Well, as Rick Wilson said, "Everything Trump touches dies." Truth Social is just another dead thing in tfg's portfolio.

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Hey, trump’s reputation as a “financial genius” is a total fabrication, straight out of some Hollywood script on “reality TV”…but the projected image was bought into by so many rubes who will never admit they got conned and the media just lets it slide because the circus is good for ratings, so the scam will continue and investors will jump on the bandwagon until the bubble bursts then it’s on to the next shiny object…lots of fools out there with money to throw away.

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Bad news for the melting orange jello

is uplifting news for me to see. Thank you TC for the stock slide 🛝 I read @ five today. Oh so lovely….

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And still the stock for this disaster-heap is selling. It has been as low as, I think 31, just before the trial started. And then....

What a great way to make a contribution to trump without pesky FEC rules. The buyers identities are in the public record. Trump won't pay attention to they guy who buys 100 shares. But the big buyers? Right up there on the list of loyalists. So what if he can't spend it yet? Some day soon....you will have put funds in his pocket. With no limits whatsoever as to how much.

Let's hear it for Darkish Money.

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Good call. But it is up to all of us to stop this. Nobody is going to save us from ourselves 😊🐿️

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Poor, poor wittle Donnie. It's

breaking my heart, TC. 🤣

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Devin Nunes, TS's supplicant CEO, draws a salary of 1M/year.

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Devin isn’t going to lose his piece of the pie.

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The gold sneakers & blasphemous bibles may just end up in Ripley's believe it or not.or did he he actually sell a lot of them ? At least there's room for some levity there. Most of the cons are feeling like quicksand coming faster than accountability .

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Everything and everyone Trump touches seems gag me. He has come to symbolize the face of America we don’t want to see. But it’s there nevertheless and somehow, someway, we have to reckon with it.

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There isn't a day goes by I don't wish for a pandemic that only kills all Republicans.

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Not sorry to say I agree

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"The truth? You can't stand the truth!!"

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Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.

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Will a poverty-stricken chump appeal to MAGAts or to the real rich. Only if they continue to prop him up and keep pretending that he has a few human characteristics. What fools we mortals be.

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That’s a good one and I needed a laugh this morning 🙏

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