As for Gym Jordan. I think the

man has brain damage. Seriously.

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Tossed on his head a time or two too many back in his 'rasslin' career.

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Maybe from hitting himself in the head with that gavel he likes to pound too.

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That's what I would like to do to him.

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McCarthy actually said yesterday Gal Luft’s indictment would make the anti-Biden case stronger.

And after MTG’s no vote, he appointed her to his “negotiating” team with the senate.

Your Santa Cruz, surfboard stealing sea otter has way more smarts than these MAGAs !! 🌊🦦

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So it's come to this: A congress that's not only "America's truly criminal class," as Mark Twain accurately identified the Institution back in the last Gilded Age, but an outright criminal conspiracy against the Constitution, the Rule of Law and all standards of decency that's being instigated by nutballs, morons, brain-damaged "rasslers," psychopaths, thugs, "slimes," "semi-slimes," "fruitcakes," "idiotic imbeciles" and scumbags. And that's just describes the MAGA contingent and doesn't even begin to convey the depravity of the dysfunctional complicit assholes who support the antics of these miscreants for the benefit of an orange-haired maniac who was actually elected president, got impeached twice, and still hasn't been put in prison where he has belonged since the day he was born. How does one explain a situation like this to an 8th grade civic class? Hey kids, listen up, today's topic is "another fine mess" that's gotten so far out of hand that it may be impossible to clean up unless arrangements can be made to turn the Swamp in Washington, D.C, into a landfill so we can reimagine the American experiment from scratch. LMAO reading this one, TC. To honor Gym Jordon for his inspirational speech, he should be nominated for Rasslin' Coach of the Year!

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Good rant, Stewart. Damned good.

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I actually forced myself to watch a lot of it. I have no particular brief for Chris Wray (who's fucked up a LOT), but I was feeling genuinely bad for him. every one of those scumbags asked the same three or four questions over and over and over... it was pretty obvious what Wray was feeling... his quivering jaw and pursing lips said it all.

I assume they all knew perfectly well that he wasn't going to comment on ongoing investigations, so I guess the whole point of the exercise was purely to humiliate and look to their "base" like they're doing their jobs.

as I say so frequently and is purely performative on my part: fuck 'em.

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All 212 Democrats should publicly co-sponsor the original language of the NDAA as it was reported out of committee and dare the pseudo-Speaker not to bring it to the floor. I don't think McCarthy has the mental stamina to hold on much longer and we need to keep the pressure on. If Senate Democrats adopt the same language and pass it, that would put him in the same box he built over FRA and, by the time this is done for each of 11 more Appropriations bills he'll be gibbering like Jordan.

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Dare them, the bullies think they can bring the country down.

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And we need to show them just how wrong they are.

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it will take superpower energy. Eat your spinach

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I'm looking for an Infinity Stone too.

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The current GOP is our adversaries' best ally. Their spies can all go on vacation and the national erosion will continue apace.

(Note: All branches except the Marines are failing to meet their recruitment quotas. The GOP's current bad acid behavior exacerbates the recruitment AND retainment problem.)

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Gibberish, gobbledygook, word salad, obfuscation, double talk…the languages of the GQP. There is no reasoning with Jordan and others of his ilk and his/their constituents. What is to be done with them? They obviously want nothing to do with progress in this country and irrelevancy is their ultimate fate, but in the meantime, they are wrecking this country just to “own the libs”…

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Diagramming Sentences was a favorite activity for me in 9th Grade

This one has me bamboozled

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Basically 49 nutballs wrote this crap and got a majority of the other 173 slimes and

and semi slimes, with only 2

stating their presence without a vote.

The nanosecond LGBT+ was

spoken in their Caucus, you

knew where this was going.

Their own LGBT+ folks voted

on this - except maybe 2?

Wonder how many in the 222

have LGBT+ family they're

hiding away?

The republican party needs a

very deep cleaning with strong detergent.

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Get Grandma's Lye Soap!

Little Therman, and Brother Herman,

Had an aversion to washing their ears...

Grandma scrubbed them with her lye soap,

And they haven't heard a word in years!

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Too bad the red can't be scrubbed out till they turn blue.

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I can feel the steam coming from your post. And it’s not the weather. Matches my steaming rage at the recklessness of the deliberately idiotic imbeciles. When will you start fireside chats, Joe. It’s time for creative bombardments from Dems. Seems now or never to me…

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Gym Jordan: I think I know what is good and right and wrong, or who's doing what they think is the trouble with this foolishness, you know, and I'm sure!

credit: Peanuts

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Well done, Tom. The fruitcakes are getting nuttier (more desperate) with each passing day.

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There’s a bottom. I wonder if the NewQ party will dig their hole all the way too it.

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Road to Crazytown? We're already there..... "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads....." And how cute of Gym Jordan to prove that mush-brain can happen spontaneously. As has been said, the Republicans have enthusiastically lived down to the worst predictions of what they would do if they achieved power in the House.....may the Farce be with us.

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"The Republican Party is now running on insanity." This is one of your best lines. First, it is true. Second, it shows the final crossover to fascism. Nazis unleashed their partly hidden internal insanity once Hitler became Chancellor. Unite all who can be united to defeat Trump and the GOP. (My only exception would be Liz Cheney).

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I'll even go there for what she did last year.

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There is something terribly sick about any voter casting a ballot for anyone who runs with an "r" attached to them. First: there is no longer a "republican" party. There is a fascist leaning right wing party that is similar to Orban's "freedom party" in Hungary. Second: the whole program is about chaos, confusion, and extreme gaslighting so that the average person gets tired trying to figure out what in the hell is going on. I just saw this video today which clarifies that Tuberville is a little man with a big mouth. You can say that about Gym, and the entire group of fascists currently driving even some in their party crazy. Copy the link into your browser. It is really a powerful reminder of what can happen when the majority is only small. We better do all we can to defeat this crowd come Nov.2024 everywhere for every office. Copy the link and put in your browser - or TC, if you can make it live, thanks. I can't seem to get it to do what I want!


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