"Every time Trump opens his mouth, he makes the 2022 election a referendum on him, rather than the referendum on Biden that Republicans wanted."

I'll be blunt. I have made a significant investment in ammunition. I'm not a cowboy, nor will I bend over when my Trump-loving neighbors decide to sacrifice themselves on the altar of idiocy.

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Weren't you also a Marine?

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As much as this tomfoolery pisses me off it doesn’t change anything. And as you stated, the DOJ was unlikely to bring a case before the elections. This doesn’t negate the fact that crimes have been committed and exposed. While some documents may temporarily be unavailable to the DOJ (maybe) they are still working on building their case.

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They can build their case on the intelligence community analysis, which didn't get stopped by the order.

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“...a puffed and painted buffoon with his bullhorn of uncontrollable bullshit.”

Double alliteration. Nice.

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Yesss! Another gold leaf for ‘wordsmithing’!

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Very well said TC! Thank you for your insight and weaving in the Guadalcanal story. It’s brilliant!

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TC, thanks for the view of the judgment by Cannon. My husband and I were discussing this very thought process this afternoon, and you and he agree. This makes sense, and in the long run may prove to be the thing that put the Democrats back on top in the Senate. But that cannot happen until every last man and woman go to the voting box and put the Republicans and their policies in their place...which is second (or less) to the Democrats at this point. No one can stress strongly enough how important the vote this fall is...thank you for your consistent messages.

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Good to know my opinions are in good company. :-)

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Oh, glorious. Sword raised. We fight.

For Frodo!


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We fight. It will be worth it even if some of us end up missing a finger. As long as it's not the one used to salute the ddfp.

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You’ve got it, Brother Dave. Sword and finger raised!

Unita. 🗽

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Keeping one eye closed to preserve my night vision

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Thanks for the rundown on the battle on Edson’s Ridge, and bringing the current situation into that context.

We must have the resolve to fight with that same intensity and resolve with whatever weapons we have to bear.

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This is one of your best columns for encouraging us to not become distracted from the job at hand: to kill the enemy at the ballot box. Really and truly defeat them. Thank you TC for the inspiring WW2 story. Started to watch Frontline tonight and was disgusted all over again to see Trump’s sneering scowling face and hear him voice his ugly comments and stoke violence. Working in the dark to GOTV to vote him and his ilk firmly OUT of power. ❤️🤍💙

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Bravo TC

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"Easy Company stands or dies on the Naktong Rlver."

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As DOJ uncovers more through its ongoing investigation of scads of documents already recovered, more subpoenas might be forthcoming down the road (after the election.) I wonder, has Cannon had her fifteen minutes of infamy or will she be their go-to on appeal in subsequent matters?

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Sep 6, 2022
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He may not be "on the ballot" but he is "politically relevant" and action taken with him could affect the political outcome.

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So, has Ms Cannon suckered Federalist Lord and capo into thinking she di what was asked?

Indeed interesting, indictment before November would have driven the cult to the ‘Jimmy jones juice’ fervor!

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As Chesty Puller, a hero of the Canal said later in Korea “we are surrounded so we can attack in any direction!” So we must prepare to attack the Trumplestiltskins as the Corps did at the Chose Reservoir.

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Also, Garland really likes an air tight case. And he’ll take his time to build it. He wants no wiggle room… no space for questions… because the evidence he presents already answers them.

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