Iā€™m cautiously optimistic! šŸ˜Ž https://youtu.be/8qrriKcwvlY

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Yes, emphasize "cautiously"!

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I get it, Tom I really do. But these motherfucker anti trumpets want to take us back to Ray-gu, cut government, fuck the poor and tax breaks for the rich. I cannot be convinced otherwise:

Where the fuck were they when trump started, when he disgraced a former POW, was proudly racist and misogynistic, hated the queer community, kicked the disabled and on and on

During the last week of the public prime time ,1/6 committee hearings the msm jerked off over the three witnesses who came forward on 1/6! What the fuck? They got a conscience that day but the rest of his term was okay for these white assholes?

No, no, no. We can use Kristol, Schmidt, Steele and the rest of the mini fascists and when the elections. Is over, we'd them where they belong, to Gitmo with war criminals Bush, Cheney and his fucking daughter who supported pus 93% of the time.

From the bottom of my heart, fuck them and the horse they rode in on.

I hate them all and don't trust any fucking one of them.

Their history is their history and they should pay, just like every fucking Nazi who changed their minds a month before Hitler killed himself.

Not one of these scummiest has had "a come to Jesus moment". And they never fucking will.

Sorry, not sorry for the extra cursing.

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I might not have accepted you as the real Mama without the explicit vocabulary. And I so agree, these klowns are the Black Mokd of the Body Politic.

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You're running higher in California; on the East End of Long Island, gas was $3.71 last weekend at Costco, and interestingly, nearby gas stations were matching the Costco price.

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California is always higher and my town, San Diego, is higher still. According to AAA avg. price of regular today is $5.271 and premium is $5.612.

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Earlier today, I saw $5.03 cash/$5.23 credit (like they pay 0.20 per gallon to the credit card company!), then on Sports Arena Blvd. - $4.89. Ralphs, at Rosecrans & Nimitz, is $5.19 right now per Gas Buddy. That's more than a dollar less than the highest price for Regular I saw here in the peninsula area.

Nonetheless, gas in California seems always to have been more costly than in other states (which I why I try to have just enough gas to get from San Diego to Yuma AZ if I'm driving east), and San Diego has always been more costly than LA.

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Is it acceptable to agree with that smug little dicked Bloody Bill on this one point, and still despise him with the heat of a SuperNova Star ?

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I forgive him little by little, point by point, when he demonstrates that he's walking the walk as well as talking the talk.

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I am optimistic. In addition to all the clear victories you analyze here (Thank You TC!), and the rising tide of angry women who aren't gonna take this shit anymore, I feel that strong groundswell to save democracy, even among my traditional Michigan Republican friends (some who are former county commissioners and legislators). That said, we all still have so much work to do. Good chance we can flip our congressional seat here!!! Democrat "Dr. Bob" Lorinser is now within striking distance of the seditionist oil-owned Rep. Jack Bergman!! Send Jack Back to Louisiana (his real home)!


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Outstanding column today TC and the cautious optimism seems well deserved. I do retain substantial respect for the Democrat's ability to turn any positive situation around but will reserve concern in light of the current positive progress.

On a less positive note, John Wood, the Danforth backed attorney who had presented as a responsible conservative alternative to Eric Greitens has withdrawn from the race since Eric Schmitt is apparently not as crazy as the former Governor. This will make it difficult for the Democrats to flip Blunt's seat but not quite impossible.

I know I'm an outlier on this but I think Biden has given himself a double-barrelled pedicure with the loan forgiveness and the JCPOA but, again, I'll corral any despair and wait to see how things work out.

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Be careful saying nice things about righties. They are bound to revert to type and then youā€™ll have people taking shots at you about ā€œyour olā€™ friend Bill Kristolā€ and thatā€™s so annoying.

Reminds me of Andrew Sullivan, the smug Tory, being all anti-Trump and standing up for our side but as soon as he thought the danger was passed he is back to his racist anti-worker ways again on his blog. Canā€™t trust these people as far as you can throw ā€˜em.

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Hope. Good hope.

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Your prognostications are comforting.

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