This is a great heads up. Someone with connections needs to send it to the Harris campaign. They seem to be on top of things, but it can't hurt to get AHEAD of things for once!

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Just keep James Carville and David Axelrod away from the Harris campaign and they'll do fine.

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Amen. They're not just throwing cold water on the flames of enthusiasm; they're throwing buckets of ice in my opinion.

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Really. It's hard to fathom how either of these guys (Carville & Axelrod) are still relevant on talk shows in this day and age. Both should have retired at least a decade ago!

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Carville's name appears in quite a few of the candidate appeals I get. A couple of times I've responded with something like "If it comes from James Carville, I deep-six it."

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Ha ha! Good one!

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Good things to be aware of going forward!

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Be aware and push back hard! Not going to have another Hillary Clinton!

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We already don't. 10 days in VP Harris is already a much more effective candidate than Ms. Clinton was.

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There was certainly never a Clinton event like yesterday in Atlanta.

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Fox had slandered her for decades, Rupert has been busy for longer than any admit.

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Hillary Clinton came into prominence in a different time. There absolutely was, and still is, a vast right wing conspiracy that worked tirelessly to discredit Hillary Clinton. Even though she was a prepared, knowledgeable person who would have done a good job of governing, she got loaded down with GOP baggage. She was not a great candidate, and I really didn't want her to run.

The msm and the Republicans made a silk purse out of the sow's ear that is Don-old Trump. What kind of country are we when a mentally unstable corrupt psychopath is a candidate for president, supported by rich libertarians who think they can control him? How'd that work for Reince Pribus and Mitch McConnell?

I hope for a hard hitting winning strategy for Kamala Harris. I will absolutely vote for her.

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I'm actually glad she lost. Think back to the GOP controlling Senate and House in 2016, and ask yourself if the situation during her presidency wouldn't have been "gridlock on multiple steroiods", "gridlock 'roid rage". Would she have been impeached the first week or the second week of her administration? There were Republicans who left office because they were disappointed they wouldn't be able to "take her on."

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She was hated way more than Bill. Misogyny on steroids. Men I respected said they would never vote for her but couldn’t (or wouldn’t) say why. I knew why.

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Dave, I meant with MSM and

the emails. They will take the

smallest thing about Kamala

Harris and blow it up out of

proportion. Agree Harris is a

much stronger candidate, but

she's a woman of color and a


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I understand your point, and there's no doubt about the target, based in large part on her race and gender. They'll try, but there is now a much greater awareness of the game being played; thanks, in part, to articles like this and others that we're starting to see on Substack and in some media. The majority of the American people are neither as stupid nor as subservient as the press, pundits, and political consultants want to believe they are.

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In case anyone missed it, Trump BOMBED - I mean, worse than ever before - at the NABJ meeting in Chicago today, where he was interviewed and managed to confuse Harris with Haley, asking why did she stop saying she was Indian and "choose to become black"? He went on to claim he was "the best president for the Blacks" since Abraham Lincoln.

As much as everyone here hates watching or listening to Trump, this is one you have to see to believe.

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Reportage on this has already started. It will be interesting to see if it turns into questions about the failed insurrectionist's mental state and stability as well as his age. Certainly it would have if the President had done that.

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Are you sure. I kept thinking that while so many proved that they were. Hope you are right about that majority.

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81 million voted for Biden, 74 million for the failed insurrectionist. This time the Democrats have a vibrant, active, and attractive candidate who is already motivating people to get out of their boxes. The other party is offering an aging criminal who only makes sense by accident and a weird guy doesn't seem sure of his own name, where he came from, or what the proper function of a couch is when it comes to reproduction. We've got this, as long as we don't get cocky or lazy.

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The evil has been busy. Chump would never waste the dirty tricksters and evil actors who are willing to do anything for him. Expect more “productions.”

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Hillary never had the ‘politician’s’ Instinct! Like hubby Bill she was a policy wonk, but she lacked the communication skills! The newly elected POTUS from backwater (not whitewater) Arkansas was too wet behind the ears to understand that appointing his wife to rebuild Healthcare insurance in America would piss off the vested democrats in Congress! Strike one against HCR! Then for the next 30 years the gop hate mongers attacked her at will!

Kamala is battle tested and proved! Nuf said!

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Not only did Hillary piss off the vested Democrats, she let the insurance execs set the agenda and game the process. That was bound to create a result nobody else could get behind. As a result she came away from that effort with egg on her face and gave people the impression she was more attentive to the power players than anybody else. I suspect getting Obama Care passed helped dispel the memory of that fiasco among Democrats. The work she did as Secretary of State also did a lot to bring people around on her. Obviously she, too, has evolved.

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Some people just can't resist bashing Hillary Clinton, and by extension all of us who supported her.

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I wasn't bashing her, but the truth is that half of her support came from people who were anti-Trump, not pro-Hillary. That led to a lower energy level, which is what I was reporting here.

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TC, I wasn't thinking of you. ;-)

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The slanderous media didn’t help.

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Simon Cameron defined an honest politician as one who, when bought, stays bought. Those of the overly moneyed class who mistake the felonious failed insurrectionist for an honest man are likely to find themselves sorely disabused of that belief when someone with more money or fewer scruples comes along.

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He has NEVER failed to move on to more money. The RNC is proof.

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And what about the phrase: "Sugar high will soon be over" coming out of the mouths of so many newscasters the past few days. Blech.

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The sugar high will come to an end but not the drive and enthusiasm of the movement of people everywhere who intend to keep the promises of our Constitution.

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Since I disconnected my cable TV and only subscribe to NYT's basic news online, I have the pleasure of neither reading or watching what used to be a "noble profession" of Journalism. I'm grateful to read Dan Rather's column 'Steady' , Elliot Kirschner, Joyce Vance, Heather Cox Richardson, Robert Reich, and you, Tom (Another Fine Mess) People whom I trust to be fair and honest, Thank to al;l; opf you for keeping us up top date on REAL news.

BTW, I'm still not convinced that whole "assassination attempt" wasn't a phony play acting by trump to get himself back in the headlines. Actors, even hams, do have access to little packets of fake blood used on movie and TV sets. Has anyone considered how great a shot that would be from 400 feet to hit the top of his right ear (which was on the other side of his fat head from the shooter) and do so little damage there is no sign of a a scar, in under two weeks?

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Steve Bannon was a Hollywood type before he turned his evil to politics. I’d bet my life it was a production. They proved with Jan 6 that collateral damage was no big deal. Expect another headliner if Kamala continues her “honeymoon.”

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Bannon was a failure in Hollywood. He couldn't organize a two car funeral if you spotted him the hearse, as Charlie Pierce described Widdle Shillbilly earlier this week.

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Wasn’t he involved with the Seinfeld Show. I read that he is still making money off something to do with it. However, no surprise that he was a failure since he and chump can win the prize as the world’s biggest losers (except weight). I am still gobsmacked that they and their crew of turds are still on the stage when they should have closed off Broadway in one night. But he is the type who could pick up skills that mobsters would find useful any where, any how.

I still wonder where Mark Burnett is. He has never told what he knows about chump. And he knows lots about “production” of angels and devils. My conspiracy brain just won’t rest.

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Sounds about right.

However, I think Kalama knows it's coming, is prepared for it, and can deliver.

The first journalist who asks her a question bristling with double standards as is outlined above she could ask if he thinks she just fell out of a cocoanut tree and explain what a double standard is, with examples, and including him standing right there.

The lesson will probably need to be taught more than once, but it will be fun every time for us.

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I hope someone in the Harris camp is taking notes. She has to call it out hard.

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This is the time for us to press all media for fresh voices, especially from the Substackers, and for the Subs to continue sharing one another's most salient stuff in order to recruit new readers, just as you've been doing, Tom. We should also warn the MSM that not only will Trump's Gestapo find ways to silence and censor them, but readers will continue to flock to the independent voices they can find elsewhere. Unfortunately, the sad outcome of all of this will be the expansion of separate real time realities, possibly the ultimate deconstruction of the once United States into "sectors".

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Seeing and hearing it now!! On the way back from an MD appt yesterday. On Point with Meghna Chakrabarti (host) and three known black women: Sharon Austin, Jasmine Wright and LaTosha Brown The first of a two-part program evaluating Harris (yesterday) and Vance (today) and the end of their honeymoon periods!! Firstly, wtf!!! putting the two of them in the same category is odious. Secondly, the SNARK in Meghna's voice and statements was palpable. My husband and I were horrified with her and how she was setting up Harris. Ugly... Here is the link to yesterday's. Not planning to listen today. Yuck.


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I had the same reaction. What did Harris ever do to her?

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No idea. Just shocking.

Glad we were not the only ones who reacted that way.

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It is sad to see the MSM throw away the respect they once had, in the days of my youth, but throw it away they have..... Despite the admirable efforts of many fine reporters, the editorial stances and corporate bias are palpable. Not only can't they see the forest for the trees, they can't see the trees for the poop that passes for editorial judgment these days at far too many news outlets.....

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Exactly. Watched it happen and could hardly believe what I was seeing. Moyers warned us

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I'm so thoroughly sick & tired of the MSM!

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He forgot a convicted felon and adjugated rapist/molester.

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I’m very cautious about Brian, as he has a tendency to formalism and crowdsourcing. However this post of his is on point and accurate. Lucian Truscott has noted how the NYT, in its tiny little blurb about Trump’s plan to end voting for his beautiful Christians (and the rest of us), referred to Trump as President and to Kamala Harris as Ms. They subsequent changed it on their website to “former President” and “Vice President”, respectively, but it’s clear that the NYT’s default setting is misogyny.

Clearly we need to be prepared and not take lightly the inevitable normalization of Trump or the attempts to call Harris a flip flopper. Personally I think the weird meme on social media will be very helpful. I’ve seen posts where folks use pictures of the wacky stuff Trump and Co. do, labeled with “weird” and it’s hard to ignore. Social media will be the key to counter the establishment press.

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That happened for chump when the production was reported on

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Can't we just let the MAGA strategies reveal themselves in real time instead of speculating constantly on how they'll try to discredit Harris. We are so much quicker on our feet now. They're learning that the truth hurts them. We know their style and the kinds of offensives they'll use to attack Kamala. MAGA will do a perfect job themselves of making obvious the choice of who to vote for, and the mainstream media are going to lose their street cred by trying to swim upstream on this raging current of the people's belief in the rule of law, a free republic and opportunity for all. If we're going to speculate let's speculate on their plans to overthrow the government and how we prevent it. Deal with the renegade courts. Secure the vote.

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We still have to assist the pearl clutchers Susan. Relax, there's only 96 more days of this. You can do it standing on tiptoe. :-)

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I do see your point. Nobody wants to be caught flatfooted.

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I saw what you did there. :-)

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I can do about 5 seconds on tiptoe, will that help?

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Trump’s flip on 2025 is meaningless because it’s happening. NOW !! especially in Florida.

Regarding Medicare,we need to discontinue ACO Reach ASAP. ACO is a Trump -era pilot program that the Biden admin slightly modified. It’s like Medicare Advantage on steroids where patients on traditional Medicare can be funneled to a different provider, often without their knowledge, by these physician groups often owned by insurance companies and private equity firms.We all know GOP/wants to fully privatize Medicare. ACO Reach =Project 2025


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This may be of interest and may explain a new firehose of misinformation heading our way: https://www.persuasion.community/p/a-dangerous-victory-for-social-media

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