Seeing Trump's rides to surrender to Georgia for booking on 13 felony counts and return to his home in Bedminster, NJ, reverberated with the Trump years.

The roundtrip was strongest to see in silence, without the chatter of on-air reporters/analysts/hosts/commentators.

It was during his ride through streets of Atlanta on the way to jail that I felt the most. It was as a communion with fellow citizens.

There was also the relative quiet of his cult. A silence that spoke with possibility of hope down the road.

The cherry of the night was Trump's mug shot. Thank you for making it the centerpiece, TC, of your Trump piece.

Look at Trump’s eyes. Those eyes give him away, and they are hard to look at, just as living in The Trump Years have been hell. This shot is our memento for The Trump Years In America, thanks to Fulton County Jail in Georgia. See the sheriff’s badge on the top right of the mug shot.


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"What they should see is fear, Donald Trump’s fear of what could happen when no one is above the law. What they should see is stupidity. The stupidity that made Donald Trump a criminal defendant. What they should also see is hatred, the hatred of a man towards contempt of the system that made him a criminal defendant.”

Lawrence O'Donnell, 8/24/2023.

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I was royally pissed that ABC had the nerve to interrupt "Jeopardy!" and let David Muir and others prattle on about this criminal. Granted that the Jeopardy episode was a repeat, but nonetheless!

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you just hit a very sore point with me. the new Spectrum interface (which is slow, dodgy and completely counterintuitive) will, for some reason, NOT allow me to DVR every episode of "Jeopardy." color me pissed off.

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Excellent description Tom. He is an evil parasite attempting to suck the life out of our democracy.

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And that's on a good day!

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I think he's done sucked a lot of it already. and for you, Karen, I must pause to explain my new avatar. it's a picture a friend took of my profile in the Spring of 1965...chinless with a dangling Lark. pathetic, I know. I bought my first pack of Larks the week they came out, two Springs prior to this one. a cruel friend once told me that they were Dean Rusk's brand. a few years later (in Spring, 1969), I had coffee and a brief chat with Allen Ginsberg in the CCNY cafeteria and discovered that he was also a Lark smoker. it made me happy.

of course, the Larks themselves managed to give me two entirely different smoking-related lung cancers (Adenosarcoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma, since you're in a position to know about this kind of thing). it's been over twelve years, so I'm good for now.

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My new avatar David. I was riding Cycle Oregon. A week long bike ride of around 500 miles through Oregon. It was September 11, 2001. I woke up in the tent to other people’s radios blaring that the twin towers had been hit. We were out in the middle of nowhere in the mountains of Oregon. I am looking a little like what the fuck is happening? It was a very strange and solemn bike ride that day.

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I'll bet it was!

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I was in English class on November 22, 1963. the principal came on the PA, made his announcement and the entire school got up and walked home in complete silence..in my case about two miles.

on 9/11, I'd cut work to spite my work-wife Ruth, was walking the dogs and ran into my friend Antonio, who told me about the first plane. I got home just in time to see the second plane slice through the second building. I called my dad, who was in an office with no TV. his response was "it's that Bin Laden creep." in the following days, my conspiracy theorists were starting to say things like "how come they knew who it was so fast?" I countered with the fact that my father knew from reading the paper.

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I like your picture David, but damn those Larks! They really are enemies of the lungs. I’m happy to hear you are cancer free now. Twelve years coincides with a good prognosis. I haven’t changed my avatar for quite awhile. I will dig around and see what I can come up with.

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thank you, Karen. so much.

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that's on a GOOD day, Karen, dontcha think? I mean on a good day when he hasn't spoken his first word.

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From now on, he will be referred to as #P01135809, not his given name, which will go down in the history books along with Benedict Arnold, John Wilkes Booth, Tailgunner Joe McCarthy, and other vermin from our country’s past.

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Piece of S...

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Makes one wonder what is going through the mind of Roy Cohn at this moment.

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hahahaha...I did my post just above before I saw this...

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I'm never completely comfortable with Benedict Arnold in this group...and why Tail Gunner Joe and not Roy Cohn, who actually outdid his boss/trick (or so it has already been explained to me) in overall long-term villainy, including his "education" of TFF.

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To me he looks as if threatening to hold his breath until he gets his way. 🤣

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he should be encouraged to hold it. 4ever.

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Hear Hear!

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So much hatred and anger in this creature’s eyes. It’s frightening.

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A tortured soul.

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my natural empathy, when I attempt to apply it to this person, fails utterly.

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well, yeah, probably.

but if he doesn't actually KNOW he's a tortured soul, can we really describe him as "tortured?"

this is the sort of question I can come up with when I need to be doing something else...

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The look of evil incarnate... ok , fine! "the look of a worthless piece of shit" works.

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He's not smart enough to be "evil incarnate". I see insecurity, rabid weakness, fury, frustration and hatred at an inchoate "them"....the "them" who never let him into their ranks despite his most ambitious scramblings.

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like you, I usually tend to think of people I'd describe as "evil incarnate" as being intelligent (as in Satanic...remember that Satan is kinda the hero in "Paradise Lost"). but I've been coming to embrace a much more inclusive definition.

after all, what somebody DOES is always more important than what somebody SAYS.

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You have an excellent point, Mr. Levine...but I still can't see Trump being smart enough, strong enough or confident enough to be the architect of all evil, i.e. the Anti-Christ. However, he does do evil acts and causes others to do evil acts, certainly and he enjoys cruelty.....so, I guess in that view, he is evil enclothed in flesh, indeed.

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it sounds like we actually agree just about completely.

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Dude is evil. And stupid. His glower is both unhinged and comedic. He’s had a week to practice and that’s what he comes up with? I hope that’s the photo they use in those barbershop posters of the American Presidents. (But imagine that he’s actually gonna be on those posters. What the f---were some people thinking voting for that mentally diseased thing?)

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It's a look that captures both the evil in him and his frustration in his situation. I'm inclined to think that he's not going to last very long in prison. And that's fine with me.

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I think most of us here feel the same way.

in the meantime, I'm having some fun working up some brand-new loathing for this Ramaswamp Creature. he's just sooooo fucking stupid.

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A rotten little shit in desperate need of a smack in the face.

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Dang! Again, we agree! And with TC's comment below as well. I can't remember where I read the inventive change of the little snot's name to RamaSMARMY--but it fit so very well that I cannot think of him any other way, now. Brash, arrogant and massively under-qualified to be elected to anything, let alone the Presidency.

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"RamaSMARMY" is perfect!

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Also Ramaswami - he's trying to make us believe he's some "enlightened one"

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the MSM ALL think it's important to remind us that he (like so many other stupid fucks in the news) went to Harvard. if I read one more time about his "Harvard debating skills," I'll....I dunno...be very unhappy?

the point is that he's terrible at debating, which is right away not about anything but winning and, possibly, thinking on one's feet. two things at which he DOES NOT EXCEL.

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To think that our tax dollars are still protecting this monster. 😖

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He is the burp at what is hopefully the beginning of the end of the Republican feeding frenzy.

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That's a good one.

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Yeah - the orange burp - which implies all kinds of disgusting matters!!!

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I like Robert Hubbell’s description: “Trump's mugshot will become the defining image of Trump for all time. His facial expression conveys equal parts menace, anger, and defiance. There is no hint of a soul behind the eyes, only animal grievance and feral resentment at being cornered. It is astounding that a mugshot could capture the essence of evil that resides beneath the surface in Donald Trump.”

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Perfect Stephanie H. ‘Essence of evil’ is exactly what I saw first and continue to see.

It makes me shudder.

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The glower of a lifetime career juvenile delinquent, exactly. Boy, I bet he had a 10,000 dollar hair do, and and lots of make up. And he is still a piece of Schitt. Worshipped by ignorance, stupidity, and power-hungry cretins. A Rorschach blot indeed, America needs to look in the mirror. How bloody embarrassing. Bet it will be framed and hung on the walls of worshippers just like Adolf was on the walls in Germany when their savior bullied, lied, and murdered his way to power. How many of America’s young men died to save the world from that. Who will save us.

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I see him mugging for a publicity shot…. Where is the flat light of a typical mug shot where the defendant looks like death warmed over? Who set up the lights so he could have definitive shadows and yet, his eyes are brightly visible? WHERE ARE HIS WADDLES? I agree, he practiced in the mirror and in front of his grooming team……with a lighting director. He is all vanity. He will look good on a WANTED IN GEORGIA poster.

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I think it would have made a difference with all of their mug shots to have both the frontal and profile shots. It would mean all of their poses/smiles don't mean shit, unless put into context.

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wow! YES!! you're RIGHT!!!

if there'd been profile shots, he wouldn't have been able to hide his chins.

so now I feel ripped off.

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He leaned forward and down like he did to hide the chins.

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There is the look of Stephen Colbert in his former roleplaying of asshole conservative.

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I meant mobster but monster works too

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Monster is more accurate.

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Every word you wrote is truth. And as Robert Hubbell adds, the mugshot is a gargoyle of hate.

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