It never occurred to me I'd live long enough to see even the inadequate 2 party system crash and burn. Between the current gop crowd (whoever they are and wherever they are - the ones in Michigan may as well have been at the Alabama rally booing) gerrymandered so effectively into office, we also have a democratic party that adheres to certain "unityspeek" which just drives me around the bend. I hate to say it but gerrymanders everywhere have given democrats permission to hide most of the time and gopers an excuse for NEVER listening to constituents UNLESS they've paid their way into the rep or senator's office inner sanctum. 2022 cannot come soon enough for me. There will be new districts in Michigan drawn by 13 citizens and not directly by political parties. Everyone will have a chance to comment. But the usual suspects are loading up their bank accounts with donations from the "white wing" - aka DeVos, Koch, the Heritage Foundation and all their little statewide 'heritages', the state and national Chamber of Commerce - that bastion of middle class support - to mount huge judicial attacks in Michigan. AND we have our own version of terrorist organizations who don't even begin to hide behind religion like the guys in Afghanistan and Pakistan (who is by the way reaping the reward of all their back room dealing) but who will use right/white wing religious money making enterprises to curtail everyone's access to the ballot. Of course when you're gerrymandered what does your vote mean anyway? It's like voting in Belarus or in Russia or Turkey for that matter. Too bad Americans, so long under-educated, do not know what the **** is going on.
I continue to have hope for us in Michigan, Linda. I say this, though, as our County Commission just passed a proposal (5-1) prohibiting vaccine mandates (even over entities not under their control) and requiring our public health nurses to tell folks coming in for COVID vaccines to ask their doctors about "risks and benefits" of the shot which sets up a false narrative that the risks outweigh benefits. And further, the Commission is on a mission to have every county in the country pass the same deadly proposal. But, I still have hope: We in Michigan did vote in the nonpartisan redistricting commission (and it is hard at work), along with Governor Whitmer, AG Nessel and Secretary of State Benson. We have to start from the ground up rebuilding American democracy - at PTAs, Library Boards, Township Boards, City Councils. A lot of work, but doable. In the meantime I keep an eye on my Proud Boy neighbor, which is difficult these days since he's taken to walking around his yard naked. Is this a new order from above?
I suppose it'll take too long to abolish electoral college and implement ranked choice voting nationwide? Would ranked choice also obviate the need for a two-party system?
“White Winger”. Oh that’s good. Here in FL, my “Little Engine That Could” political groups and one PAC are paying attention and reaching out to the “Republican Conservatives getting worried about their party getting too whack-a-mo”. I think your estimate of 20% is close to estimating the group of radical Bubbas and their lot who have gone around the bend of reality. BUT, I also think we are at a moment with Covid and this mask war that tge 20% could decrease.
I’m making clear my line in the sand but my door is open to any who once found the radical antics somewhat amusing and “safe” but see it for what it really has become and actually what it always was designed to be by Heritage and their f*cking lot.
Thank you, TC, for the Ulysses S. Grant comment. Amazingly prescient.
"Here is a thing that is true: The optimal mode for a democratic political systyem is the possession of (at least) two healthy political parties in competition for the support of a majority of voters.
That’s how you get the yin and yang cycle of progress followed by reform.
America is not currently in this mode."
Yes. This statement should be the basis of every civics, government and history class, and every Presidential address. The goal of the Kochs and other deceit-ers is to erase competition, whether in capital or capitols.
It never occurred to me I'd live long enough to see even the inadequate 2 party system crash and burn. Between the current gop crowd (whoever they are and wherever they are - the ones in Michigan may as well have been at the Alabama rally booing) gerrymandered so effectively into office, we also have a democratic party that adheres to certain "unityspeek" which just drives me around the bend. I hate to say it but gerrymanders everywhere have given democrats permission to hide most of the time and gopers an excuse for NEVER listening to constituents UNLESS they've paid their way into the rep or senator's office inner sanctum. 2022 cannot come soon enough for me. There will be new districts in Michigan drawn by 13 citizens and not directly by political parties. Everyone will have a chance to comment. But the usual suspects are loading up their bank accounts with donations from the "white wing" - aka DeVos, Koch, the Heritage Foundation and all their little statewide 'heritages', the state and national Chamber of Commerce - that bastion of middle class support - to mount huge judicial attacks in Michigan. AND we have our own version of terrorist organizations who don't even begin to hide behind religion like the guys in Afghanistan and Pakistan (who is by the way reaping the reward of all their back room dealing) but who will use right/white wing religious money making enterprises to curtail everyone's access to the ballot. Of course when you're gerrymandered what does your vote mean anyway? It's like voting in Belarus or in Russia or Turkey for that matter. Too bad Americans, so long under-educated, do not know what the **** is going on.
I continue to have hope for us in Michigan, Linda. I say this, though, as our County Commission just passed a proposal (5-1) prohibiting vaccine mandates (even over entities not under their control) and requiring our public health nurses to tell folks coming in for COVID vaccines to ask their doctors about "risks and benefits" of the shot which sets up a false narrative that the risks outweigh benefits. And further, the Commission is on a mission to have every county in the country pass the same deadly proposal. But, I still have hope: We in Michigan did vote in the nonpartisan redistricting commission (and it is hard at work), along with Governor Whitmer, AG Nessel and Secretary of State Benson. We have to start from the ground up rebuilding American democracy - at PTAs, Library Boards, Township Boards, City Councils. A lot of work, but doable. In the meantime I keep an eye on my Proud Boy neighbor, which is difficult these days since he's taken to walking around his yard naked. Is this a new order from above?
I suppose it'll take too long to abolish electoral college and implement ranked choice voting nationwide? Would ranked choice also obviate the need for a two-party system?
'White Winger"? Love it!
“White Winger”. Oh that’s good. Here in FL, my “Little Engine That Could” political groups and one PAC are paying attention and reaching out to the “Republican Conservatives getting worried about their party getting too whack-a-mo”. I think your estimate of 20% is close to estimating the group of radical Bubbas and their lot who have gone around the bend of reality. BUT, I also think we are at a moment with Covid and this mask war that tge 20% could decrease.
I’m making clear my line in the sand but my door is open to any who once found the radical antics somewhat amusing and “safe” but see it for what it really has become and actually what it always was designed to be by Heritage and their f*cking lot.
Thank you, TC, for the Ulysses S. Grant comment. Amazingly prescient.
Yes, I am always OK with welcoming someone who "sees the light." Politics doesn't work otherwise.
"Here is a thing that is true: The optimal mode for a democratic political systyem is the possession of (at least) two healthy political parties in competition for the support of a majority of voters.
That’s how you get the yin and yang cycle of progress followed by reform.
America is not currently in this mode."
Yes. This statement should be the basis of every civics, government and history class, and every Presidential address. The goal of the Kochs and other deceit-ers is to erase competition, whether in capital or capitols.
can only hope for the 8 x 10 in Sing Sing with reservations for iDJT and his minions, but I fear SCOTUS will let them off