There is a scene toward t he end of Act Two in “Rollerball” (the first release, starring James Caan, the one worth watching) in which “Jonathan E” is allowed to go to Geneva, where the computer that runs the world is housed, to ask questions of it.
Tom, being largely incompetent may have been true of T-One, but T-2 has some real smart zealots who have planned for years, and Muck has brought engineers who know how to move fast in tech and "break things" while doing disruptive shit. This CDC crap and the OPM lockout reveal some real shite is coming down.
I'd submit that they are clearly going big and targeting big stuff, like OPM and the federal payments system, locking out the career managers. They are surely making news with their fuckups but what dogs are *not* barking? What could they do with control over the multi-trillion dollar payments system? And what has Elmo's bros got to do with that?
Responded to my U.S. Rep's announcement of his support of military personnel without COVID Vax being welcomed back into the army:
"What? You support Trump's plan to return soldiers who are unvaccinated to service? And you were a Lt. General? This 50 year registered nurse, educated via a National Health Service Corps scholarship as a public health nurse, and then proudly served 2 years in Appalachia, making sure West Virginia children were vaccinated, is appalled and terrified by this action. Please do not support this dangerous political move. And why would you support a position (anti-vaxing) that can kill your own constituents.
I can still remember standing in line at school to get the Sabin polio vaccine and swallowing the little sugar cube with the vaccine in it. I also remember the annual visit to the doctor for all the mandated vaccines. The policy then was no vaccinations, no school. Nowadays, who knows what the policy is from week to week? With this Felon34 Maladministration, who knows, polio might make a comeback like the TB outbreak in Kansas…
There's so much to cover, it's almost impossible to keep up. Now we have two back-to-back air crashes, a purge at DOJ, and Musk taking over data and locking out senior officials, which amounts to a coup. I don't know how you do it, but I appreciate it very much.
“It is shocking to realize how Project 2025 amounts to a war against modern society. Those reading this who are older than 75 can remember what life was like without the polio vaccine, without the measles and mumps vaccines. I escaped polio, but I came down with both measles and mumps before age 5, and I can still remember how difficult dealing with those was.”
I think they want to usher out (eliminate) the “old society“, the people who know about life up to now along with most of their history, and usher in new programmable babies to be whatever they want them to be.
One of the absolutely weirdest statements to come out of this administration so far has to be "any such changes should be considered 'routine.'"
The first I heard of this going on was on an email associated with Jessica Valenti's Abortion, Every Day Substack I'm not familiar enough with Substack to understand why some emails from authors don't link to their Substacks, but although that link will take you to her most recent article it won't take you to the email content where she writes: "As I was finishing up this piece about the first post-Roe indictment of an abortion provider, a doctor friend of mine tipped me off that the CDC was deleting all of the documents having to do with sexual health, reproductive rights, intimate partner violence, and anything else the Trump administration finds suspect.
Fuck that. I’ve been downloading and saving every pertinent document I can find, and I’m hosting them at I’ll be adding more documents throughout the weekend, and please tip me off if there’s more I should add."
One of the pertinent points here is that not only is research data being deleted, but apparently information for the public which was made available with the intention of providing trustworthy guidance on health issues.
It kind of makes me mad that all of this data hasn't already been snagged and secured. I, who have no particular access to information or news beyond what is available to all, have been posting like a mad rabbit that people who work for the government need to secure their information, their access codes in the case of those who have been "relieved" of their positions in ways that may not be legal (since if it turns out the courts agree they could be held accountable for what happens on their computers etc during the last days of their terms or jobs), and wherever legal make copies. How can this be catching anyone by surprise? I guess because we've always thought we were safe in America we're inclined to be caught by surprise by that famous river in Africa, denial.
My daughter on advice of her pediatrician (she’s 31) wasn’t chicken pox vaccinated until she was 12. At issue was the efficacy of the vaccine then available. After moving my new pediatrician looked at me as if I were a monster. Glad I didn’t cave to the then popular group infection.
I’ll never forget my grandfather feeding me a dill pickle when I had mumps.
We’ve got to get ahead of all this somehow instead of playing catch-up. Unseating Musk is key, and while I think Trump may be tiring of his antics, Musk is obviously still useful him. We need to beat the “President Musk” drumbeat loudly and constantly. Or maybe it’s “Emperor Musk”?
Elmo needs "termination... with extreme prejudice." Maybe the Brits could assign a couple "double-O" agents to the problem, since he's a major problem to them, too, and they don't have any laws against termination of enemies.
I worry that Elon may not be as expendable as we all wish. Since he has been able to enforce that every spineless GOP vote exactly as he/FF tells them to under threat of him, via the power of his money, make their lives miserable if they don't, then I'm sure it hasn't escaped FF's notice that in fact, Elon could probably also turn upon FF and do likewise to him. I can think of myriad ways that would work.
Messing with data and studies on NIH and CDC websites is horrifying! As someone with a medical background, I can tell you that losing data and disrupting clinical trials can devastate the entire country, not just now but for years into the future. They have no idea what they've done or the ramifications their actions will have. What a disaster! God help us.
The way I see it is they know what they’re doing but understand only some of the ramifications. Their minds are not organically grounded. Their minds or brains are very much like AI. They lack the genius component of a creative mind.
They can experience glee but not joy. They’re similar to terrorists and school shooters. Most people can’t allow themselves to fathom the danger we are in. It’s like we’ve been bitten by a poisonous spider and are now paralyzed while we watch the spider wrap us up.
Thank Tom. Obviously un-president dimwit has absolutely no understanding of science, the scientific methodology. or any subject understandable to people who quit learning in 2nd grade elementary school, I hope some scientists had the integrity to store this information in the cloud
This also happened - to a certain degree - at the beginning of Trump's first "tour." Specifically, I remember NOAA was afraid their weather data would disappear, and was urging scientists to download and save before January 20, 2016. I'm not sure what the final outcome was there.
But also, and I understand I'm no internet wiz, but is that data possibly also still available via the internet wayback machine? (Possibly not, if behind password-protected walls?)
Perhaps someone with more knowledge than me can weigh in?
This is as dangerous as the cry baby bully having the nuclear codes to play with. I see a trend. As they succeed in one level of depravity, without significant pushback, they (any Repub, including low-level scum) gains the courage to keep pushing, In ways that I couldn’t fathom as chump demonstrated his carnival-barker skills. Now it’s Katy bar the door. Except that the threat to us all has metastasized into every aspect of our being. There is no fence to keep evil out. There is no vaccine to immunize us against our fellow men. There is no treatment once the cult has sucked your blood. And the threats morph into different shapes and iterations. Project 2025 (current iteration but has a history that goes back many years) has done a better job of covering all bases than I ever imagined. The redux is infinitely more dangerous than the first bumbling disaster. Knowledge is our weapon to fight back. TC’s missive’s give us badly needed information. And information is the strength of the future. If only our MSM had a clue.
Tom, being largely incompetent may have been true of T-One, but T-2 has some real smart zealots who have planned for years, and Muck has brought engineers who know how to move fast in tech and "break things" while doing disruptive shit. This CDC crap and the OPM lockout reveal some real shite is coming down.
So far, the zealots and Elmo's "move fast team" are the ones doing the fucking up.
I'd submit that they are clearly going big and targeting big stuff, like OPM and the federal payments system, locking out the career managers. They are surely making news with their fuckups but what dogs are *not* barking? What could they do with control over the multi-trillion dollar payments system? And what has Elmo's bros got to do with that?
They will learn how to do some things a tad less obvious…
Responded to my U.S. Rep's announcement of his support of military personnel without COVID Vax being welcomed back into the army:
"What? You support Trump's plan to return soldiers who are unvaccinated to service? And you were a Lt. General? This 50 year registered nurse, educated via a National Health Service Corps scholarship as a public health nurse, and then proudly served 2 years in Appalachia, making sure West Virginia children were vaccinated, is appalled and terrified by this action. Please do not support this dangerous political move. And why would you support a position (anti-vaxing) that can kill your own constituents.
Please. Thank You.
Because he plans on doing things that will appall even his devoted constituents.
I can still remember standing in line at school to get the Sabin polio vaccine and swallowing the little sugar cube with the vaccine in it. I also remember the annual visit to the doctor for all the mandated vaccines. The policy then was no vaccinations, no school. Nowadays, who knows what the policy is from week to week? With this Felon34 Maladministration, who knows, polio might make a comeback like the TB outbreak in Kansas…
There's so much to cover, it's almost impossible to keep up. Now we have two back-to-back air crashes, a purge at DOJ, and Musk taking over data and locking out senior officials, which amounts to a coup. I don't know how you do it, but I appreciate it very much.
I also would like to think that the scientists in question already had kept their data. And if not ... I'm surprised.
They will hide it in a closet now.
“It is shocking to realize how Project 2025 amounts to a war against modern society. Those reading this who are older than 75 can remember what life was like without the polio vaccine, without the measles and mumps vaccines. I escaped polio, but I came down with both measles and mumps before age 5, and I can still remember how difficult dealing with those was.”
Measles: The darkened bedroom. Mumps: The special chocolate milk for me from the milk man.
Chicken Pox: The sore that never healed...
Polio: my neighbor friend in an iron lung...
I think they want to usher out (eliminate) the “old society“, the people who know about life up to now along with most of their history, and usher in new programmable babies to be whatever they want them to be.
One of the absolutely weirdest statements to come out of this administration so far has to be "any such changes should be considered 'routine.'"
The first I heard of this going on was on an email associated with Jessica Valenti's Abortion, Every Day Substack I'm not familiar enough with Substack to understand why some emails from authors don't link to their Substacks, but although that link will take you to her most recent article it won't take you to the email content where she writes: "As I was finishing up this piece about the first post-Roe indictment of an abortion provider, a doctor friend of mine tipped me off that the CDC was deleting all of the documents having to do with sexual health, reproductive rights, intimate partner violence, and anything else the Trump administration finds suspect.
Fuck that. I’ve been downloading and saving every pertinent document I can find, and I’m hosting them at I’ll be adding more documents throughout the weekend, and please tip me off if there’s more I should add."
One of the pertinent points here is that not only is research data being deleted, but apparently information for the public which was made available with the intention of providing trustworthy guidance on health issues.
It kind of makes me mad that all of this data hasn't already been snagged and secured. I, who have no particular access to information or news beyond what is available to all, have been posting like a mad rabbit that people who work for the government need to secure their information, their access codes in the case of those who have been "relieved" of their positions in ways that may not be legal (since if it turns out the courts agree they could be held accountable for what happens on their computers etc during the last days of their terms or jobs), and wherever legal make copies. How can this be catching anyone by surprise? I guess because we've always thought we were safe in America we're inclined to be caught by surprise by that famous river in Africa, denial.
My daughter on advice of her pediatrician (she’s 31) wasn’t chicken pox vaccinated until she was 12. At issue was the efficacy of the vaccine then available. After moving my new pediatrician looked at me as if I were a monster. Glad I didn’t cave to the then popular group infection.
I’ll never forget my grandfather feeding me a dill pickle when I had mumps.
“Maladministration” is right. These people have got to be stopped.
We’ve got to get ahead of all this somehow instead of playing catch-up. Unseating Musk is key, and while I think Trump may be tiring of his antics, Musk is obviously still useful him. We need to beat the “President Musk” drumbeat loudly and constantly. Or maybe it’s “Emperor Musk”?
Elmo needs "termination... with extreme prejudice." Maybe the Brits could assign a couple "double-O" agents to the problem, since he's a major problem to them, too, and they don't have any laws against termination of enemies.
Really? I thought that was an international law? Rule? Gentleperson's agreement? Hmmm...
I worry that Elon may not be as expendable as we all wish. Since he has been able to enforce that every spineless GOP vote exactly as he/FF tells them to under threat of him, via the power of his money, make their lives miserable if they don't, then I'm sure it hasn't escaped FF's notice that in fact, Elon could probably also turn upon FF and do likewise to him. I can think of myriad ways that would work.
Messing with data and studies on NIH and CDC websites is horrifying! As someone with a medical background, I can tell you that losing data and disrupting clinical trials can devastate the entire country, not just now but for years into the future. They have no idea what they've done or the ramifications their actions will have. What a disaster! God help us.
The way I see it is they know what they’re doing but understand only some of the ramifications. Their minds are not organically grounded. Their minds or brains are very much like AI. They lack the genius component of a creative mind.
They can experience glee but not joy. They’re similar to terrorists and school shooters. Most people can’t allow themselves to fathom the danger we are in. It’s like we’ve been bitten by a poisonous spider and are now paralyzed while we watch the spider wrap us up.
Exactly what it feels like
Read Robert Hubble’s Substack from about a half hour ago.
I just did, he believes in action. Wish I weren’t so old, broke, and infirm.
You can still inspire others with your words.
They know what the ramifications are. They are overjoyed. Especially our SC
All hail King Musk!!
Thank Tom. Obviously un-president dimwit has absolutely no understanding of science, the scientific methodology. or any subject understandable to people who quit learning in 2nd grade elementary school, I hope some scientists had the integrity to store this information in the cloud
JESUS H. CHRIST! What a fucking disaster! I always share your newsletters Tom but this one to our son who is a primary care doc.
This also happened - to a certain degree - at the beginning of Trump's first "tour." Specifically, I remember NOAA was afraid their weather data would disappear, and was urging scientists to download and save before January 20, 2016. I'm not sure what the final outcome was there.
But also, and I understand I'm no internet wiz, but is that data possibly also still available via the internet wayback machine? (Possibly not, if behind password-protected walls?)
Perhaps someone with more knowledge than me can weigh in?
This is as dangerous as the cry baby bully having the nuclear codes to play with. I see a trend. As they succeed in one level of depravity, without significant pushback, they (any Repub, including low-level scum) gains the courage to keep pushing, In ways that I couldn’t fathom as chump demonstrated his carnival-barker skills. Now it’s Katy bar the door. Except that the threat to us all has metastasized into every aspect of our being. There is no fence to keep evil out. There is no vaccine to immunize us against our fellow men. There is no treatment once the cult has sucked your blood. And the threats morph into different shapes and iterations. Project 2025 (current iteration but has a history that goes back many years) has done a better job of covering all bases than I ever imagined. The redux is infinitely more dangerous than the first bumbling disaster. Knowledge is our weapon to fight back. TC’s missive’s give us badly needed information. And information is the strength of the future. If only our MSM had a clue.