You’ve covered a lot of territory today Tom, thank you. Unable to “impress us with their brilliance, Republicans are trying to baffle us with their bullshit”. Creating chaos, disbelief and anger is their only act.

What took decades to accomplish by dedicated Americans is being destroyed in a few short years by these clowns.

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Clowns? Too benign; more like thwarted malevolent children--amoral creatures with no boundaries, no rules, no conscience or compassion.

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Besides, clowns work hard to become clowns. Something he will never do.

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Think of Trump as a wounded lion. A wounded animal, especially when cornered is a VERY dangerous animal. Our legal system and every single non trump voter in America has to be hyper vigilant for the next 11 months. I hope he goes to prison for the rest of his life. I hope his enablers like MAGA Mike and Ms. Goon wind up in jail as well.

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When cornered,narcissists of his particular stripe, go into a kind of overdrive. They call on their inner supernatural enforcer, and by God they actually pull off what you would have considered to be impossible. So beware.

A mlgnt narcissist I once knew, when standing in draft line to be inducted into the Army, held his breath and pumped himself up so violently that when it was his turn to go through the cursory physical, they 4F’d him for high blood pressure. Mission accomplished.

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Of course that’s the story he told me. I believed him. But he was a great liar of the highest order.

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Of course it was.

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the "wounded lion" thing is GOOD. it's quick. and it pops.

and everyone knows what you mean.

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I think the wounded lion simile is a bit too noble for a creature with drumpf's dubious status. More like a wounded grizzly or a wounded rhinoceros. He has the mentality of a cornered rat.

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I initially thought of grizzly, but they're smarter than he is. He reminds me of the character, Scar, in the Lion King.

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➡️” Alleged “savior” Nikki Haley is in fact more radically-right than Trump is, according to statements she makes at campaign appearances.”

So true about “savior”Nikki Haley,backed by Charles Koch=Heritage Foundation=Project 2025.

Meanwhile our tanking -in -the polls governor just proposed setting 1 million aside in our annual budget in case Florida State University wants to sue for being snubbed in football playoffs. Could DeSantis be any more desperate…🤔

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As the DC media begin to turn the Titanic around, the absolute gaslighting mockery Speaker Johnson projects is breathtaking

Man the life boats, rats and scumbags starboard

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I think I have failed to extend compliments on "press corpse." I had been referring to the chief chucktodd of them all as madam of the DC brothel, and a friend said this was insulting to some women who have been abused. I also said that, unlike those in the DC political media brothel, women in the sex trade actually work.

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One idiot is apparently claiming that since trump was impeached it is only "fair" that Biden also be so.

The founding fathers are asking to have their graves moved to Portugal. Lucky they don't need Medicare.

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fine summary of where we're at, Tom.

it feels like a really shitty place to be.

during all this book flogging, has Ms. Cheney at any time endorsed Joe Biden? that's a serious question, but I've sort of been on a news blackout today after the third or fourth Liz Cheney interview that was the same as every other one.

this Mike Johnson is more interesting than he seems almost entirely because of his complete lack of any interesting qualities. that might be an actual APHORISM. and it's even true. isn't it?

I mean he has the presentation of the fussy butcher at the second-rate supermarket that's a little more upscale simply because it HAS a butcher. but there's gotta be some pretty crazy shit going on not so far from the surface. I've noticed it in every one of these Young Earth Motherfuckers. maybe it's that "clean" thing that happens when you've permanently consigned the possibility of clear thinking to a REALLY FAR back burner. I get that you might feel some sense of having received some benefit, but only in the very short term.

when I watched Johnson announce with all the charisma of a volunteer Bingo caller that he was obstructing justice in a profoundly dangerous, horrifyingly resonant way, I still had to admire his chutzpah. but make no mistake--he's thrown down the gauntlet.

the prick.

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She has endorsed that "you should only vote for the presidential candidate who supports the constitution." And she said this morning that she would never do a Third Party move that would "harm his chances." Since she is most useful getting Republicans to come in from the cold, she can't be seen as a "Biden turncoat" with an explicit endorsement now.

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She also has repeatedly said she will do everything she can to keep Trump from being elected. I am not sure where her boundary line is on that. I do agree she cannot outright endorse Biden without both hurting him AND losing the folks she is trying to move away from Trump. What a :Catch 22"!

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Her "boundary line" last night when she talked to Rachel was pretty clearly that she will vote for Biden in the privacy of the voting booth.

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She is his daughter, knows when to hold ‘em, fold ‘em, etc.

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Dec 6, 2023
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you're both absolutely right. I will fall back and stand, chastened.

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Hilarious, albeit darkly. And so true.

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Well, most of it true.

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As Commander in Chief, perhaps Biden could take a page out of Ulysses S. Grant's operating manual utilized when the great Civil War general was president and harness the power of the federal government to quell the terrorist GOP forces of insurrection and show MAGA Mike Johnson and his Republican miscreants who the real rule-of-law Party is. During his presidency, Grant used his authority to confront the Ku Klux Klan, the movement that "sprang up largely in response to Black suffrage" and the nation's "first organized terrorist movement," as Fergus M. Bordewich described the phenomenon in his recently released book Klan War. As The New Yorker magazine, December 4, 2023 review of Bordewich's book points out, "Grant made the issue federal, dispatching troops to the South and holding trials for suspected Klan members...Though his efforts were later gutted by a series of disastrous Supreme Court decisions, Grant's victory, Bordewich argues, serves as a potent reminder that 'forceful political action can prevail over violent extremism."

Trump and his minions have already made his terrorist activities painfully "federal," which perhaps qualifies"forceful political action," i.e., arresting and prosecuting the known insurrectionists, as a reasonable idea. Although it seems unlikely that Biden would pursue such a strategy since it would wipe out half of the U.S. Congress and Supreme Court as now assembled, it sure is refreshing to imagine such a scenario.

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I think it’s important and necessary to imagine these scenarios out loud.

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Sure is.

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Chump’s crew of treasonous critters already know this.

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"Political Press Corpse." At least one network needs to RIP.

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Truman had reason for his comments. We have reason to listen…

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OMG, do any Dems still assume that anything that repubs do is Normal negotiating position. I’m a slug in Texas and I know better than that.

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The press has finally realized that they too are in the maga crosshairs, and even their corporate bosses know it will be trouble for them as well. That's why they're finally using language that makes sense. Killing the truth has been Trump's lifetime MO, and that's what finally has them alarmed.

Sadly, we are learning that a huge swathe of the country enjoys the cozy warmth of the maga gaslighting. If I were a US ally right now I'd be looking for a way to slip out the back because I wouldn't want to be drawn into the US's Trump-induced collective nervous breakdown, the kind that will have us as good as locked in a dark tower for life.


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Terry Southern eat your heart out.

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You lay it down so well, Tom. You need a dose of Joyce and her pullets tonight. We all do.

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Is this possible?:

They, (let’s just call them “they”) will do something right before the election that will involve a ruling of some kind by the Supreme Court, at which point the bad apples of that court will take off their masks and vote to do something that will hand the election to Trump. And it will be too late to do anything about it.

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Just like Piyush Jindal, lovely Nimrata is self-hating subhuman filth. When you're ashamed of your own name, it's a poker-game-level of a tell.

And there is no way anybody related to Dick Cheney is a friend of mine or a friend to this nation, regardless of the platitudes dripping from their snarling snouts. Fuck her, and fuck her damn book and its tour.

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President Cheney redux

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