We’re now at the day after the day after Dumbfucking Dumbass Donnie got his clock cleaned by Kamala Harris last Tuesday night.
The Wingnuttosphere and the dregs of the DC Press Corpse are going crazy and losing their shit over that fact.
How could it happen that The Most Experienced Presidential Debater got his clock cleaned by a woman? Not only a woman but a woman of whateverinhellitis ethnicity she claims to be this week??
It could only happen because of another one of those terrible Lib’rul Conspiracies. Yeah, that’s what happened. It had to be, because we all know that Dear Leader is The Most Experienced Presidential Debater, who has always defeated his enemies in those debates for all the world to see.
It’s those damn Lib’ruls who run the Lib’rul Media that’s always agin us Real ‘Murrikins that did it to him.
It’s soooo unfair!
That’s their story and they’re sticking to it.
Here’s Greg Kelly at NewsMax:
“Am I on? All right, good. so uh, problem about tonight already. first of all this blue set is totally weird, looks like a fish tank. uh, I don’t know what’s going on, but how about this: ‘We the people.’ ‘We the people,’ preamble of the Constitution, right? Well, ok. first of all, it’s slanted, that’s weird. but the other thing, ‘We the people,’ some dumb New Yorker article came out about five years ago that said ‘those are the most powerful words in the English language.’ The DNC took those three words, DNC 2020, and made it the theme of the convention. The purple chick from soccer, all your favorite liberals, or unfavorite liberals. We the people, we the people, and again, look at this again: ‘we the people.’ I think it is a nod to the Democrats, huh? What else is new?”
How do these people get dressed on their own in the morning? How do they manage to remember their car keys?
Hey, you ignorant fucking Inbred Dumbassed Embarrassment To Irish People Everywhere - ALL the presidential debate stages have been blue since I can’t remember when they weren’t, they were probably blue even when the show was on black and white TV. I believe five minutes with your computer thingy and using the google stuff would show you this FACT.
There’s more:
Piers Morgan, who could only find employment after he got fired from his talk show at the Russian Propaganda Service RT, posted this on Xitter (that’s pronounced “Shitter):
“Trump had a bad night but there’s no doubt the ABC moderators gave him a much harder time than Harris.”
Ryan Saavedra, whoever the fuck he is, claimed the unfairness was obvious because Trump got fact-checked four times and Harris didn’t get fact-checked at all.
Listen up, you Mouth-Breathing Moron: YOU ONLY GET FACT-CHECKED WHEN YOU LIE! Trump did nothing but lie. The moderators were being nice to him, that they only fact-checked him on his most obvious bullshittery.
Politico, which went from “Tiger Beat On The Potomac” to “Volkischer Beobachter On The Potomac” when they weresoldthemselves to far right Trump-loving German media fuckstick Axel Springer, is all upset because Kamala had an unfair advantage: she was COACHED and SHE STUDIED while The Dumbest Fucking Student Who Ever Walked In My Classroom (according to the Wharton School professor who Dumbfuck Donnie was only allowed to AUDIT because he was too fucking stupid to qualify as a student there) was doing “improv.”
No, you over-educated, under-intelligent, otherwise-unemployable low achievers of the upper middle class, he wasn’t doing improv. He was doing his Fat Elvis Impersonator routine, repeating his best memories of the bullshittery he feeds his audiences, the ones who get bored and leave. He doesn’t have either the brain power or the talent to improvise.
The Reincarnation of Reinhard Heydrich, er, I mean self-hating Jew Steven Miller said this on Xitter (that’s pronounced “shitter”):
“What you saw last night from ABC has never happened before in American history. We’ve always had leftwing bias from establishment corporate press. This was something else entirely: this was aggressively working to sabotage and undermine the democratic process.”
Boo-fucking-hoo, you piece of shit. Too bad your fellow students at Santa Monica High didn’t stuff you in a seabag and throw you off theend of the Santa Monica Pier in a winter storm.
Jeff Tiedrich nailed these fuckwitted morons perfectly:
“... it was so unfair of Kamala to do the hard work of intense debate prep while Donny was hawking superhero trading cards of himself and goofing off on the golf course down at Motel-a-Lago.
“Why did that meanie Kamala have to have plans for everything? Why couldn’t she just blither about having the concepts of a plan, like Dear Leader did?”
“Dr.” Naomi Wolf (Naomi Klein is right about how horrible it is for an intelligent person like her to constantly get confused with this bimbo dumbass) posted this batshittery:
“Her performance was 100 percent different from any appearance she has ever made. Not possible imo for a person so inept to change so much overnight. Is it a crime to use technology to cheat on a Presidential debate? If so there shouild be discovery including asking Nova for their order records. Did the WH or VP Harris order those earrings/ear buds? I am serious.”
No, you dumbfucking dipshit, you wouldn’t know “serious” if it came up behind you and kicked your worthless ass into a wall, repeatedly. What degree mill did you get your “Piled Higher and Deeper” at anyway? You certainly learned how to pile it high and deep. How fucking stupid do you have to be to publicly quote a Qanon conspiracy theory and then say “I am serious”??
Team Trump is probably getting close to Actual Truth when they claim Trump’s problem was that he listened Laura Lunatic, er, I mean Loomer, who traveled with him from the Eagle’s Nest, er, I mean Mar A Lardass, to Philadelphia. Her bimbo dumbfuckery is so severe it’s probably infectious to anyone who comes near.
Meanwhile, Dumbass Donnie Dumbfuck continues to broadcast from Earth II - where the sky is green and the grass is blue - with lunacy like this:
“People are just starting to give me credit for having a GREAT DEBATE. The Voters and Voter Polls showed it, but the Fake News Media wasn’t giving the credit that was due. Now they are seeing the results with independent Voters, Evangelicals, and more - and saying, WOW! Remember, I wasn’t debating one person, I was debating three. They should fire everybody at ABC Fake News, whose two lightweight “anchors” have brought disgrace onto the company!”
I’m going to spell it out for you fucking wingnut drooling fuckwits:
The strategy was to get under Dear Leader’s thin skin and get him to respond with batshittery. Mission accomplished, you dimbulbs.
It’s like the reporter said when Donnie Dumbfuck came to the spin room Tuesday night to claim it was his best debate ever:
“Then why are you here in the spin room, instead of letting your performance speak for itself?”
Actually, his performance did speak for itself.
Kamala let Donnie Dumbass be DonnieDumbass and now everyone has seen what a talentless Fat Elvis Impersonator looks like on a Tuesday night at the casino/unlicensed brothel in Elko, Nevada (the ass end of the Middle of Nowhere).
Even Leon Muck says Kamala Harris "exceeded most people's expectations" in her first debate against Trump. (That’s “most people” - mostly the ones with XY chromosomes - who haven’t been paying attention for the past 20 years)
These people are so fucking stupid, so damned ignorant, so willfully shitheaded, it’s a damn embarrassment to have to consider them members of the species, let alonethe Serious Threat to Democracy they are.
The Energizer Bunny has more IQ than all of them combined together.
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I can’t get out of my head what Robert Hubbell posted yesterday that HCR posted during the debate: “Good heavens! She’s walking him like a poodle!” To me, it defined perfectly the entire “debate”.
You must have peeked into the hamster wheel that has been spinning in my brain. My Facebook feed (MAGAt retired cops) had me nearly incoherent with disbelief... they actually believe that shit. 100% your guy got fact checked; he freaking lied. I have to say that your comparison of Diaper Man as a washed up fat Elvis impersonator in Elko is fabulous.
Full disclosure: I was born in Winnemucca.