deliberate understatement.

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You have a eclectic pride of felines. They are beautiful ❤️

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Your cats are well loved! I recently sorta kinda made friends with the neighbor's cat, it comes through my yard on it's daily patrol and that's close enough to having a cat for this girl (grin). Happy to see Feline Friday return.

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Ziggy, our absolutely goofy chocolate lab, wants a play date. He has no concept of distain or disinterest.

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True chocolate lab!!

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I've been sending your Feline Friday posts to my sister and brother-in-law who also have 3 cats, adoptees from 4PAWS. They really enjoy your posts. Sister Jean has been active with the group for years, now she mainly interviewing possible adopters of 4PAWS cats to determine if they're a good fit.


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TC, thank you so much for the uplift of Feline Fridays. Corky, Sebastian, and Molly are beautiful. How delightful that you and Jurate were able to experience them as kittens, too. Like many other commenters, I love reading about their unique and charming personalities. My husband John and I have two cats, Tilly and her son Eddy, who were rescued from under a porch in Louisiana and came to us almost two years ago as mother and eight or ten week old kitten. As soon as they first arrived, it was clear that Eddy had obviously had no emotionally scarring experiences in his young life. He strutted out of his carrier and joyfully took possession of the house. “Oooh! Big spaces to play! This room’s mine, and this one, and that sofa’s mine, and….” His mother Tilly was a different story. She was so determining ned to hide that when we (stupidly) “outed” her from her first two hiding places behind a corner bookcase and under a heavy leather sofa, she hid up inside the 1835 chimney of the kithen hearth where our woodstove now stands. After a day of frantic searching, it was new soot on the swept hearth, with paw prints in it, that told where she was hiding. I crawled into the hearth behind the stove on my back with a large flashlight, and discovered two glowing kitty cat eyes staring down at me from a shelf space inside the chimney, on top of brick oven. It took weeks to lure her further and further out. For months she flinched and ran from us, clearly experiencing kitty PTSD from unknown abuse or just the stress of being a homeless teenage mother. Now, almost two years on, she lets us stroke her, scratch her back, and pick her up and cuddle her, although she still will not jump into a lap; she must be courted abd allowed to pretend she doesn’t want the affection, before she will come near enough to be pick ed up. We’re grateful she has allowed us to love most of her fear away. Edison meanwhile is a fearless rapscallion, alternately rampaging around, leaping over chairs and his own mother, and curling up into a round black puddle of sleepy melted kitty cat. He is always wide-eyed, and right after getting into his latest mischief, looks up at us with the sweetest most innocent expression as if to say “Who, me? No, I would never do that! I’m just a demure, innocent little cat!” Then he wanders off to find the bext thing to fet into.

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It's so eacy to make those kinds of mistakes. We think we're doing them a good thing.

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Welcome back, TC’s tribe. You could write a cat’s screenplay, because they have more personality than many people I know, and you know how to tell the tales…

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I'm so sad... My husband won't let me get a cat...he's allergic... but there's more to it than that.... : (

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Cure for sad, always

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Thanks for the sweet photos. They're all beautiful, and it's nice to know their personality differences. I miss having a cat, but my Pomeranian and my Papillon are handfuls enough.

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Personality differences, always, if one pays attention…

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