I will forever admire Joe Biden for making the most difficult political decision of his life to step aside, and am in awe that within hours, HOURS, of his endorsement of Kamala Harris, the people rallied behind her with enthusiasm and joy and hope. Quite a revolution is underway, and I'm so excited to be part of it!

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This is what I’m seeing also. Volunteers are signing up at an unprecedented rate. I went to a phone bank meeting today. There was space for 40, over 80 showed up. They were overwhelmed. We signed up, got our instructions and came home to make calls.

The last time our Democratic headquarters felt alive was when Obama ran and this time is far more intense. No one can deny the grassroots nature of this movement.

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Amen to all of this, and a footnote. I am a great admirer of Nancy Pelosi, though those who think she is the greatest House speaker ever obviously never heard of Sam Rayburn. She did her best to get rid of Joe Biden without leaving fingerprints, and instead left fingerprints all over the place, and still isn't being called out for it. Then she wanted to play kingmaker along with Barack Obama, and 24 hours after he withdrew, she discovered that poor ol' dementia-suffering Joe (irony and sarcasm font) had done everything to set up Kamala Harris, and Harris did the rest. So Pelosi then announced the endorsement she didn't want to make.

From the bottom up indeed!

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So much for the Kingmakers, AND the Queenmakers. No more of either. No way.

On another note, IRONY is rust free. Always works. Always will.

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My whole focus is Harris winning the presidency. Once that is accomplished, and we overcome another violent insurrection from Maga, I want the spotlight on Pelosi. She's too old and demented. Diane Feinstein didn't even know where she was and Pelosi was screaming ageism. Joe pulled the rug out from these backstabbers. He outsmarted all of them.

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Really, I'm with you ALL the way.

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Can't agree with this. Pelosi is "the greatest House speaker ever." And yes, I have heard of Sam Rayburn. He was fabulous. But Pelosi is and has been incredible.

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Michael and Rita…. Just stop it. We will not bash Nancy Pelosi and invent narratives. She is, as she has always been, an incredibly dynamic and foxy leader and model for all gens to come.

Unity is name of the game.

Get on board. Blame game and “make up a whine” is the other party.

Radical democracy. Listen for the drumbeat.

Salud 🗽

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Yes indeed -- this is an opportunity for every American with a functioning brain and moral center to be part of something BIG, powerful, and positive.

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It is not enough to just elect Kamala. We must insure that both the House and Senate are held by a Democratic majority strong enough to insure legislation can pass. If either the House or Senate are Republican majority we are toast. They will do nothing but obstruct. We also need to make sure reform of the Supreme Court occurs and that we seat judges at the state and federal levels to gain the experience to qualify them to sit on the Supreme Court. Gerrymandering needs to become a thing of the past for the health of our nation and corporations need to be just a legal entity and not considered a person. All donations to PACs need to be transparent and limited in total dollars that can be donated. Our government should never be for sale to the highest bidder. The uber wealthy should be required to pay their fair share to help our country. These are just the beginning of what needs to happen.

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We are NOT going back!!!

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I think this is where the Republicans realize they shoulda turned left at Albuquerque.....

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Why is “By the time I get to Phoenix, she’ll be risin’ “ going through my head…..?!🎶🎶🎶

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Bugs Bunny reference! Perfect.

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The world is looking up, for a change. The GenZ issue is important and in Rick Wilson and Maya May's Friday Brief of yesterday, it is very clear that L.Project is hard on it, as is Robert Reich's Inequality Media and many others aimed at and put out by GenZers themselves. That's where my money goes.

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Gen Z groups have been active all along and I knew then that I would do whatever I could to support them. Unlike the whiners dumping on young people they’ve been clearly in the game and they have great leaders. Never too late for those of us who have been around and around the block to join our Leaders of Tomorrow.

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God Bless AOC!

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We aren’t going back. I am so surprised at the hunger for a dynamic responsive campaign against chump. Love Joe, but he couldn’t be the catalyst for what we need and what we see. As I said previously, he gave us a gift that he could not have given by staying. Democratic heroes versus republican traitors. May it become clearer every hour of every day.

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This married, childless cat daddy (and my husband) is all in for Kamala!!

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I just gave money. For the first time ever.

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The excitement is palpable! I love her energy, I love her laugh, I love her strength!

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All good news, and way past welcome. Anybody else curious why Bank of America Ned’s four hundred people in its federal government relations group? What on earth do they find to do, other than talk to each other?

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Not "if we win" -- but "when we win in November ..." This is incredible. And decades are happening in almost less than a week.

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Ever since the Afghanistan withdrawal, Biden’s numbers went down. I thought it was unfair, but that was the reality.

I heard, “he’s not popular” so often. Which I also thought unfair. I could not see a path of Biden stepping down, UNLESS it was Harris.

Biden and Harris planned this all perfectly. I think Biden is a political genius.

I agree with TC, if we all had not stood up and fought for Biden as hard as we did after the debate, this coalescing would not have happened. We should also pat ourselves on the back. Now, let’s go save our country!!

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