Um, thanks, TC? This hit me like the 60 mph gale force winds, spiking hail and hammering rain in a black-green sky did an hour ago here in Northern Michigan. Too dark to see what to do first, too stunned to know how to protect us, too real to deny. But we've had warning - all the forecasters, like you. How do we stop the hate storm? (And when I first read Hillbilly Elegy I saw it for the lie it is. Vance turned on Appalachia then, America now).

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(In Texanistan by the Texiban)….”

one parent ripped a teacher’s mask off her face while other parents in that same district yelled at a teacher who was wearing a mask, claiming her doing so made it hard for them to understand what she was saying (the fact she was probably speaking English using polysyllabic words likely contributed to their lack of comprehension).”

My career and calling is teaching. Understandable why the self proclaimed patriots physically attack teachers and their kids (if they have any) take the bullying into the classroom. Any time there was violence or emergency on any campus I work, police response is immediate and swift to the point of locking down a school. In many states such as Florida, there is a school resource officer on campus. The public has a hard time believing that anything “this serious” is happening at the “safest, most cherished bldg-the schoolhouse”. A long disrespect both economically and socially bestowed on teachers make them easy targets for this volley by the self proclaimed violent patriots. I have long been an advocate of starting at whatever intellectual level comes to the table when parents talk with teachers about their kids. Only way to find common ground. However, reflective of TC’s satire that I started my comment with….this is ignorance that is being fueled by intellectuals (Heritage comes to mind) that have found the way to swell the mass by appealing to a low base of common sense and intelligence and igniting their fight or flight sense of panic that they are being knocked off the ladder by someone they perceive below them and this is how to react to that. Fight. It’s very carnal and speaks religiously to desires of the flesh rather than spirit.

It is astounding to me that I have to participate. In that, there are very few calm, rational conversations to hold at, let’s say a school board meeting. They are counting on teachers and people like them to be sheep. To be herded at will. And let’s be clear… there are many politicians on these school boards turning an eye, winking assent, and then pontificating from the dias about the rogues.

There has been a serious miscalculation that TC named as the awakening giant. It is real, trust me. You just cannot attack women (who make up a significant majority of the teaching force in this country) and children who we are all responsible for.

Expect this school situation to become worse but then easily restored. A crushing is coming upon any insurrectionist ripping masks or warring on institutions or onto the wannabes that flash the white power sign at Publix and then claim, “I was just saying A-OK.”

Like I said on the other Substack. I’m feeding the giant Wheaties. We all have the fight or flight within us and are called to think what our response must be. If I hear one more wringing the hands comment, I’m going to lose it. Not because there is blame, but that is because that’s all we have had to do in our modern past before someone else does something about it. This current climate does not feel like that. The battleground is everywhere, in every state. Everyone, check within yourself and form a response. Whether it’s being an activist and bugging the bejeezus out of Washington DC phone lines and emails or perhaps…..just think a bit about the cowboy or cowgirl within yourself and what you are going to do if confronted by someone, for example, staring you down and menacingly in the grocery for wearing a mask. I know what I did and I’ll say it again. When being followed, I stopped my cart and turned suddenly and put the eye on the stalker. And when the piss-ant sped up and walked by me, I reached in my bag and put a second mask over the first. And tossed my hair and lifted my chin and never took my eye off them.

Ok to be afraid. Because I definitely am. But I also am very clear on the limit of my bravado and courage to fight a direct threat upon me and mine.

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A native Southern Californian, I’m surprised it’s the first time I’ve heard of “Orangatang County.” Sure fits. You are a great source of bizarre and fascinating info.

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There was a DJ on "the mighty met" who used to call Orange County Orangatang County. I used to think all the demographic changes there might signify a political change, but nope, the white people down there are still nuts. Mostly.

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Well, I lived in Orange County for about 25 years and now live in my Tennessee hometown. Those 25 years were the best of my life.

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It can be a fun place, so long as you stay away from the local politics.

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All the while the DC Dems shove their thumb up their bum and do nothing but wring their hands. Manchin and Sinema take the heat but they are not the only ones holding everything back.

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