Word is, Katie Britt is fielding offers from the Real Housewives producers to star in their new expansion show, "The Real Housewives of Gilead."

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The contrast between President Biden’s full throated defense of American values and Katie Britt’s melodramatic American carnage speech was a perfect example of our choices. Even Republicans are criticizing her performance. May her political career rest in peace.

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The standard Rising Young GOP Star Cursed by the SOTU. Widdle Marco and his water bottle are glad to finally be ignored.

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my own particular fave is Little Bobby Jindal. what's funny is that, according to what I'm hearing on TV today, Britt is considered a "serious person" who was fucked over by the "handlers." if she were THAT serious, couldn't she have pushed back a little? that deer-in-headlights panicked stare over the very shiny crucifix...it's gonna be very, very difficult to come back from that. thing is, it's Alabama, so her seat is probably pretty safe.

so fuck her, along with the usual suspects.

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Nope. I'm too old and she's too far gone for that nonsense.

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Better not go there, David, if you know what I mean.

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the more I think about this particular group of exchanges, the funnier it gets.

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Careful David. Don't laugh too hard or you might throw out your back.

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been there, done that...

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As a matter of fact, having missed Britt's speech last night, I hadn't thought about Marco's desperate water bottle dive for a long time. But after reading all the allusions to it today, I'm kind of grateful for the reminder. One more gloat to add to the tally Dark Brandon chalked up.

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I laughed out loud at the last.

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Anybody heard from the vacant eyed girl who stared into yhe wrong camera for her entire response a few years back ?

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I read parts of this post aloud to my husband just to savor the words. The very best kind of shot in the arm.

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Tommy the Tube on his fellow Alabambamboom senator, Britt:

“She was picked as a housewife, not just a senator, somebody who sees it from a different perspective.” — Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville on home state colleague Katie Britt’s response to the State of the Union.

Give that dumb peckerwood credit, he's dumb enough to always say the quiet part out loud.

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exactly the same as when, a week or so ago (it's hard to keep this bullshit sorted out, at least for me) he approved the "embryos are just folks" ruling; then someone brought up IVF and we saw that tiny little blip of comprehension and he repeated "we gotta have more kids" with a slight edge of panic. it was pretty obvious to me that he managed to stop himself from saying "white kids." what discipline.

fuck him. I piss on his eyes.

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I now think of her as Katie OfWesley Britt, Hanmaid Tales "wife" down to the green shirt.

I can't wait to see her evisceration on SNL.

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It was great. Jeff put it on this morning.

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And never know it.

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Biden did a mighty fine job! His SOTU address was well articulated, uplifting, positive, light emitting! Even joyous! Everything opposite of dtrumpf and his dark, evil incoherent ramblings. Britt, as I have gleaned from others, sat in her upscale kitchen with granite countertops in her million dollar plus home right where the Christian right wants women to be - in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant! She comes out of the gate with immigration and horrific sexual exploitation. Meanwhile she was on the committee who wrote and approved of the conservative immigration bill! What a hypocrite! And she has some nerve talking about sexual exploitation when she is supporting a sexual predator, guilty of sexual molestation and as we know, rape. We will rise against this evil. I truly believe it, but we must be ready to fight.

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So, Britt(le) Katie, you seemed to enjoy yourself most when describing repeated rapes. In case none of us knew such things happened to migrants, one of the reasons they seek asylum.

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Spot on!

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When I think about the optics alone between Dark Brandon and Gelatinous Don it makes me laugh.Slim Brandon on a bicycle and Little Donnie Fuckface( thanks Jeff Tiedrich) riding his lard ass about in a golf cart is just Wow! Wow! I said earlier today that I felt much lighter.I feel like a milk pod wafting.Yes

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Ah Victoria , there is no Secret about your disdain for the amoral orange creature!

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Waft on, Vic!

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Well, carp, only one other comment to read. I'm gonna have to come back later and read all the other responses.

TC, this is pure gold. As is my norm, I watched my director last night (tuba ensemble rehearsal) as we get ready for a St. Patrick's Day gig. I just might go back and watch the SOTU to get fired up by Dark Brandon.

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It's on Hulu and it's good.

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Also on C-Span with a handy-dandy digital index to key points of the speech on the right side of the page. https://www.c-span.org/video/?533226-1/president-biden-delivers-2024-state-union-address

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You won't be disappointed. Tom's recap here made me relive the many moments that had me leap from the sofa and do a Pelosi Applaud. It was a Bo Schembechler (U. of Michigan Wolverines) locker room talking-to and not the usual bland laundry list of things done and things to do. He invoked the names of respected leaders of our democracy and he stuck his thumb in the eyes of phony patriots who only love America when their side wins. Suck it up, wingers.

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Dark Brandon was on a roll last night!!

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You'll blow'm AWAY Alley.

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“ Johnson was both ridiculous and politically smaller than he actually is.”

Elf On A Shelf…😂😂


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LOL multiple times. Even Hunter Thompson himself could not have covered this speech any better. And, by the way, I had to look up "Kinder, Kirche, Kuche"; it is German for "Children, Church, Cake." It' s hard to image a better three-word description of patriarchy's view of the role of women in society - bear and and stay home with children, piously accept the revealed wisdom of their subservient role to their husband, and prepare meals. It's equivalent to the claim that there are three places a woman should be - in church, in the kitchen, and in the bedroom. So demeaning, narrow and offensive.

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Children, church, kitchen. No umlaut on American English keyboards.

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Sorry, Camilla, I got lazy.

There is an umlaut available on my MacBook Pro - if you just hit a vowel key and hold it down, the different versions of that letter appear, from which you can choose.

So, for example, for the letter "u", the extra choices are: û, ü, ù, ú and ū.

I was jazzed when I discovered this trick - otherwise I had to go to Symbols and insert one, which took much longer.

So, to be precise, "Kinder, Küche, Kirche."

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Thanks for the tip. My device is an 8th generation iPad, and I’ve discovered, thanks to you, that it also provides diacritics by ‘holding down’ the letter, so küche. 👍🏻

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It is super-rare that I know anything about my computer that someone else doesn't know already. What a treat for me - to share! Isn't that a handy trick?

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I loved that the Dem women wore white in support of Roe v. Wade. There was a sea of them. Their message was subtle and unified. MTG was soooooo de classe in her maga cap and message tee shirt. Expectations for her can't be set low enough. At least Boebert kept her hands to herself, I think but can't prove it.

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With apologies to shoppers, MTG looked like she was dressed for Walmart.

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As someone who shops Walmart for cat supplies, she looks exactly like that.

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Maybe she was hoping to meet up with Clarence and Ginny in their “Winnebago”, hanging out with “the regular folk” in the Walmart parking lot.

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I laughed out loud.

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Me, too, although I understand the white had a broader intent related to woman suffrage. And, of course, MTG is always declasse. I only spotted one shot of Boebert and she didn't look happy or even very sexy, glasses, hair up in a bun.... I forget what she was wearing so probably pretty subdued.

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Judith, I agree. Meaningful costume and choreography to the music of Joe Biden’s message.

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My favorite line (and there were plenty of good ones to choose from): "We've never lived up to that ideal, but we've never walked away from it either."

The low moments all came from the peanut gallery, but for me the worst was MTG and her "SAY HER NAME" T-shirt. "Say Her Name" is a program of the African American Policy Forum to memorialize Black women who've been killed by law enforcement, like Sandra Bland and Breonna Taylor. Did MTG know she was ripping off and mocking the AAPF's campaign? I wouldn't be surprised if she did. https://www.aapf.org/sayhername

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Tim O'Brien came up with a perfect description of how Marjorie Traitor Goon looked last night: "Like a hot dog vendor at the ballpark."

BTW - Jonathan Capehart is interviewing President Biden on his Saturday MSNBC show.

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That interview will be at 6PM Eastern Time.

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Watching the President play the R's in the SOTU like the Harlem Globetrotters play the Jersey Reds is always the best part of the SOTU for me. You can tell that they have no idea how to act outside their rightwing bubble--and Joe Biden knows that.

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Lived 70 years in ‘Jersey’, first time I heard of the ‘Jersey Reds’! However, the team color is apt for the magats!

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No one is talking about how incredibly creepy that young woman is who did the Republican response, the obvious relish she had speaking about that horrible murder, what was that about?? It looked like she was getting turned on, seriously. Stepford wife doesn't even come close to describing her performance. Ugh!

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Thought you'd appreciate this from Jill Filipovic: "What struck me most about Biden’s State of the Union, though, was how it contrasted with the GOP response, which was given by Sen. Katie Britt of Alabama. Britt is a young “rising star” in the Republican Party, a designation she seems to have earned by virtue of being under 60, female, and not obviously insane. Or at least, that was the case before Thursday. There is so much to say about Britt’s bizarre and frankly creepy speech, but the most salient point is this: Joe Biden set out a popular, common-sense agenda for women’s rights, one that positions women as masters of our own fates and decision-makers in our own lives. Katie Britt and her Republican Party painted a very different future for women: Afraid, valued only for being mothers, and in the kitchen." https://jill.substack.com/p/the-two-americas-of-the-state-of

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Excellent. I don't think even Trump is dumb enough to include her on the VP list anymore, where she was pretty high up until last night.

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A columnist wrote about her in today's Washington Post. Virtually all of the comments to her piece reflected exactly what you said: she was "creepy," "ghoulish," "Stepford wife," and a TERRIBLE "actor." I muted her after a couple of minutes.

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I felt like I was watching a hostage video. It was truly bizarre and seemed utterly inauthentic.

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Brilliant imagery!

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You should go back to the beginning of the comments. Lots of observations of how creepy she was.

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Thank you for this. I didn't have the stomach to watch the speech last night after catching a glimpse of MTG with her continuously open mouth and nothing to say but noise. I did listen to President Biden's speech and loved it. I still feel like dancing on tabletops and will continue to all day and then some.

I am going to go watch the speech although having visions of MAGOTS resting in my brain is not a happy thought. Joe Biden laid out in plain English exactly the kind of America I want all of our children and grandchildren to grow up in. End of discussion. Now to do the hard work to make sure intelligent life continues to reside in the White House.,

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Here's the C-Span link with a handy-dandy index on the right to key points of the speech. You won't have to see very many shots of MTG, either, mostly just in passing. Seeing him vs. simply hearing him speak adds a whole new dimension to the experience.

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President Biden was in a Philadelphia suburb this afternoon and gave an animated campaign speech, repeating points he made in the SOTU last night and showing vigor and, as always, a connection with his audience, who, like those in the chamber last night, repeatedly chanted FOUR MORE YEARS. Game on!

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