TC, you are so punctual in expressing concerns many of us have yet even to articulate, and then as things progress, you have your finger on the pulse and BOOM!! You keep us in the loop. Longer newsletters, short newsletters, bulletins… It’s a gift always to see TC in LA in the inbox. Thank you for your timely diligence and your diligent timeliness! Discernment, addressing issues of perception, focusing on nailing down the most cogent facts. Wow.

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Flattery will get you *everywhere* Katherine. Remember the old Hollywood rule: thebest flattery is t he truth. :-)


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I like that. It aligns well with the Mark Twain quote about telling the truth so you don’t have to remember anything extra. The truth stands alone. My compliments may seem somewhat exuberant because I feel authentic gratitude to be part of the community benefiting from all the you publish, along with others in a sort of clan, if I may call it that. Life turned upside down when my husband passed 18 months ago and I’m still sorting out navigation in this new chapter… But there are definitely opportunities to learn and share and work together for good. A timeless pursuit. So yes, thank you.

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I like your exuberance Katherine. And now I find we share a similar loss at around the same time. I know too well what you mean about "sorting out the navigation."

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I was recalling that timing from your narration of experiences with Parkinson’s with a business partner, I think, and with your wife. I’m so sorry. My dad lived with me in his last years, was a Parkinson’s patient. Mom had died suddenly of a cardiac event, and Dad became an invalid quite quickly. I have a new friend from Norway (will be 84 next month), is an engineer married to a Frenchman, both engineers, and also philanthropists. He has had Parkinson’s since 2014, I believe she said. They go to Tucson every year for a conference about Parkinson’s and she told several of us they expect within several years to have a cure. We were stunned to hear her statement. I’ve thought of asking her for particulars in order to share it here. Apparently there is a key Parkinson’s research center in Tucson, but maybe this is old news for you.

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Thank you for this hopeful news about Parkinson's, Katherine! I'm not religious, but I will pray this is true. My best friend died of multiple sclerosis in 2018, after a long struggle. She was also an RN, and had volunteered for every trial drug or treatment offered, in part because she also hoped to help future patients. One of those younger patients is my sister-n-law, who has had great success controlling the disease with the new medications. BTW: I got my Masters Degree at U of A. Excellent School.

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Seconded 👏

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And his irreverence

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Oh yes! There’s no one like him. A treasure. I love how his voice on current dynamics fills out the picture with HCR, Joyce Vance, Rob Hubbell, Rick Wilson and other key voices that bear us paying attention. And then all his other pursuits… Brilliance! (and I’ll never forget how once there was a post about cats!)

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I promise more cat posts. I need them as much as you do. :-)

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My friends with canine furry friends never reflect any irreverence (referencing Mr. Dalton’s comment) from the relationships. But felines? Cats? ¡Es otra cosa! Dogs: Oh master, what do you need? What may I do for you? Cats: Leave me a message and I’ll get back to you. (Certainly not all the time — But the at times capricious — and even irreverent — nature of the relationship is very very real, as you obviously know and love. :D

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Time to breathe, again! The circular unrelenting negative reporting about Biden should shift to the appropriate target😌😡

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The negativity campaign is industrial strength, Roger Stone, RatFk’g, by a complicit media that has forsaken the concept of legitamacy

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if there's anyone who doesn't follow Margaret Sullivan in The Guardian, the situation should be remedied. she seems to be right more of the time than anyone else in our MSM (actually, it's not "our MSM" is it?) who are turning out to be so pathetic that if you wrote a novel accurately describing their hi-jinks, your editor would tell you to dial it back. I've refused to pick up my NYT for a week or so because it's starting to feel like the Big Editors' calculations are favoring a victory for TFF. they're sure acting like it.

even today, their horrifying asshole of a headline writer is talking about TFF "softening" his position on abortion. obvious horseshit.

as for this weird meme about Biden's "possible" Parkinson's diagnosis...I never for a moment thought there was anything to it. again, have none of these people ever known a stutterer? and this idiot talk about a "Parkinson's specialist" visiting the White House...what the fuck is THAT? last time I checked, these folks are called "neurologists." the White House has been admirable about addressing these concerns. and of course, we have no idea how many times he visited under TFF because there are no records. it's pretty obvious to me that TFF's neurological symptoms are a lot more pronounced and alarming than Biden's. of course, it's sometimes hard to tell because he never actually COULD read, could he?

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The whino Dinos were about four do nothings looking for a cause. Good luck with that. Four out of, what, 273 or something? Thom Hartmann or somebody, Jeff Tiedrich, I think showed what a minscule percentage it was. Tonight, Maxine Waters was on with Chtis Hayes and said under no uncertain terms, the Black community and caucus is solidly behind Biden. Period.

The doubters, looking to make a name for themselves, well,... What were their names????

Great news Tom. I downlosded that report this morning.

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This has been a shoot the foot moment for Dems that plays right into MAGA & Putin's plans and turned the conversation away from Trump 34 counts, the SCOTUS burning of the Constitution and installing him as King, plus Project 2025. Trump's fitness for office, sharks and electric boats, geez... the stable genius! Can we return to having strategic conversation and make an intelligent comparison of Team Biden versus Team Trump composed of cruel criminals hellbent on destroying America? Let's not forget that becoming President again is Trump 's get out of jail card.

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That also goes for The New York Times and its nepo baby publisher, Punchy Sulzberger.

His grandfather was Punch. I honor him for building up the paper's finances, publishing the Pentagon Papers, and writing great (or horrible) puns. The grandson is just punchy.

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Trust fund silverspooner

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Great news. Time to saddle up and ride hard through the Trump front lines to November. No prisoners no quarter along the route.

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The fight has to be frontal, lateral, and ambush so Trump can't retreat the way he's trying to back away from P2025. Time to move on from pointing out lies (They don't care.) to pointing out stupid, as the fool has no clues about defense beyond his own Secret Service, no knowledge of history (Freddie Douglas! Really???), and most importantly, no vision of a better future for all Americans.

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Fight fire with fire:

‘For he shall have judgement without mercy that hath shown no mercy’

Book of James Chapter Two; Verse Thirteen. 🔥

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Well! Look at us. The Dems. We're careening down the campaign trail at breakneck speed, and the air is thick with the acrid smoke of liberal hand-wringing and pearl-clutching!

"But her emails!" they cry. 

"But the debate!" they wail. 

"But he's old!" they scream. 

“Pick me, pick me! they whisper.

It's the same old song and dance, a broken record spinning in the maelstrom of Democratic panic.


Meanwhile, the MAGA beast prowls towards Washington, its grotesque form casting a shadow over the land. If only the Dems could muster half the fire in their bellies to confront this real threat, we might not be teetering on the precipice of Project 2025 being our dystopian future!


To all you armchair strategists and barstool pundits dreaming of a white knight to save us from this fever dream, I challenge you: Name your champion, you starry-eyed dreamers! Tell me how this miracle worker gets on the ballot in all 50 states - a Herculean task that would make Sisyphus weep!  Enlighten us on how they'll conjure up a war chest and political machine in a mere four months. Biden's sitting on a dragon's hoard of cash that won't budge an inch for your fantasy candidate and his political machine will spit in your face!  


Explain to the masses how we're going to subvert the will of the voters based on some tea leaf reading and entrail divination masquerading as polls! Remember how HRC was a shoo-in according to the crystal ball charlatans? What we got was Tang instead of mimosas.


While the Democrats obsess over their Quixotic quest for the perfect candidate, the Republicans are reshaping the political landscape with the subtlety of a sledgehammer and the care of a wrecking ball. They're rigging the game while the opposition debates the color of the chess pieces! Wake up and smell the brimstone!


Project 2025 is lurking in the shadows, and the Supreme Court has laid out the welcome mat for the four horsemen of democracy's apocalypse! It's time to stop fiddling while Rome burns and start fighting the inferno that threatens to engulf us all! The clock is ticking, and history won't wait for you to find your spine.

@E. Jean Carroll @Jena Ball @Lorraine Evanoff

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Brava! I'm about to subscribe to your Substack on the basis of this comment.

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Gloria! I literally swooned! You are a wicked wordsmith!

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Quite the scary bedtime story. If you're 8.

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I think it was a spasm of existential fear about the stakes. Which is both understandable and deeply irritating.

Yes, that exam took place some months ago in February, but also demanding another thorough exam now is unproductive. Will people be demanding them more regularly than every year? Most things don’t go from zero to incapacitating in five months.

In hindsight, participating in the debate probably wasn’t the best idea, even if he responded clearly enough, according to the transcript. But thankfully it occurred in July and not October. It is true that the Trumpian onslaught of lies was staggering, and probably it would have been to anyone, especially since the moderators did nothing to fact check or otherwise address these lies.

His administration continues to be incredibly well run. If and when he needs to be succeeded, he will succeeded by his capable vice president and that ought to be that.

The grassroots continues to be in full support of Biden and the polls have not shifted against Biden.

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Said only like you can say it, TC. Thanks for the update.

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Good news. Onward , all. Let’s vote the Orange Menace into dust.

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Yes, Susan, the main task is that we we must vote the Orange Menace into dust. I wish the tangents & misdirection was in fact settled.

TC is right 'Parkinson's does not work that way. In fact, 'Parkinson's' is my candidate for the most misunderstood medical condition in the United States sometimes with tragic results especially when it is not understood by the patient.

In my career as an attorney, I represented a misdiagnosed Parkinson's (not) patient later properly diagnosed pre-death with an entirely different progressive autonomic disease by neurological experts at a University Medical Center. The patient's disease was verified after an autopsy at a Mayo Clinic Lab.

Today, the White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre ably combated the persistent misinformation & speculation. I hope the matter is settled for everyone as Biden has a NATO Meeting, a full international Press Conference & other urgent matters over the next 3 days.

Indeed, onward.

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Parkinson's is a tragic illness indeed. I had an uncle who suffered from it for years.

It saddens me when the press makes alarming claims that distract the American people from the important work that the Biden Administration and President Biden are doing together for America and the American people. Meeting with NATO is a big deal. A full international Press Conference is a big deal. Why not support Biden in what he is doing rather than trying to tear him down and downplay or minimize the Orange Menace Elephant in the room?

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I just don’t understand. It seemed to me like complete bullshit from the beginning. I never stopped breathing, but maybe that’s the problem - Democrats can’t get their shit together because they are hypoxemic from holding their breath every time some moron says “boo!”

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Thanks for that. As you can see from my comment on your first question about this, I have the same symptoms Biden has, but I'm less fit. I googled and found all sorts of cartoon pictures of people with stooped posture, etc. Could be me, though I seem to pass all the "quick tests" like finger tests. Got me nervous a bit. But it looks like maybe you can have the symptoms of being 80 and over without having it being utterly dire.

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This is my letter to the NYTimes this morning:

Dear editorial board,

While the President’s debate performance was abysmal, his presidency has been highly successful and yet you immediately and repeatedly have called for him to drop out of the race.

Meanwhile, his opponent speaks nonsense, making bizarre statements, telling lies and threatening opponents. Have you demanded he drop out? Have you published daily articles detailing Trump’s every lie and misstatement? No you haven’t. Why do you continue to protect him and normalize his behavior?

It appears you are backing a lying, cheating, con man who wants to upend our constitution and turn our government into a personality cult, over an effective statesman because he’s showing his age. Shame on you.

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Now that’s wonderful. It’s horrifying that these papers refuse to say what we all know what that orange melting jello is: a lying coward bankrupt convicted felon.

He’s also like a 3 yr old throwing tantrums. Never grew up.

I’m realizing daily how what I thought were Pulitzer Prize winning papers are rags much as The Daily News was.

I pity the excellent reporters who must have laotof their reports edited out.

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I’ve seen people with Parkinson’s and Biden doesn’t display any of the telltale signs like uncontrollable tremors in the hands and forearms. He just probably had a bad night, just too bad he had to have it on nationwide TV, but them’s the breaks. Now the Weeping Willies should just shut up and stop wringing their hands already…enough! Too bad we never saw the medical exam reports on trump except for all the superlatives he likes to brag about and what about that weekend colonoscopy that nobody wants to talk about that trump had…hmmm?

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Well stated.

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YAY!!!! Thanks for the update, Tom. I continue to support Joe and Kamala through hell or high water. Now lets get this show rolling for down ticket Democrats too. We need to give Joe a Congress that will work with a for the people President no fascists allowed no matter what they choose to call themselves

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