I keep wondering if the guys with the big mouths truly believe what they are saying? And I am coming to the conclusion they do. Although there could be a place in the back of their tiny minds where they are just figuring on the next big thing that will propel them to higher office, more fame, and more money. Disturbing does not begin to capture the nature of the days we are living.

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How many more "red flags" do we need before we wake up. Your last paragraph is the most chilling of all--a warning from the past about what happens when we underestimate the "clowns". Thank you!!

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Thank you, TC. Overwhelming!

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Which is why it’s so damned important and so satisfying to explode the fuel tank on those clowns’ backs …

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What pathetic representatives of the party of Lincoln -- he must be howling obscenities in his grave!

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These performative nitwits do not represent the party of Lincoln. That party died with Nixon’s “southern strategy”. These fringe folks get support from large donors who use them as a distraction from what’s really going on-the continued amassing of great wealth. These large donors are the figurative descendants of John Henry Hammond of the “mudsill” theory.

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I sure hope the FBI is on those Repubs that keep threatening violence every time they open their mouths!

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