I love this Tom. It seems Roscoe imprinted on Jurate. He could not have survived without a mom, and she became his. Then he comforted her when she needed comfort. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. I’m so glad you are both doing better and have each other. Now I need to round up all of my cats and hug them. Or I will sit here and wait for them to hug me😹
I'm glad to hear this, glad Roscoe is there with you, and glad to hear you are both beginning to heal. Truly these memories are blessings. Be well in the new year.
They get their hooks into your heart and it's all over. Our earliest rescue, of four, was the last to pass at 22 years plus. Hypothermia and crispy mite crusted El Monte ally cat too young to be away from mom. Took her to the vet the next morning and the vet says "you can get a great pedigreed for a lot less than it will cost to save this one. Linda says "But we've bonded...." After bringing her home she slept curled under Linda's arm pit for months until she could get around on her own. During the last year of her rickety old age, I had to put steps at the foot of the bed so she could spend the night there again, until her last night. Linda was always Crispie's mom.
They are always there for you too. Whenever Linda was down, Crispie would always come to her and in that creaky little voice, ask if she was OK in the pick me up and snuggle with you manner. They know.
All of your stories including the historical ones are really good, but the cat stories are the best of all. Your humanity and caring comes through in every one of them.
Living with domesticated animals is a daily balm for the heart and soul. My hubby claims that when our current rescue is gone we won’t have a cat for a few years. HAH! I figure that he can be cat-less when I’m gone, but I need the balm of a purring feline. I suspect he might “cheat” and get another feline anyway, despite hating them when I first met him. Living with cats is different than cat sitting.
I’m glad you have Roscoe to bridge the gap between with-Jurate and without-Jurate. Cats teach us acceptance and tolerance while amusing us with their quirky games.
Love Roscoe. I've had my own (not childhood) cats for over 56 years--that's just 3 sets. They all lasted to at least 18, the latest before current to 20. My most recent, Pangur, is the spitting image, pretty much clone, of my late 20 year old McCone. Pangur is a he, but I can't keep from calling him she, so deeply is McCone imprinted on my life. Nothing like having a gender fluid cat, even if he has not exactly volunteered for the role.
Thank you, such a beautiful story, and a very handsome boy! I love the touching juxtaposition - you and Jurate saved him when he was tiny, Roscoe "saved" and gave comfort to Jurate, and it's come full circle with the two of you saving each other. It makes my heart glad. I'm also glad to hear the recommendation for Resolve and Pooph. I'm in a non-cat household for the moment but hope to rectify that someday. I'm going to remember those products for the future. :-)
Tomorrow is a tough day, I hope you can snuggle with Roscoe and your others, and take comfort from them.
I love this Tom. It seems Roscoe imprinted on Jurate. He could not have survived without a mom, and she became his. Then he comforted her when she needed comfort. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. I’m so glad you are both doing better and have each other. Now I need to round up all of my cats and hug them. Or I will sit here and wait for them to hug me😹
And they can be counted on to do just that.
I'm glad to hear this, glad Roscoe is there with you, and glad to hear you are both beginning to heal. Truly these memories are blessings. Be well in the new year.
They get their hooks into your heart and it's all over. Our earliest rescue, of four, was the last to pass at 22 years plus. Hypothermia and crispy mite crusted El Monte ally cat too young to be away from mom. Took her to the vet the next morning and the vet says "you can get a great pedigreed for a lot less than it will cost to save this one. Linda says "But we've bonded...." After bringing her home she slept curled under Linda's arm pit for months until she could get around on her own. During the last year of her rickety old age, I had to put steps at the foot of the bed so she could spend the night there again, until her last night. Linda was always Crispie's mom.
They are always there for you too. Whenever Linda was down, Crispie would always come to her and in that creaky little voice, ask if she was OK in the pick me up and snuggle with you manner. They know.
Wish all humans were so attuned…
Some have it, some don't.
Indeed some do, thankfully
Sounds like something meant to be - for all three of you!
Hes beautiful - and love matters - whether its humans - even more if its animals. Some humans dont understand that - but thats THEIR problem!
What a beautiful sweet story. Rescue is a mutual act of love and care. In the struggle of a crazed world this story soothed my spirit.❤️
All of your stories including the historical ones are really good, but the cat stories are the best of all. Your humanity and caring comes through in every one of them.
Roscoe is a handsome little runt, Tom. I'm glad you two are helping each other out.
What a lovely story, TC. Got a little verklempt on this one. Glad to hear that you are both doing better.
Living with domesticated animals is a daily balm for the heart and soul. My hubby claims that when our current rescue is gone we won’t have a cat for a few years. HAH! I figure that he can be cat-less when I’m gone, but I need the balm of a purring feline. I suspect he might “cheat” and get another feline anyway, despite hating them when I first met him. Living with cats is different than cat sitting.
I’m glad you have Roscoe to bridge the gap between with-Jurate and without-Jurate. Cats teach us acceptance and tolerance while amusing us with their quirky games.
All my cats were rescued. They are really wanted and I think they know it. It's nice to know you rescued him.
Twice in one night, TC. You're on a roll with making my eyes sweat. Apollo just checked in on me; he's my prototypical Orange Boy.
Roscoe is super handsome. The Beatles weren’t entirely wrong when they sang “All you need is love”… Happy for both of you.
Love Roscoe. I've had my own (not childhood) cats for over 56 years--that's just 3 sets. They all lasted to at least 18, the latest before current to 20. My most recent, Pangur, is the spitting image, pretty much clone, of my late 20 year old McCone. Pangur is a he, but I can't keep from calling him she, so deeply is McCone imprinted on my life. Nothing like having a gender fluid cat, even if he has not exactly volunteered for the role.
All rescues. All coddled, successfully
Thank you, such a beautiful story, and a very handsome boy! I love the touching juxtaposition - you and Jurate saved him when he was tiny, Roscoe "saved" and gave comfort to Jurate, and it's come full circle with the two of you saving each other. It makes my heart glad. I'm also glad to hear the recommendation for Resolve and Pooph. I'm in a non-cat household for the moment but hope to rectify that someday. I'm going to remember those products for the future. :-)
Tomorrow is a tough day, I hope you can snuggle with Roscoe and your others, and take comfort from them.
Saving those recommendations also.
A very handsome boy!
A beautiful story of caring and love. Thank you for telling it.