What has happened to “groomer” Matt Gratz? The Krazees are drinking too much kool
Aid. Thank you TC for sharing your insights. It id incredulous the theories the “repugnicans” keep spewing forth.
I’m doing what I can everyday to be more informed of my local elections --the “dark money”’has been working these for years and look at was is happening in so many states!
Im hoping the select committee for Jan 6th has a strategy to pull the rig out from under these “krazees” before the midterm elections in November.
Re: Disney--while listening to an NPR broadcast today, it seems Disney may benefit from the “krazee” governors revenge tactics and Floridians will have to share more of the tax bill. Under the current Disney arrangement, Disney takes care of all emergencies, ie. Fire, rescue,EMS etc. --with the new rules, you will have to rely on the county EMS to take care of your heart attack at Disney--on the taxpayers dime.
There's a big problem for Governor Insanity in Florida - the voters in the Reedy district have to vote to end it. It's not up to the governor or the legislature. They're too stupid to even read their own laws and understand what is what. It's pure performance.
I hope DeSantis has bitten off more than he can chew. I am not a fan of big corporations, but wielding the power of the state to punish a corporation or a person for expressing an opinion contrary to a governor’s is dangerous!
My father’s mother was a “Bircher” back in the ‘60’s. We all thought she was gullible and naïve to believe such crazy mess that was not true. She contributed money and received mailings with the wild ideas of Fred Koch, father of the infamous Koch brothers. Things that seem too wildly unbalanced to be true often are, people being sent wholesalely to gas chambers during WWII being just one. People thought such an atrocious thing could not be true, except it was and was worse than had been reported.
When horrendous behavior is not held in check, it gets worse. We are seeing that now.
This type of rhetoric around all things pertaining to sexuality and identity have been part of the Fascist playbook for a very long time. When you identify certain behaviors with certain people it is easy to turn those people into scum and flies to spit out (Putin). If you read any of Putin's speech's you hear it. You hear it in Le Pen, DeSantis and others who keep looking for THE scapegoat that will distract a large enough group of voters that they'll mindlessly put their mark next to the very candidate whose intention is to smash democracy by making use of democratic practices. This kind of rhetoric is meant to prove there is moral rot in one political party (i.e. democrats or as in Russia any party that has ideas that don't match up with Putin, or in regard to Putin, the West as the bastion of depravity from which not only Ukrainians must be liberated but, the rest of the Russian speaking world) and that therefore to vote for any of that party's candidates is to vote for moral rot. The so-called Evangelical Christian movement has made these matters foundational for years. Orwellian language is being spoken in the land and too few people recognize it for what it is and what it means. The gop is broadcasting exactly what they intend. People need to wake up before their plans can come to fruition.
I don't like to think of myself as a conspiracy theorist, but the speed and consistency of this "messaging" strikes me as emanating from some organized source. The language, the packaging, the widespread nature of it - all seem to indicate that some group is generating these new "talking points" - which in my mind have moved beyond mere talking points into an altogether different dark category. We know the (former GOP) Putrid Putin Party is gifted at projection; if calling others pedophiles and "groomers" is their new initiative, that speaks volumes to me about what THEY might be doing (think Gaetz). They are certainly not using their time to govern.
You happen to be right, Ellen, there is a woman here in Los Angeles who runs a Twotter account, LibsOfTikTok. she takes Twiter and TikTok posts by LGBTQ people, edits them and then puts the out-of-context material up where it is picked up by Faux, by the rest of the Far Right Entertainment Complex, and within days it is everywhere in the right. She's been the major pusher of gay-libs-are-pedophiles.
This country is strange, very strange. It is as though I'm watching Grand Guignol Theatre (ɡrɑ̃ ɡiɲɔl), - a series of sensationalistic plays created to horrify. Cruz, DeSantis, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Donald Trump... these are the 'krayzees' the political stars for many citizens of the United States. I watched a young girl standing next to DeSanctis as he recited his weird speech about banning school books. She looked quite somber, didn't crack a smile for a nanosecond and what I could see of the other children, they were simply nonengaged, window dressing. It is very creepy to see children around DeSantis. It felt as though he could eat them alive. This is really happening; it is serious as 'hell', literally, because many Americans are captured by them.
What has happened to “groomer” Matt Gratz? The Krazees are drinking too much kool
Aid. Thank you TC for sharing your insights. It id incredulous the theories the “repugnicans” keep spewing forth.
I’m doing what I can everyday to be more informed of my local elections --the “dark money”’has been working these for years and look at was is happening in so many states!
Im hoping the select committee for Jan 6th has a strategy to pull the rig out from under these “krazees” before the midterm elections in November.
Re: Disney--while listening to an NPR broadcast today, it seems Disney may benefit from the “krazee” governors revenge tactics and Floridians will have to share more of the tax bill. Under the current Disney arrangement, Disney takes care of all emergencies, ie. Fire, rescue,EMS etc. --with the new rules, you will have to rely on the county EMS to take care of your heart attack at Disney--on the taxpayers dime.
There's a big problem for Governor Insanity in Florida - the voters in the Reedy district have to vote to end it. It's not up to the governor or the legislature. They're too stupid to even read their own laws and understand what is what. It's pure performance.
I hope DeSantis has bitten off more than he can chew. I am not a fan of big corporations, but wielding the power of the state to punish a corporation or a person for expressing an opinion contrary to a governor’s is dangerous!
My father’s mother was a “Bircher” back in the ‘60’s. We all thought she was gullible and naïve to believe such crazy mess that was not true. She contributed money and received mailings with the wild ideas of Fred Koch, father of the infamous Koch brothers. Things that seem too wildly unbalanced to be true often are, people being sent wholesalely to gas chambers during WWII being just one. People thought such an atrocious thing could not be true, except it was and was worse than had been reported.
When horrendous behavior is not held in check, it gets worse. We are seeing that now.
This type of rhetoric around all things pertaining to sexuality and identity have been part of the Fascist playbook for a very long time. When you identify certain behaviors with certain people it is easy to turn those people into scum and flies to spit out (Putin). If you read any of Putin's speech's you hear it. You hear it in Le Pen, DeSantis and others who keep looking for THE scapegoat that will distract a large enough group of voters that they'll mindlessly put their mark next to the very candidate whose intention is to smash democracy by making use of democratic practices. This kind of rhetoric is meant to prove there is moral rot in one political party (i.e. democrats or as in Russia any party that has ideas that don't match up with Putin, or in regard to Putin, the West as the bastion of depravity from which not only Ukrainians must be liberated but, the rest of the Russian speaking world) and that therefore to vote for any of that party's candidates is to vote for moral rot. The so-called Evangelical Christian movement has made these matters foundational for years. Orwellian language is being spoken in the land and too few people recognize it for what it is and what it means. The gop is broadcasting exactly what they intend. People need to wake up before their plans can come to fruition.
I don't like to think of myself as a conspiracy theorist, but the speed and consistency of this "messaging" strikes me as emanating from some organized source. The language, the packaging, the widespread nature of it - all seem to indicate that some group is generating these new "talking points" - which in my mind have moved beyond mere talking points into an altogether different dark category. We know the (former GOP) Putrid Putin Party is gifted at projection; if calling others pedophiles and "groomers" is their new initiative, that speaks volumes to me about what THEY might be doing (think Gaetz). They are certainly not using their time to govern.
You happen to be right, Ellen, there is a woman here in Los Angeles who runs a Twotter account, LibsOfTikTok. she takes Twiter and TikTok posts by LGBTQ people, edits them and then puts the out-of-context material up where it is picked up by Faux, by the rest of the Far Right Entertainment Complex, and within days it is everywhere in the right. She's been the major pusher of gay-libs-are-pedophiles.
Why doesn't Twitter take down her account I wonder?
Expecting something good from Twitter is a fool's errand, particularly when it's about to be picked up by the World's Worst Afrikaner Troll.
There oughta be a law and there oughta be consequences🤬.
Thank You for the wake up call. Waking into a nightmare.
Gulp. Sending more money to Elissa Slotkin. Michigan cannot afford to lose her.
Slotkin sends the nicest thank you notes!
Hopefully, most Democrats are right, but it will take a lot of work and some painful strategic reassessments to prove them so.
This country is strange, very strange. It is as though I'm watching Grand Guignol Theatre (ɡrɑ̃ ɡiɲɔl), - a series of sensationalistic plays created to horrify. Cruz, DeSantis, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Donald Trump... these are the 'krayzees' the political stars for many citizens of the United States. I watched a young girl standing next to DeSanctis as he recited his weird speech about banning school books. She looked quite somber, didn't crack a smile for a nanosecond and what I could see of the other children, they were simply nonengaged, window dressing. It is very creepy to see children around DeSantis. It felt as though he could eat them alive. This is really happening; it is serious as 'hell', literally, because many Americans are captured by them.