Then the ones who dare to not wish to be in the rubble of the temple that Putin might pull down, need to take him out. And if they won’t, lie with him.

One would think it necessary to put such a cruel, brilliant, impotent, narcissistic man such as Putin out of his misery but not so. All his misery rains down on the heads of his prey. He is left with his delusions of grandeur. And so he must go.

I pray to our guardians standing ready in the Universe to do so.

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Noble: Sire we want permission to build a parking lot

Richard III; Over my dead body!

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Oh jeez!!! 🤣😅

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Logistics took out the Swedish army at Poltava, Napoleon, and Hitler. Interesting to see logistics come back to bite Russia.

I am not going to visit Grandma

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I live 1300 miles from my grandkids. Now I understand why no one visits.

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You made me actually Laugh Out Loud!!

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Oh good! People don’t always understand my query sense of humor.

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TC, I knew that you were leading us back to the Russian military convoy in Ukraine and Russia's D-E-F-A-U-L-T, but every step and mile along the way from Xi Jinping, “My horse! “My horse!' Granma back in Indiana, the minivan and potable water, 25 vehicles on the road and supply dumps to “The Sun Also Rises,”... was a story about MILITARY LOGISTICS. It was brilliantly told and very funny. It came to me as a fairytale in the midst of this real-life horror. Surreal, eerie as can be and a memorable teaching of military logistics. 'There. Are. No. Easy. Answers. Here.' by TC.

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Thanks Fern.

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John Kirby just "assured" reporters there were no Americans in that strike on the military facility. But, as someone said on your other post, we would not want to broadcast it even if there were!!!!

Loved your logistics lesson. The first hope I have had in days is that Allen &Tanya got to Warsaw; the second is that somehow your words on logistics and bankruptcy and the " business cold" Chinese will come to pass and conspire to stop the senseless atrocity of Putin's War.

Thanks T.C.

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Informative as always.

A thought I shared on LGAA. Not be either callus or threatening, but would a win-win solution for Russia be a negotiation for peace to not have Putin as a live actor in this drama? Russia could then choose to withdraw in the interest of saving its economy and further casualties on both sides and Ukraine could offer technical aid to help grow the Russian economy in a partnership with say NATO member countries. Russia gets to announce that like the USA under Trump, they were dumped by Putin into this aggression and the tilt away from becoming a great democracy along side those of the USA and France and Germany.

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What a write-up, TC! Riveting, but the ending is so ominous!!!

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I guess my question is this: since there is an obvious logistic problem for Putin and his army, and since the sanctions are biting really hard, and since Putin has lobbed cruise missiles at a base but about 20 kms from the Polish border, killing 35 at least and injuring more than 100, and since he looks to be running out of time, why is this not a good moment for Nato to move itself into striking position (of course they have to also be prepared to commit) with their own cruise missiles? It is obvious I am not a military tactician, but Putin is getting away with war crimes against the civilian population, and terrible destruction despite his logistics problems. He cannot be allowed to continue based on the rate of decay, with folks hoping he decays first. That seems to me to be as suicidal as what he is doing presently. He is a tyrant. As Timothy Snyder has said, we're in Shakespeare territory now. I think the world needs his own yes men to surround him on the steps and finish him.

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Are you suggesting that Putin should beware the Ides of March?

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Or whatever it was Caligula was doing when the Praetorian Guard dropped him.

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TC, if you have a way of getting in touch with Allen, please do. Apparently, their entry to Canada may be delayed due to COVID.


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We all have different skills. I appreciate this. Logistics, tactics… I have the skills of family budgeting and keeping members alive and healthy… in this situation I would prefer to save as many lives as possible… this is all so heartbreaking. Over one mad man exercising gross power over … one day, and I hope it’s past my expiration date, I’ve no doubt we will experience those atrocities in our country. Then will it matter that we tried to make peace with our neighbors? Will we still be the enemy?

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This reminded me of that saying "an army marches on its stomach." In the case of the stranded Russian conscripts, it appears they are now also forced to live off the land and even small pets are in danger.

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Military logistics bear out the adage that “the devil is in the details”

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