The New York Times, which is capable of covering foreign politics because Nepo Baby Sulzberger doesn't care if Macron calls him to complain, had reported on how left-leaning groups in France unite when threatened by fascists. Maybe we could learn something from that.

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Ya think?

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Lte us hope that the anti fascist virus spreading in France is highly contagious.

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Ransom & Labour has taken over in the UK in a Landslide. The new PM, Keir Starmer was a human rights lawyer but, he does more now than wear a wig in the Queen's court.

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This, added to the election results in the UK . . . a star rises over the dark horizon.

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Remember Jan, that's the side the SUN rises on! Let there be LIGHT!

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This is great and should give us all more hope. With this and the UK election results, the light is spilling into the tunnel. And a reminder of what we already know, that we must pull together and do the work necessary to inform and get the vote out to defeat the felon and his fascist ilk. There are more of us and we can do it.

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Yes we can!!!

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For real????? My phone was off “do not disturb” setting so a friend could access when she called me… So there are the perpetual drop-down flags as other things come in because I’m now disturbable. (I trained my grandson, whom we raised, to knock lightly and ask, “Are you interruptible?” so we could have a sense of balance when I was tending to my tasks and he to his.) So our awesome Mr. TCinLA has done quite a bit of publishing today, but when this flag dropped down, I experienced near disbelief combined with exuberant joy! And I see already several comments! Yes, we can learn from this! Such dismal projections in the polls and now this! woot woot!!!!!

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It should never have been this close, and may it never be this close again.

I realized recently that I tend to hold Europeans to a higher standard as WW2 largely happened right in their front yard. Americans mostly seem to need to personally experience a thing for it to be true, sometimes.

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American losses were beyond memorable, but the destruction was elsewhere. Surely the generations of the great generation could remember those who gave the last measure for them. Sadly, not in my family.

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Many of those who survived have since passed, without that history passed down - another reality of PTSD.

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I have reminded my family of those who died and were maimed. No excuse.

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I felt like I could breathe, after I heard the fabulous outcome of the French election! I am way BEYOND happy!! France is where I intend to move with my family if the orange sadist takes over in 2025. Already have the house ready for sale, and will just rent until we know what's going to happen. I love France, and have been so upset when it looked like the evil Le Pen was finally going to win on her fourth try. Now... if we could have such a happy outcome here in November. PRAYING

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I love France, too; lived there as a 12 year old for a year ('65-'66), and I was so relieved to hear the news maybe an hour or two ago!

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What a wonderful experience for a child! How nice that we share our joy!

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It was a wonderful experience, and it was my mother's doing. (I don't think she had to push my father too hard, but I don't think he'd have done it without her pushing for it.) She was the adventurous parent with the aesthetic sensibilities.

Here's my first published story that's sort of about the year in Paris


(Ignore the title—should have been In Search of Lost Time—With Apologies to Proust.)

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Love the story David. I hung out with a group of friends in the late 60s and one of the guys had a Peugeot, not sure of the vintage but I think early 60s. We had some great and wild times traveling around the SF Bay Area in that car. It wasn’t Paris but full of good memories.

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I think I would have really liked knowing you "back in the day," Karen.

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Same here Tom!

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My family of origin lived in Stanford '70-'71. I had driven the '62 Falcon--my father's beater--across the country, having asked for it instead of a plane ticket as both had about the same value. (they probably would have given me the Peugeot (pictured in the story, across the street from our Paris apartment, photo by me) and I'd regret more not having asked for it if I thought I could have kept it going all these years.) I got a girlfriend across the street kitty-corner from us, and she and I would drive into SF and walk all over, or go to the ocean. At Gunn High School, I learned to tune the Falcon. But I didn't have the patience for major auto repair.

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I bought a Honda CVCC "Civic" in 1975. After discovering that most American mechanics then had no clue what to do with those cars, I got a mechanically-adept friend to teach me basic tune ups and maintained the car myself. You could buy a manual for it that was about the size of a phone book, that had every single process for everything in it, with step-by-step instructions and illustrated with photos that had arrows pointing at the things you had to deal with. I did a ring and valve job on it, following that manual. Of course, that was all back when you could work on cars, something that's impossible now.

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“Is this a good car or a bad car?” Whoa! An existentialist at four years old?! :-)

Your parents were marvelous!! True adventurers! Where did they teach, if you don't mind my asking? and what subjects? (Do you teach as well?) Your story is beautifully written. It literally flows. When you said that you were in France for a year, I thought it was probably for a sabbatical, and remembered that my brother, who teaches Genetics at UMich, and his wife took their children for a sabbatical in France when they were young. Wish my parents had done that!! I was blessed to be able to spend a month each summer living on a boat of the coast of Bretagne for a few years in the 80's.

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Thank you KD!

The Chevy was a station wagon, and the wheel wells swelled up into the passenger compartment, and at first view, I didn't think I liked them, as I climbed around in the car on the showroom floor. And that is exactly what I asked myself in the car in the showroom. But I quickly got myself used to them.

My parents met as Harvard grad students in economics. My father's specialty was the USSR, and he'd been fortunate enough to spend 15 months there during WWII, learning the language. His first job was at the University of Washington, where my mother, who had switched to psych, was a grad student. But alas, UW had nepotism rules, and my mother did not want--and probably would not have been hired--at the Jesuit college in Seattle. They both taught in their respective fields for many years at Tufts.

While we were still in Seattle, when I was 2 or 3, unbeknownst to me until decades later, after both were gone, she'd diagnosed me with autism. (In '55 or '56.) I think one of the very early experts was in the psych dept at UW. When I was 11, she told a friend--that family was spending the summer on Squirrel Island off Maine, but were normally in Berkeley, where we never lived although i went to school there, and the friend told her daughter, who I still occasionally keep up with, and the daughter told me a couple of years ago, after she read the story below, telling me my quirks were classic, like her son's. I think my mother told THAT friend because she knew it wouldn't get out among any of her other friends, and that she probably felt she needed to tell SOMEONE. (I asked my mother's best friend--still alive and sharp--even drives long distances--in her mid to late 90s, and she'd never been told.)


My paternal grandparents were NYC school teachers, my grandfather having had a couple of future Nobel Laureates in the physics class he taught. My mother's mother was one of the first female Coloradans to get a PhD (1915), and her maternal uncle ran the Colorado Democratic Party for most of the first half of the last century. The Hornbeins were considered Jewish Royalty of Denver, as TC was aware without my telling him. Another Hornbein, from Missouri, who later was head of anaesthesiology at UW (we didn't overlap, alas), left that name close to Everest's summit--the Hornbein Couloir from the US expedition in 1963.

I'd never been interested in mountaineering--my big adventure was to ride my bicycle from Seattle to Boston--but the winter before last, I decided I should read his book, and do enough other reading so that I could understand his achievement. (I'd met him a few weeks before the bicycle trip.) I read his book, Everest, and then I read Jon Krakauer's Into Thin Air. Then I reread both. At that point, I thought I would be ready to talk to Tom Hornbein in a day or two. I googled impulsively. Up came an obit. He'd died a couple of days earlier, of leukemia. He was only 92. Another Hornbein had lived to 104. My brother, then in his mid 60s, and fit had visited Tom maybe 8 years earlier, and had had trouble keeping up with him hiking. Here's what I think is the most interesting of the many obits.


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THANK YOU SO MUCH for this fascinating information!!! I will be able to spend more time rereading it a little later on today! As always, you write so beautifully. Interesting the connection between your (obviously very high-functioning) autism, and your thoughts about the Chevy. My older brother, also extremely intelligent, has autism and approached the world as a child in a similar way.

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My sister and I bicycled Bretagne in May of '87, which was a very nice trip except for the headwinds. But I'd love to have had a month there for multiple years.

And, my mother was the adventurer. My father just went along with it. Although he did have quite the adventure being sent to USSR during WWII (what is now Ukraine). And staying after the GIs were told they could go home (he REALLY wanted to learn the language, and he loved being there. So maybe I'm not crediting him where credit is due.) We have a couple of hours on CDs of his being interviewed about being there by someone from the BBC (probably Martin Sixsmith). We're damn lucky for that!

Were your parents college profs? And if so, what fields? And you?

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My father taught Sociology at U Mich and then at UNC. Gerhard Lenski. Since I've always been interested in genetics and psychiatry, I've done some delving into family history given my older brother's autism. I've come to realize (my Dad agreed with me), that he, his father (a minister with a PhD in History), and his father's father (a PhD in Divinity and a famous theologian) all had Asperger's -- now said to be on the Autism Spectrum. When I started looking at my patients, I realized a genetic pattern in most of my ASD patients, as well. My younger brother teaches Genetics at Mich. State. (Funny, because we moved to NC when my little brother was 6 -- but he ended up back in Michigan as an adult!) His son is a Physicist. Neither of them have are on the ASD. I am certain, however, that my older sister is on the ASD. I am a retired Psychiatrist. I was in private practice for over 30 years but chose not to teach. I loved all of my patients and every minute of my work. (Sorry I haven't answered your message above! And no time right now. Lots of stuff going on for these couple of days. I want to give it proper attention.)

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I loved languages and studied French, Russian, and Chinese in college. I was a History major, and they were my "crip" courses. I ended up going back to school and had to do (all but one course) for a degree in Chemistry in order to get into med school. I went back to my hometown of Ann Arbor for an 8-week intensive foreign language class. That's fascinating about your Dad. Yes, he was definitely an adventurer in his own way! (And what a horrible place to have to serve during WW II. Thank God he made it out alive.

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Good for the French. I'd go bananas with all those parties. Actually I prefer a three party system: Liberal Progressive; Centrist Moderate; Fiscally Conservative.

Ignoring the lunatic fringe groups, anarchists, fascists, libertarians, true communisits, and true socialists - alhough the only ones I personally fear are the fascists.

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The polls were wrong? How could that be??

<sarcasm font; I want you to avoid the sarchasm>

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Has the fascist fever finally broken? I sure hope so. Thanks for all your hard work posting today Tom.

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The UK and now France. Poland pulled the plug on the PiS Party. The Fascists never quit and like Bitterroot are hard to pull out of the ground. Who knows? With more Americans getting a look at the "heritage foundation" project 2025 the stakes for our election become clearer every day. Now. What everyone needs is for the democrats to stop running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Worse than that, shooting off their mouths before engaging their brains. The focus must be defeating the gop from the top of the ballot to the bottom...in every state, not just the 5-7 that figure so prominently in that colossal anti-democracy "college called electoral". We must turn out millions of voters. One reason LePen's Party came in 3rd was the huge turnout, the highest in 40 years! In this election there must be a huge turnout for democracy. Then we must keep turning out to hold every elected person accountable to and for democracy and democratic institutions.

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The problem "Democrats" are all from the corporate/DINO wing of the party.

Quelle Surprise.

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I call them corporatist.Whitmer is that type although she and the small majorities in both houses of the legislature have done a pretty decent job correcting what almost 40 years of gop legislative control had done to the state. It took a huge turnout two years ago and our new voting districts adopted by an independent commission. When Whitmer served in the state senate she was 14 years in the minority.

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I see the corporatist wing of the Dems as the group that can make it "comfortable and almost acceptable" for centrists and some old school Republicans to hew left. They are necessary even though their influence is out of proportion with their virtue. As for Whitmer, she's calmed things down and de-Englerized MI. (She has great lieutenants in Nessel, AG, and Benson, SOS.) The DeVoses have been driven underground for now, but Erik Prince, Betsy's bro, a snake in the grass, is active with the burn-it-all-down 2025ers.

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Indeed. I agree. She has a good team around her. Benson could be a solid governor. My concern is to keep and if possible grow the democratic majority in the legislature.

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Legislature and the courts.

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Once again the polls got it wrong…looks like more of the same over here for the most part. I gave up on polls after 2016 when the so-called “experts” called it for Hillary too soon, and just like they crowned Dewey back in 1948. Enough with the polls already…too much cherry picking of respondents and their resultant skewed findings.

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Yay! One item to cross off the worry list😅!

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I’m sorry. The Left tires me out. I went to Berkeley High School in the ‘60’s when the flirting line was, “When the Revolution comes, what side are you going to be on?” This is not glamorous stuff on either side the right or the left. Meet in the center, “ show up, shut up, and get s**T done”

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This and the UK results are so encouraging -- but not to forget: in the European parliamentary systems there are multiple parties and it's usually not too hard to identify which one(s) prioritize the interests of working people. Not so in the U.S. Here we have two major parties, both of which have been shaped (or warped, or traumatized) by the anti-socialist drumbeat for going on two centuries. What this means is though the best Democratic officeholders support economic justice (etc.), the bankrollers often do not.

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Ranked choice voting would fix the vote splitting issue.

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