“This is not therefore a new war-winning strategy but a sociopath’s tantrum. “

That sums up Putin nicely. No wonder tRump admired him so. . .

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“So far, everything the Yard Punk has done has made his country and military weaker and the enemy stronger and more determined. That’s not the way one wins a war.”

No, it’s not!

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There is something about your writing, and way of expression that I find cathartic. Very well said. I wish I had written it myself!

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Interestingly enough, I say the same about you!

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Great info, TC. I woke up at 12:25 am and my blurry eyes read my watch as 5:00 am, or time to start the day. I just realized my mistake, but not before reading Hubbell, Richardson, and Jill's post about flower girl dresses. Now, back to bed -- better informed, and bemused. Perhaps to dream.

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Point of order: Cruise missiles I think TC, rather than drones. Cost of around $4M each and not readily replaceable. Barely 50% made it through defensive fire and the result is a rapid promise of an expedited supply of better anti-missile air-defense equipment from Europe (Germany, I think) "within days".

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Yes, I was using the two terms interchangeably (ALCM - Air Launched Cruise Missile) which is incorrect. Too bad they can't convince the Israelis to give them Iron Dome.

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TC you write that General Sergei Serovikin is now in charge of Kremlin forces in Ukraine and his bio includes prison time for being active member of attempted coup against Gorbachev in 1991. Read that part again. Decided you were not trying to make a joke.

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Nope, he's a real Commie Creep.

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