It's time for the majority of us to put up or shut up. Or escape. That's not me. I am a proud daughter of a WWII hero. I'll be damned if I let a snake oil salesman criminal and his Russian backers take over my country.

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Me too.

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Tempting as it is, there is NO safe place to run. We’re at the Alamo. Sorry for that reference, but it’s time to come to the aid of our country…

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I am right there beside you.

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We really are all in this together.

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Well let me ask then since you are from Texas , how are you handling the BS Abbott train and followers? I live in Texas too so that's why I'm wondering.

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Mar 7, 2024
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You are absolutely right, Dawna. And among those heroes are the never-to-be-forgotten who didn't survive. You and I are among the lucky ones. Every time I re-watch "Band of Brothers" I count my lucky stars.

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Make no mistake about it , this party that my own dad embraced for eons is toast. We are witnessing the death rattling of the GOP party as we know it.And what an ugly hill to die on with TFG( to remind others “The F*cking Grifter). To go down with this, the most corrupt politician/grifter right up there with BT Barnum in pure sleaze,is no small feat and yet, here we have it.The world holds its breath and I just cannot wait until this whole clusterphuk blows right up into Mike Johnson’s unholy hands.

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TFG also stands for That Fucking Guy. :-)

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(I think it actually started out as” The Former Guy” but I like the other, more colorful versions lol)

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Grifter is perfect. 💙 He’s not a normal “guy.” He cheated on all 3 of his wives. The first wife mysteriously fell down the stairs and got buried on the golf course. Next trick—defenestration. 🥹🤐🤬

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Bread and Circus snookers the dullards. P.T.said it best, I believe it was him. "A fool and his money are soon parted."

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Sad that so many haven’t gotten the message. In Tx, every campaign sign that I have seen, says Conservative Republican. There is no such thing in Tx.

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The great howl about socialism has always been the right wing red herring. Their hawks have been beating that dead fish for ninety years. Nixon used it to keep us in Vietnam. Reagan used it to keep the Ayatollah in power. Right wing Republicans have always been the power behind the throne. Trump was inevitable. If we’re ready to fight, Biden will be inevitable.

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Longer than ninety years. Take a look at what went down in the aftermath of WWI: the massive freakout about the Russian revolution and labor unrest in the U.S. Then go back to the era of the Haymarket "riot" (1886). And the attempts of labor to organize in the late 19th century -- the "Gilded Age" of unfettered capitalism. You could go back further, to 1848, though the action then was mainly in Europe (the U.S. had long since got rid of monarchical control). I don't think it was entirely a red herring either. The leading hawks were wealthy (and getting wealthier) business types. They didn't want the government messing with it.

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I love it when I’m wrong. I know I’m gonna learn something. Thanks for the reply. That’s good information.

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Mar 7, 2024
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And the libertarian libertines have managed to coexist with the evangelicals, with each thinking the others to be their useful idiots.

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Mar 7, 2024
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I guess we could say that the biggest failure of democracy is that it allows the ascendency of those who'd kill it, which, of course, is why in the tug-of-war our side must dig in its heels until sparks fly from them and our heaving and grunting must be thunderous to the point of scaring all the Trump lapdogs.

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I'm just gonna go to bed and hope for good dreams. I hope we can re-elect Biden. I wore my blue BIDEN/HARRIS t-shirt since I went running today (available at thebluedeal.com for $26).

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Thanks for the BlueDeal link. I'm going to buy the bumper sticker "Trump*Putin Make Russian Great Again" in bulk. Give them to our Democratic Committee members in our rural MAGA county, and put mine right next to my Biden Harris sticker.

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Mar 7, 2024
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Mar 7, 2024
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Yeah, but you're not the only one. I've even asked my editor if my publisher would help facilitate a move if things "go south" in November.

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Mar 7, 2024
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Mar 7, 2024
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You had me really worried about you.

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Your history is my history. I think this is Reagan’s dream corrupted to the nth degree. He started (or continued) something that ran off the rails, not necessarily by chump, but by the inherent evil in his plan for Republican domination. Republican domination as interpreted by not only Reagan, but Rush, Newt, Rupert, Lee, and a cadre of greedy bastards who used Christianity and patriotism to further corrupt what was already rotten at it’s core. What are we at our core at this juncture?

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The manipulation of the devoutly religious was their most cynical and most effective gambit because it enabled them to characterize the left as socialist baby killers, warlocks, and deviates of all kinds. You named the key puppet masters, all with daddy issues.

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It is mind-boggling to hear what local voters think of Dems. Yep, deviates of all kinds. And Jordan Klepper gets the same answers all over the country.

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Mar 7, 2024
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Couldn't agree more. Wish more understood the intentional evil as you do.

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I'm not sure about "six feet under." The GOP of Reagan (and Nixon) has reached its endgame. All the seeds of today's GOP were planted and sprouting decades ago. The "traditional Republican establishment" thought it could ride, and even control, the whirlwind they called into being. If they'd learned anything from history -- e.g., the French and Russian revolutions -- they would have known better.

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Learning from history is not their strong suit. We have to be smarter and more

directed. Obama remarked once that it doesn’t take much to rile up a crowd and cowards know that. These folks are viscous but they are also cowards. Hate is difficult to defeat but it can be done.

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If we are talking about the Reagan who was internationally engaged, yes. If we are talking about the Reagan whom Rosalyn Carter aptly described as making people comfortable in their prejudices, and believing Reader's Digest over anything an educated person told him, no. This is the same republican party, still racist, still sexist, still treasonous.

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I wonder why McConnell thinks another trump regime would advance his "long game" at the court. I'm pretty sure McConnell, for all his faults, is not into full blown authoritarianism--quelling protests with troops, indicting people for opposing Der Leader--and folks supporting that are only kind of judges and justices trump would from now on appoint. After he's exercised "executive plenary power" to impeach and oust any justice or judge who ever ruled against or even criticized him.

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Thanks, TC — I need all the shoring up I can get to face the next eight months — and whatever comes next, which isn't going to be any cakewalk either. Action is the antidote to despair, which is why I lean so heavily on people like you, Heather Cox Richardson, Jessica Valenti, and the wondrously positive and pragmatic Jessica Craven's "Chop Wood, Carry Water." Here we go.

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Together we can win this. The opposition has a lot of noise and money, but is without either heart or soul. That is not inspiring.

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Well Tom, there you have it. What do you expect to read tomorrow in the MSM, NYT and WaPo in relating to Biden's assessment of the situation?

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I'm hoping to read that TFG kicked the bucket.

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I'm still hoping for Divine Intervention on the fairway or in the rough because of the strong message it would send to the churchies.


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I have concluded that the only way I can remain sane during this election period is to accentuate the positive.Work hard to get out the vote. Do what I can to dispel disinformation and never give up.

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The wingers have already used Trump (Yeah, he's a cipher.) to loudly identify the "new expendables": people of color, liberals, immigrants, post-menstrual women, gays, Jews, books, education, science, taxes, stop signs and other regulations, health care for all, environmentalists, Ukrainians, Palestinians, and all the other categories that have flourished under democracy. They are FOR nothing. They are not brahmins, Tories, Burkean conservatives, or people of any firmly held principles. They are contrarian nihilists, snake handlers whose snakes are grievances. The days of rational republicanism, the kind that spared us of some of the ill advised excesses of the far left, have been gone since the days when a Bill Bradley and John Danforth could agree on a budget.

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Let us hope these coming months are not as "...incredibly vicious, dirty, and prolonged..." as the two months between April 4, 1968, and June 5, 1968, also a presidential campaign year.

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The gop of Reagan begat the maga mentality existing today! Tip O”Neill the legendary’horse trader’ partnered with Ronnie in order the work for the citizens of the country!! Imagine that a Democratic Speaker cooperating with a GOP President!

Today, every gop lemming echos ‘we won’t vote for anything that would give credit to Biden!

The immigration problem which they helped create can’t be voted on till the election !!

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Reagan and Asswhipe aren't that different.

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Mar 7, 2024
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All true, but Reagan wasn't all that 'clean' either. He named names to the HUAAC, including friends. Slept with every starlet in Hollywood, only married Nancy because she got pregnant with Maureen, became a corporate shill for GE, recorded the infamous "Medicare" record (my grandparents played that record all the time). Once he became Governor, he cut education, aid to the poor, elderly and disabled, cut taxes, ran for President three times, pulled a 'Nixon' by screwing Carter over. https://medium.com/@kentanderson-17716/the-betrayal-of-jimmy-carter-da718e942fdb

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yes to aLL

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Mar 7, 2024
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Don't think I was extolling "Reganism." Nixon is the fountain of all evil and he is the first "flower." But in that it was considered "normal," it's now dead.

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