TC, thank you. You have defined a simple road map for us to identify and confirm who the enemies of democracy are, even within our own families.

You said, "Between now and next November, every Republican must be publicly confronted and asked this question, plainly and publicly: Who was the true winner of the 2020 election?

If they don’t say “Joe Biden,” that is the most important thing we know about them. It must be the fact of their identity that gets repeated every time their name is mentioned."

I can comfortably ask anyone (including family members) the simple question: Who was the true winner of the 2020 election? Simple question which requires a simple answer. Nothing more. No explanations, no diatribes of nonsense. My response will be, "That is the most important thing I know about you."

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I just posted this excerpt on my FB page with a warning to all who follow me there...among whom some are trumplican lurkers. They have been given a heads up!

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"It’s time for everyone who believes in this country to become a “one issue voter.”

Democracy, or Anti-Democracy?

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I never thought that I would ever have anything good to say about Dick Cheney but his appearance on the House floor today with his daughter Liz and his condemnation of the insurrection was very welcome. I hope that other Republicans will put country before loyalty to the cult of DJT.

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I've been a one-issue voter since I belatedly realized that Trump had somehow won the highest office in the USA despite being an obvious con man. Since that time I have slowly realized that my species is very, very disappointing and most of the things I was taught are not to be taken for granted.

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Welcome to Reality - what a concept! :-)

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Democracy is VERY fragile.

Good character is a flimsy foundation for a country, which like pornography, is usually recognized when seen. America has relied on the good character of its elected officials for far too long.

“God is great; beer is good; and people are crazy!” Billy Currington, country singer and American Idol contestant

There ain’t no dumbass vaccine, sadly.

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Spot on. I especially like Democracy or Anti- democracy. Too often people get confused about the meaning of fascism, autocracy, authoritarianism.

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It is as simple as that, I liked it when he brought up the fact that the Republicans in general did well in the last election, way better than the imbecilic clown 🤡. I have been thinking that all year. He’s a looser and he lost big time, if he had just handled the plague with the most minimal level of intelligence, he might have retained the presidency, but first he would have had to pull his head out of his ass, and that wasn’t going to happen, as the death’s mounted the only thing he gave a shit about was his preening ego. Insipid, he really is beneath contempt. I hope I live long enough to piss on his grave because it’s on my to do list. It is as simple as that.👍

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And may I be indulged and reference that commenter from another Substack….””fight for good”. I believe there is a disconnect in the definition of that. When I talk to people who SAY they are for democracy and are scared about what’s going on, I ask them…” so what are you doing about it and what do you suggest I do?” Most times, the reply is well, I live my life dedicated to our country or democracy, or I always vote, or I avoid confronting so called “patriots”, or I just do not watch the news, or I’m waiting patiently for prosecution of traitors, or I don’t go on social media anymore.


If any citizen that is for democracy is wringing their hands instead of throwing this treasonous shit back against the wall until something sticks, then we ARE mired in their treason. One cannot climb out of darkness by sitting in it.

I have asked and of late pleaded with any person I speak with to answer the very question TC has posed. “Do you believe the election was stolen and that Joe Biden is an illegitimate president?” And then if they say “no” I ask if they believed the birther lie about President Obama. And if they say no, I ask, “Why do you think that lies are legitimate platforms perpetrated and advanced by our elected officials?” This is met by usually confusion or silence. It is then that I say, obviously that is becoming a norm and it’s time to throw it back in their faces. Stand up for YOURSELF and be a participant, not just an observer of the truth. It is the only way. It’s not the weak assed self esteem of Americans “oh we are the greatest” or “this can’t happen in America” that will win the day . It is our self worth of being a human on this earth and fighting to be human…we are all in this together. There is enough to go around. Period. A single thought believed or at least said to the Universe by every brave person in the world will crumble the maker of war…greed.

And postscript. If a person answers my question about the election with, “well maybe or it seems like it might be unfair or a flat out yes”… this is my reply. “Then you are only a poker stoking the flame of civil war. Don’t cry when you get burned.”

Obv my circle of peeps has not exactly been the usual loosey goosey comfortable ring that it’s always been. Time to tighten up the hatches.

United. And I mean it.


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Too bad there isn't a "10 million likes" button to push.

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TC in ‘da house. Always fabulous.

(I needed a “10 million dislikes” button on the other Substack today. Haven’t checked, but I prob have been scolded a few times.)

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Note to self…guess it’s “batten down the hatches”. So tighten them first.

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Really well done TC.

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YES! This is so powerful, I tweeted it (as usual) but this time I tagged Jamie Raskin, because I thought it would be akin to a pat on the back - which he might need right about now. But THIS, TC, is SPOT ON. (Please forgive the hyperbolic all caps!)

"We have to treat those who claim Trump won in precisely the same way we treat those who say the Earth is flat or that Hitler had some good ideas. They are not merely “deluded;” they are either participating in, or at the very least directly enabling, an assault on our system of government with terrifying implications for the future. They are the true enemies of the United States. And they have to be treated that way."

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Agreed, TC!

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Share far and wide!

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Amen to putting out the fire in the house!

Agreed that policy points should go on the back burner. I concur with Steve Schmidt that the current iteration of the R party should be burnt to the ground. If the pro- democracy folks don’t win and thus are not in charge of the agenda, policy points won’t matter worth a damn. Being in the minority means your side has virtually NO LEVERAGE! BEING IN THE MINORITY MEANS YOU CANNOT ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING WORTHWHILE!!!!!!!

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“ It's worth fighting for good because good is worth fighting for. That's it.”

In a nutshell.

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And the fire rages on...

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