'And they’re doing all of it just to defend Trump from even mild criticism.' (TC) I think they're doing it because the Republicans don't know what to do but parrot the MAGA. We know what they're doing; they are compounding their losses. Look at what T's soldiers have done for him since the last indictment? Sent money. I bet that slows down. Jack Smith, in addition to having the evidence has the perfect face to face down that mad-man.

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I liken this to the marketing genius of cost competition; “we can only be competitive if we sell our product below the cost of production, but we will then have the market to ourselves; we’ll make the difference up in volume

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Heather Cox Richardson dropped the other shoe in her letter today - the Republicans have issued their 2024 budget to "Save America", and it is everything Grover Norquist and Newt Gingrich ever dreamed of - privatizing Medicare, raising the Social Security age to 69, breaking up the federal law enforcement agencies, etc, etc.....oh, and cutting taxes on the wealthy even further. As she points out, the Bush and Trump tax cuts are the main reason we have the increasing debt we have now - the steep climb in national debt started with Reagan in the 1980s, Clinton largely reversed the climb in the late 90s, then Bush's tax cuts and later Trump's made sure we'd never be able to pay it off.....

Look at Heather's description of the early 1930s to see where this country could end up if the far-right have their way.....it definitely ain't pretty and would make us the global outlier in the G7.

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I read that letter also, and it occurred to me... many of these provisions, including cuts to climate initiatives, restrictions on reproductive rights, attacks on the freedoms of the trans community, and the SS increase to age 69, are a deliberate slap in the face to the demographic Republicans most need - the 18-35 age group. The GOP are clearly unable to read the room.

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I think that the Republicans are reading one group that is spelled MAGA. If most of the MAGAs buy it, we will have an even more frightening sense of how far a large portion of Americans are removed from their needs and, perhaps, how poor the Democrats have been at messengered the truth.

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But I do have faith in the youth - they are already rising up and they will continue to do so, especially as they see ever more clearly the harm that MAGA poses to their future.

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Yes, they are so far put into the weeds in what they believe that they do not see the trap they are setting for themselves.....everything they want will repel the very voters they need to win the next election.

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Exactly right, Bruce!

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Ruth Ben-Ghiat nails it…

“Trump is an expert manipulator of people, and the GOP lawmakers who engage in public displays of fealty know that opposing him could mean the end of their political careers. While corruption often works through the promise of material gain, the threat of losing something --your reputation or position-- can be even more persuasive.”


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She nails it indeed.

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Except I don't think those guys care about their reputation, only about their position (and keeping it).

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Two things here" First, I think Trump took the sensitive information in order to deprive Biden and his administration of such information in the event of a national crisis, thereby hobbling a Biden response and forcing Biden to go to him for info (a cheap Trump power play, which is his only kind). That in itself is treasonous. Second, the FBI knows stuff, including stuff about many of the Republicans, so if the GOP wants a full on bare-knuckles fight with the FBI, they may regret it, as the FBI will land some nasty blows of their own.

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Judith, a consummation devoutly to be wished.

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He may have thought so but I doubt that what he took is the only copy of the documents. I'm certain that originals are kept by the various agencies from which copies for the President can be provided if needed. Which is why the argument by Parlatore(?) that tfg "has only copies, why should that be illegal" is ridiculous. It's the content, not the physical material the content is printed on.

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The GOP evil mounts and the plot thickens. There's only one solution for the Trumpster when reality intervenes in his narcissistic fantasy and the going gets tough--a plea for donations from his loony base who comply just to prove how insane the whole mess is. The title of this newsletter, Thats Another Fine Mess, is so apt it's amazing.

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SO APT!!!!

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Lest we forget, much of their lying about Biden tracks with their lying about Obama and Clinton--stupid but brilliant, etc. Of course, with Obama, it had the added advantage for them of appealing to how it is impossible to be a loyal republican without also being a bigot.

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Thanks for this TC. After the computer pause you’re back in great form. Keep burnin’ up those keys!! Lots of performance foolishness going on with the loonies.

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Even though we all knew we were in for this season of revenge politics it is still infuriating. They are wasting the time of our world which has existential survival challenges. And, you are so right about Trump projection messaging....hear it in reverse!!!

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Trump's projection messaging reminds me of the elementary school taunt we used to throw out at tormentors: I'm rubber and you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you. His remarks are such patent projection but what really blows me away is how many people eat them up!

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Its almost as if the Loonies believe that Radical media’s trumpeting of their agenda will somehow cloud how the rest of America is beginning to recognize their looniness. In for a penny….

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Oh yes ... they’re so oppressed by the left that they’ve furthered their own agenda and announced it (!) their imaginary “dirt” scandals have turned to dust because none of their imaginary witnesses magically appeared. I’m really weary of this 💩 and hope that even the most feeble minded of them have enough cognitive capacity to vote blue.

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No edit feature... the last the = them.

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Did you try the 3 dots? That's where you'll find the edit function. However, I skimmed right past the last 'them' and never noticed the lack of 'm'.....

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It works here! When replying on the app there’s no edit function. It’s delete, hide or mute the post … I wish it was the same across formats.

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One more reason I rarely do apps. I just read things in my browser.

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The feeble minded are strong willed feeble minds of ego-centrics unwilling to examine their belief systems for the possibility they might be wrrrr, errr, wrrrong

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I have noticed that also. And they will vehemently deny evidence based facts that do not align with their “beliefs”. Having two sisters who have taken the deep dive, I have been informed that there are multiple fact lines in this simulation 🙄... I wish I was making this up. I have been informed of many “facts” ...

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Facts verified by, “because I heard it” “ do your own research, dammit”

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“But he was too f*cking stupid to take it.” Ain’t that the plain truth about a moron that claims he is king of “The Deal.”

Salud, TC.


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The contradictory nature of the GOP/POT on how Biden is a doddering old man who stutters and falls, while simultaneously running the most corrupt and left-winged government since FDR is farce on its face to the knowledgeable and informed. (PS. you need to proofread a few sentences) However, to the great underclass, it is red meat. Remember, it was them, the 'silent majority,' who put Nixon, Reagan and Orange Peel Peron in the White House. (notice how Mister Golden Hair's hair isn't so golden anymore?)

Now, Jeffery Clark (who might be indicted in the Georgia and 1/6 investigations), who The Don wanted to install as AG after Barr declined to force Raffensperger to invalidate Georgia's election results, and Russell Vought are laying out a plan, if Nero of Naples gets back in office (Dog help us if he does) to give the president complete control over the Justice Department. To wit, from the New York Times:

"Mr. Clark and Mr. Vought are promoting a legal rationale that would fundamentally change the way presidents interact with the Justice Department. They argue that U.S. presidents should not keep federal law enforcement at arm’s length but instead should treat the Justice Department no differently than any other cabinet agency. They are condemning Mr. Biden and Democrats for what they claim is the politicization of the justice system, but at the same time pushing an intellectual framework that a future Republican president might use to justify directing individual law enforcement investigations."

This has nothing to do with 'intellectual framework.' It's about revenge. The Klingon version, although the James Bond (or maybe the Chinese) version is more likely, "When plotting revenge, dig two graves."

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Excellent article, Tom. So glad you're back and in shining form.

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“performative irresponsibility” -- spot on!

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So basically they're gunning for a system with ZERO checks and balances. If it weren't so undeniably stupid I'd bet on it and praise the day they get caught in their own web.

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you left out the fact that TFF's "people" referred to his proto-autistic knowledge of EXACTLY what was in those boxes in terms ("Beautiful Mind" boxes) comparing him to a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic. this sounds neither like "affection" nor "respect."

and I noticed that you posted this over 14 hours ago, so it couldn't include this totally whacky Mock Hearing (apparently Matt Gaitz's brainchild...and somebody should talk to him about Botox poisoning) during which a bunch of felons were "honored".

how many times have all of us already said that "you can't make this shit up?"

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And news people still treat republicans as a normal political party. How insane is that. I’ll repeat partial quote from Milton Mayer, “You have accepted things you would not have accepted five years ago, a year ago, things your father never could have imagined.” I have never been in a coma as to the Machiavellian manipulations of the cretins for the past 40 years, but I could never have imagined that they would be so obviously evil or that the cult would be so intractable. Never underestimate Rupert and clones, even after his national “whupping” recently.

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