Sign me up TC! I will be doing my part to stop Trump. I have joined the small Democrat Club in my town to be more involved. I am looking forward to meeting other fighters.
"I have joined the small Democrat Club in my town..."
Good for you! It's so important for us to support each other. Small local clubs can have a real effect on local elections, and on local elected officials.
"The eagle cannot fly with just one wing." Now there's a metaphor that says it all about the GOP wing of our dysfunctional congress, a once vital force in our two-party system now diseased and broken by the actions of a malignant criminal thug now running for president and worshipped by his fascist MAGA contingent hell bent on destroying the foundations of our Constitutional Republic. To get the eagle flying again entails removing the tumor as well as the surrounding tissue in the body politic affected by its deadly presence. Only then can the eagle heal and take flight again. Our lives as citizens and the Constitution we ratified in 1778 to establish ourselves as Americans dedicated to the rule of law depends on this salient truth. The fate of an eagle with a broken wing is Death.
I would have been much happier if our history had taken a different turn and we had between four and maybe six parties with approximately the same level of support.
it didn't turn out that way. I suppose that, since people want as much power (and the money power brings) as they can grab, they would eventually have merged and left us with the system we have now, and it sucks. but there's gotta be a reason people like to read the occasional utopian novel or tract. and yeah, I DO realize that dystopian fiction shit is so much more popular...I suppose it cheers us up to know we haven't gotten there...yet.
For once Chris Christie and I are in agreement — vehement agreement. I drives me wild when I hear people kvetching about not having a perfect choice to vote for instead of DJT. I saw a meme somewhere that I wish was on billboards all over the nation: Your vote is not a valentine; it's a chess move toward a future you want to see happen.
Even if Trump is off the ballot or is convicted, there is still that rolling powder keg of magas and the likelihood that a Gaetz, Cotton, Hawley, MTG, or even the ever odious Newt Gingrich would wrap arms around that keg, claim it for himself as a disciple, and keep the threat going. Trump has spread gasoline all over the US, and he wants to light the match but will be happy to see someone else do it as a sign of ongoing worship. Now is the time to resurrect all those WWII movies, all that footage of the sieg heils mein fuhrer, lockstep parades, and the broken bodies and minds of Hitler's and Mussolini's victims, which would require members of the boards of the corporate medias to do their parts, but they likely will fail to do so because Trumpism drawers viewers.
Thanks for reminding us this is going to be tough going, but I'm in. I checked my handwritten warning note "trapline" on Monday and all but one were missing from where I planted them. Don't know if they were whisked into the trash, but I do suspect most were read first. Next week I'm pressing on in an adjacent county that is raging red.
Its not necessary to go all the way back to WWII - just to Charlottesville & "the jews will not replace us" crew - thats pretty recent! And as jolted by it as we felt - it didnt appear to have the repercussions that any of us would have expected.
That's why I suggest the old and very dramatic black and white footage from WWII. It strikes me as having greater impact, a greater clarity that's sometimes blurred by color. At least it hits me that way. The Charlottesville punks didn't have a visible fuhrer to whom they were saluting, no focal character who symbolized their evil.
I remember the old footages - maybe thats the problem with so much of the younger population here in the US & other countries - they have no clue! And scary as it is, if these dipwads who want to remove/change history? Some never will if they are successful.
To me, the idea that in this current time - these young (mostly) twits marching with their torches likely have no clue either but that doesnt matter - they follow whoever "grabs" their attention. And social media does NOT help!
This election year presents like a delicate surgery where Dr Justice removes a small piece of the tumor at a time while Nurse Court applies suction to the patient. Each procedure must be completed carefully to prevent further infection from Virus MAGA
Welp, I can see voting for Mr. Christie. With a few other choices and if the Hunter situation assumes some relevance and scuttles Mr. Biden, my voting preferance might look something like this:
1) Anthony Wiener
2) Atilla the Hun
3) Peewee Herman
4) Chris Christie
5) Scrooge McDuck
Maybe options 4 and 5 should be reversed. It's a tough choice.
The real Christie Challenge, and one that he's yet to meet himself, is the willingness to say that the only reasonable alternative to the failed insurrectionist in 2024 is the current President, who is, for the record, doing a better than average job in a set of very difficult situations hindered by a House Republican caucus that would rather be at recess than about the challenge of governing responsibly. When Christie and other Republicans of similar stature take that step, we'll see some genuine realignment of the political stars.
Interestingly, Adam Kinzinger stated yesterday that he will work for and vote for Biden. And Liz Cheney said so in so many words when she was on The View on Wednesday. It's going to be easy for Christie to join.
That's exactly the sort of thing that needs to happen. The more the GOP fractures, the better the chance that Biden will win with the kind of margin that he needs. There also seems to be a bit of a change in the mass media coverage; more mention is being made of the 91 indictments and the behavior in Judge Engoron's courtroom yesterday. Hope remains firm, complacency still our biggest threat.
Granted it's a given that Donald J Trump is unfit to hold any public office, and anyone able to gather two functioning brain cells and rub them together knows that, but I don't believe he has actually been convicted of committing a single crime. Yet. Technically. The NY fraud case brought by Attorney General Letitia James is a civil case, as the E Jean Carroll defamation cases were. We need a result from Fanni Willis in Georgia or Jack Smith against Lucy Canon's headwind.
Also, I just can't convince myself to believe that Chris Christie will vote for Joe Biden in November. Christie is a Republican after all, and you know how easy it is to tell when they're lying. It's when their lips are moving.
Yes my thought exactly! Just a matter of time to hear either he will vote for dumpty or one of the other characters. Do not believe he would vote for Biden or any Democrat! Look at all the so-called "naysayers" (of dumpty) and yet and yet... they will vote for him because hes a republican! In an older time and a better person's voice: The buck stops here! And the buck in too many cases seems to be the orange one for the Repubs.
Notice, what he didn't say, though. He didn't tell the people there to vote for President Biden. There is a huge difference between saying "I'm going to do everything in my power to prevent (fuckhead asshole) from becoming President again" to saying "you might not like it, but you have to vote for President Biden." THAT'S what he didn't say, but what he needed to say and needs to going forward.
"Christie did make one final commitment: “I want to promise you this, I am going to make sure that in no way do I enable Donald Trump to ever be president of the United States again….”
Christie better not run for No Labels or other 3rd party, then. If he does, hit him over the head repeatedly with his statement.
We are skating on thin ice with so many punching holes. If a fair election (and I have hope despite states like Texas stacking the deck for chump), cannot settle the issue and heal the divide, what can. It is our last hurrah. The American Dream will become the world’s worst nightmare. It is up to us. No Japan to come and unite us to fight with all our might.
Americans already rejected Loser tRump. He LOST the election. But for the ridiculous Electoral College, he would not have been elected the first time. He LOST the popular vote by 3 million votes. What part of NO does Loser tRump not understand? I am so damned tired of Republican gaslighting, telling the country that red is green, up is down, the sky is green, etc. I have thought for the past 44 years that they were lying. Former Republicans have admitted they were lying to the public in their campaign marketing.
Two things have happened as a result of tRump in politics. 1) The flaws of our Constitution and governing structures have been made glaringly clear. (Get rid of the Electoral College. Set term limits and enforceable ethics rules for the SCOTUS. Get rid of the damned filibuster, which sabotages legislation.) 2) Who the Republicans are is right out in plain view. In a previous time, they were southern Democrats. Their label does not matter. Their selfish, traitorous character is still the same as when they started a hot war against the country. The Nazis were tried, convicted, and sentenced after WWII. The Confederate leaders should have been held similarly accountable after the Civil War. Instead, they propagated that Lost Cause lie because they could not admit to themselves that they lost because their cause was morally reprehensible. They are still spreading this garbage as "heritage." I say these things as a born and bred southerner.
Check out the books "American Character" and "American Nations" by Colin Woodward for some thought provoking insights on how we came to be the nation as we are now.
Total agreement from another born and bred southerner. They have been lying for at least 44 years. About as long as Walter has been retired and Rupert took over our airwaves. He has been a one-man destruction derby, hired by Repubs and supported by oligarchs.
Yet, that Trojan horse and his younger selves are allowed to rot our country from the inside. The cancer has not been excised but allowed to grow and prosper. No surprise that we are divided and cannot stand as a beacon for the world.
I've been recommending BOTH those books (but especially the earlier one, "American Nations") since I read it when it came out. it explains just about EVERYTHING that feels so confusing about why certain people vote the way they do.
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the scumbags on the "other side" have been using it themselves for "strategy."
I'm also sort of a war baby with some deeply Southern blood, with a mother from Monroe, LA, and a grandma from Little Rock. my cousins like to call themselves "Libertarians." that is to say, they're sort of fascist but want to be "civilized" about it.
I totally agree with you.Trump clearly is ineligible to be on any state's ballot. Period. I also agree that running him next November is a fear-based decision. That being said, he MUST lose if he is actually on the ballot and then we must be prepared to deal with any backlash that this action causes. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Sign me up TC! I will be doing my part to stop Trump. I have joined the small Democrat Club in my town to be more involved. I am looking forward to meeting other fighters.
"I have joined the small Democrat Club in my town..."
Good for you! It's so important for us to support each other. Small local clubs can have a real effect on local elections, and on local elected officials.
And national.
"The eagle cannot fly with just one wing." Now there's a metaphor that says it all about the GOP wing of our dysfunctional congress, a once vital force in our two-party system now diseased and broken by the actions of a malignant criminal thug now running for president and worshipped by his fascist MAGA contingent hell bent on destroying the foundations of our Constitutional Republic. To get the eagle flying again entails removing the tumor as well as the surrounding tissue in the body politic affected by its deadly presence. Only then can the eagle heal and take flight again. Our lives as citizens and the Constitution we ratified in 1778 to establish ourselves as Americans dedicated to the rule of law depends on this salient truth. The fate of an eagle with a broken wing is Death.
I would have been much happier if our history had taken a different turn and we had between four and maybe six parties with approximately the same level of support.
it didn't turn out that way. I suppose that, since people want as much power (and the money power brings) as they can grab, they would eventually have merged and left us with the system we have now, and it sucks. but there's gotta be a reason people like to read the occasional utopian novel or tract. and yeah, I DO realize that dystopian fiction shit is so much more popular...I suppose it cheers us up to know we haven't gotten there...yet.
For once Chris Christie and I are in agreement — vehement agreement. I drives me wild when I hear people kvetching about not having a perfect choice to vote for instead of DJT. I saw a meme somewhere that I wish was on billboards all over the nation: Your vote is not a valentine; it's a chess move toward a future you want to see happen.
Even if Trump is off the ballot or is convicted, there is still that rolling powder keg of magas and the likelihood that a Gaetz, Cotton, Hawley, MTG, or even the ever odious Newt Gingrich would wrap arms around that keg, claim it for himself as a disciple, and keep the threat going. Trump has spread gasoline all over the US, and he wants to light the match but will be happy to see someone else do it as a sign of ongoing worship. Now is the time to resurrect all those WWII movies, all that footage of the sieg heils mein fuhrer, lockstep parades, and the broken bodies and minds of Hitler's and Mussolini's victims, which would require members of the boards of the corporate medias to do their parts, but they likely will fail to do so because Trumpism drawers viewers.
Thanks for reminding us this is going to be tough going, but I'm in. I checked my handwritten warning note "trapline" on Monday and all but one were missing from where I planted them. Don't know if they were whisked into the trash, but I do suspect most were read first. Next week I'm pressing on in an adjacent county that is raging red.
Its not necessary to go all the way back to WWII - just to Charlottesville & "the jews will not replace us" crew - thats pretty recent! And as jolted by it as we felt - it didnt appear to have the repercussions that any of us would have expected.
That's why I suggest the old and very dramatic black and white footage from WWII. It strikes me as having greater impact, a greater clarity that's sometimes blurred by color. At least it hits me that way. The Charlottesville punks didn't have a visible fuhrer to whom they were saluting, no focal character who symbolized their evil.
I remember the old footages - maybe thats the problem with so much of the younger population here in the US & other countries - they have no clue! And scary as it is, if these dipwads who want to remove/change history? Some never will if they are successful.
To me, the idea that in this current time - these young (mostly) twits marching with their torches likely have no clue either but that doesnt matter - they follow whoever "grabs" their attention. And social media does NOT help!
This election year presents like a delicate surgery where Dr Justice removes a small piece of the tumor at a time while Nurse Court applies suction to the patient. Each procedure must be completed carefully to prevent further infection from Virus MAGA
IT’s quite a balancing act
Republicans for Biden has a lovely ring.
Welp, I can see voting for Mr. Christie. With a few other choices and if the Hunter situation assumes some relevance and scuttles Mr. Biden, my voting preferance might look something like this:
1) Anthony Wiener
2) Atilla the Hun
3) Peewee Herman
4) Chris Christie
5) Scrooge McDuck
Maybe options 4 and 5 should be reversed. It's a tough choice.
Worried about you reading the first sentence! But looking at your list - yeah, that about covers it!!!!!
The real Christie Challenge, and one that he's yet to meet himself, is the willingness to say that the only reasonable alternative to the failed insurrectionist in 2024 is the current President, who is, for the record, doing a better than average job in a set of very difficult situations hindered by a House Republican caucus that would rather be at recess than about the challenge of governing responsibly. When Christie and other Republicans of similar stature take that step, we'll see some genuine realignment of the political stars.
Interestingly, Adam Kinzinger stated yesterday that he will work for and vote for Biden. And Liz Cheney said so in so many words when she was on The View on Wednesday. It's going to be easy for Christie to join.
That's exactly the sort of thing that needs to happen. The more the GOP fractures, the better the chance that Biden will win with the kind of margin that he needs. There also seems to be a bit of a change in the mass media coverage; more mention is being made of the 91 indictments and the behavior in Judge Engoron's courtroom yesterday. Hope remains firm, complacency still our biggest threat.
Granted it's a given that Donald J Trump is unfit to hold any public office, and anyone able to gather two functioning brain cells and rub them together knows that, but I don't believe he has actually been convicted of committing a single crime. Yet. Technically. The NY fraud case brought by Attorney General Letitia James is a civil case, as the E Jean Carroll defamation cases were. We need a result from Fanni Willis in Georgia or Jack Smith against Lucy Canon's headwind.
Also, I just can't convince myself to believe that Chris Christie will vote for Joe Biden in November. Christie is a Republican after all, and you know how easy it is to tell when they're lying. It's when their lips are moving.
We'll see.
Maybe he should join with Liz, Adam and the Lincoln crew if he is serious. Which of those Might vote for a Dem????
I still wonder about that.
me too
Yes my thought exactly! Just a matter of time to hear either he will vote for dumpty or one of the other characters. Do not believe he would vote for Biden or any Democrat! Look at all the so-called "naysayers" (of dumpty) and yet and yet... they will vote for him because hes a republican! In an older time and a better person's voice: The buck stops here! And the buck in too many cases seems to be the orange one for the Repubs.
I think he's going to surprise you. At least that's what people who have known him think.
Notice, what he didn't say, though. He didn't tell the people there to vote for President Biden. There is a huge difference between saying "I'm going to do everything in my power to prevent (fuckhead asshole) from becoming President again" to saying "you might not like it, but you have to vote for President Biden." THAT'S what he didn't say, but what he needed to say and needs to going forward.
"Christie did make one final commitment: “I want to promise you this, I am going to make sure that in no way do I enable Donald Trump to ever be president of the United States again….”
Christie better not run for No Labels or other 3rd party, then. If he does, hit him over the head repeatedly with his statement.
in a word? no
We are skating on thin ice with so many punching holes. If a fair election (and I have hope despite states like Texas stacking the deck for chump), cannot settle the issue and heal the divide, what can. It is our last hurrah. The American Dream will become the world’s worst nightmare. It is up to us. No Japan to come and unite us to fight with all our might.
Americans already rejected Loser tRump. He LOST the election. But for the ridiculous Electoral College, he would not have been elected the first time. He LOST the popular vote by 3 million votes. What part of NO does Loser tRump not understand? I am so damned tired of Republican gaslighting, telling the country that red is green, up is down, the sky is green, etc. I have thought for the past 44 years that they were lying. Former Republicans have admitted they were lying to the public in their campaign marketing.
Two things have happened as a result of tRump in politics. 1) The flaws of our Constitution and governing structures have been made glaringly clear. (Get rid of the Electoral College. Set term limits and enforceable ethics rules for the SCOTUS. Get rid of the damned filibuster, which sabotages legislation.) 2) Who the Republicans are is right out in plain view. In a previous time, they were southern Democrats. Their label does not matter. Their selfish, traitorous character is still the same as when they started a hot war against the country. The Nazis were tried, convicted, and sentenced after WWII. The Confederate leaders should have been held similarly accountable after the Civil War. Instead, they propagated that Lost Cause lie because they could not admit to themselves that they lost because their cause was morally reprehensible. They are still spreading this garbage as "heritage." I say these things as a born and bred southerner.
Check out the books "American Character" and "American Nations" by Colin Woodward for some thought provoking insights on how we came to be the nation as we are now.
Total agreement from another born and bred southerner. They have been lying for at least 44 years. About as long as Walter has been retired and Rupert took over our airwaves. He has been a one-man destruction derby, hired by Repubs and supported by oligarchs.
I wish we could deport Rupert and his kids.
at this stage of the game, would it actually make much difference?
Yet, that Trojan horse and his younger selves are allowed to rot our country from the inside. The cancer has not been excised but allowed to grow and prosper. No surprise that we are divided and cannot stand as a beacon for the world.
...Also the Senate needs to be elected proportionately to each state’s population, minimum one Senator per state. States do not vote. People vote.
all entirely correct.
but good luck with that.
I've been recommending BOTH those books (but especially the earlier one, "American Nations") since I read it when it came out. it explains just about EVERYTHING that feels so confusing about why certain people vote the way they do.
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the scumbags on the "other side" have been using it themselves for "strategy."
I'm also sort of a war baby with some deeply Southern blood, with a mother from Monroe, LA, and a grandma from Little Rock. my cousins like to call themselves "Libertarians." that is to say, they're sort of fascist but want to be "civilized" about it.
I totally agree with you.Trump clearly is ineligible to be on any state's ballot. Period. I also agree that running him next November is a fear-based decision. That being said, he MUST lose if he is actually on the ballot and then we must be prepared to deal with any backlash that this action causes. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't.