I live in Oklahoma a state Trump won by 30 or so points in the last election. One thing I’ve noticed in my little blue dot just based on yard signs, is a lot of support for Harris, and very little for Trump. I assure you that Democrats are eager to see our votes added to the popular vote total.
I saw a similar thing in western Wisconsin a couple of days ago. In a deeply red, fairly rural county (where I often fish for trout), which was filled with Trump signs four years ago (to the point of being scary to even drive through), had fewer Trump signs and many, many Harris/Walz signs.
Not a scientific survey by any means, but it felt good again to just be there and fish.
Likewise here in Western NC. Whenever I am driving rural roads it is one trump sign after another. I am doing my best to be positive and I continue to stay engaged, but it is hard to have to be subjected to this barrage of idiocy every time I drive somewhere.
We spent the last four days by the seaside in Brookings, in Southwest Oregon. We hiked in the Redwoods, and went into town to shop for groceries. Many of the people we encountered seemed to have an odd demeanor, as if they were suspicious of other people -- very different affect from the people in Portland.
Same thing in St. Louis County, MO. There is more support for a NO vote on Amendment 3, our version of the freedom of choice amendment, than there is for the convicted felon and there isn't very much of either. The face to face GOTV canvassing effort is just cranking up and the election board is looking for a heavy turnout.
My best advice, Tom is vote early. That way all the negativity rolls off like water off a duck's back. I got my ballot last Saturday, and returned it Monday. I was informed yesterday, by BallotTrax, that it has been received and counted, I realize some States are still stuck in the 'we only vote on election day' syndrome. That's so outmoded. It is easier, cheaper, and more secure to mail ballots to registered voters with prepaid return envelopes. I don't know how much the State of California pays for Ballot Trax (a private company) but its worth the cost. I only wish more Californians would take advantage and vote.
True, because you just never know what may happen. If you wait for election day...who knows, the day before, you could fall and break your knee-cap and be immobilized for months! This actually happened to a friend of mine...they were ardent Dems, too. They ended up voting but only because they live in a very small town and had friends who provided a van for transport (he had to keep his leg straight) and the town office folks were great about helping.
Thank TL. I'm so sorry for your friend. I've been voting by mail since 1992. We were living in the foothills of the Sierras, and the County Election Board moved our polling station from two miles away to 15 miles away. I got angry and requested absentee voting (as it was called then) In those days we had to pay return postage. But I like the system so well, being able to sit down and read the voter's guide while making my selections seemed so much better to me. Now with universal mail in ballots and Ballot Trax to assure voters of being counted it is s much easier.
And no, I do not have any association with Ballot Trax, not even stock interest, I just like the service.
This happened a good few years ago, but our friends always vote by absentee ballot now anyway. They would agree with you about the convenience and opportunity to make an informed, unhurried selection!
Even though I work at the town office as a ballot clerk, I will myself be voting by absentee ballot, because that day is going to be crazy busy at the polling place!
Thank you — I won’t drink the poison and I’m getting plenty of fresh air— I plan to stay up election night until the gory electoral toes are all in— plenty of butted popcorn will ease the night!
So my 33 year old son had some interesting and protective advice which I will pass on— he said that if Trump wins I have to become like a Bhuddist and detach myself from the news as much as possible so I can find peace.✌️
You will be well hated in Portugal. Yes. The expats destroyed the country and the back lash now is huge. Their government changed a few months ago. We are Portuguese residents for a few decades. We have properties in Italy (Rome) and also rentals in Portugal.
I am already working on a self-help book for the red cap rabble in which I describe 35 ways in which they can upcycle their Trump merch and memorabilia into useful household, camping, and dogfighting equipment, things they need to know when their unions get busted, their healthcare insurance is cancelled, and their taxes go up while Trump's and Elmo's go down. Will work on the title after the election.
There are antidotes of course - read good commentary, keep up with accurate news, and note that for only the 5th time in its 167 years, The Atlantic has endorsed a candidate for President - Kamala Harris. I noted on my Facebook page that Trump had been torpedoed in the Atlantic.....
If your state allows for Early Voting, do it as your name will be taken off the lists that Dem activists use for GOTV (get out the vote) and they can concentrate on calling lower propensity voters.
I voted by mail this week and will be tracking the progress of my ballot through the state tracking system. It felt GREAT to blacken that little circle by all those wonderful Dem candidates! Now, I don't need to worry about crawling over glass to vote...tis done!
Some commenters on Daily Kos articles are very good at this. I don't remember the names (and I don't comment there) but take a quick scan and you'll see ones who claim to have it all figured out.
For several years we've seen pickups, here in Colorado, flying the US flag on one side and a Trump flag on the other. Wednesday going to a cross-country meet down the hill, we saw in the inside lane a truck with what we thought were those two flags flying, and we sighed a sense of cynical dismay. Then my 12-year-old grandson piped up, "No that flag says Harris Waltz!" And indeed it did!
I live in Oklahoma a state Trump won by 30 or so points in the last election. One thing I’ve noticed in my little blue dot just based on yard signs, is a lot of support for Harris, and very little for Trump. I assure you that Democrats are eager to see our votes added to the popular vote total.
I saw a similar thing in western Wisconsin a couple of days ago. In a deeply red, fairly rural county (where I often fish for trout), which was filled with Trump signs four years ago (to the point of being scary to even drive through), had fewer Trump signs and many, many Harris/Walz signs.
Not a scientific survey by any means, but it felt good again to just be there and fish.
It suggests that Trump’s support has softened considerably.
From your lips to Goddess's ear.
I wish my County here in Southern Oregon was emulating yours. The Trump signs outnumber the good ones by at least 10 to 1.
Likewise here in Western NC. Whenever I am driving rural roads it is one trump sign after another. I am doing my best to be positive and I continue to stay engaged, but it is hard to have to be subjected to this barrage of idiocy every time I drive somewhere.
Where I was in western WI (Pierce County, for the curious), it was still maybe 60/40 Trump, where in prior years it'd been 100/0, and more quantity.
Oregon is really split though, isn't it? Like, the eastern half wants to cut from Oregon and join Idaho?
We spent the last four days by the seaside in Brookings, in Southwest Oregon. We hiked in the Redwoods, and went into town to shop for groceries. Many of the people we encountered seemed to have an odd demeanor, as if they were suspicious of other people -- very different affect from the people in Portland.
Nothing like getting a line wet is there, it's good for the soul.
As well. Along rural roads outside democratic leaning towns.
Our Dunn County Democrats just texted we have a lot more 4x4 Harris-Walz signs now available for any available high traffic routes
Same thing in St. Louis County, MO. There is more support for a NO vote on Amendment 3, our version of the freedom of choice amendment, than there is for the convicted felon and there isn't very much of either. The face to face GOTV canvassing effort is just cranking up and the election board is looking for a heavy turnout.
I still pass a billboard with chump’s ugly mug in Parker County Tx. Texas is bigger and dumber. But purple is beginning to show.
LUV this!!
My best advice, Tom is vote early. That way all the negativity rolls off like water off a duck's back. I got my ballot last Saturday, and returned it Monday. I was informed yesterday, by BallotTrax, that it has been received and counted, I realize some States are still stuck in the 'we only vote on election day' syndrome. That's so outmoded. It is easier, cheaper, and more secure to mail ballots to registered voters with prepaid return envelopes. I don't know how much the State of California pays for Ballot Trax (a private company) but its worth the cost. I only wish more Californians would take advantage and vote.
True, because you just never know what may happen. If you wait for election day...who knows, the day before, you could fall and break your knee-cap and be immobilized for months! This actually happened to a friend of mine...they were ardent Dems, too. They ended up voting but only because they live in a very small town and had friends who provided a van for transport (he had to keep his leg straight) and the town office folks were great about helping.
Thank TL. I'm so sorry for your friend. I've been voting by mail since 1992. We were living in the foothills of the Sierras, and the County Election Board moved our polling station from two miles away to 15 miles away. I got angry and requested absentee voting (as it was called then) In those days we had to pay return postage. But I like the system so well, being able to sit down and read the voter's guide while making my selections seemed so much better to me. Now with universal mail in ballots and Ballot Trax to assure voters of being counted it is s much easier.
And no, I do not have any association with Ballot Trax, not even stock interest, I just like the service.
This happened a good few years ago, but our friends always vote by absentee ballot now anyway. They would agree with you about the convenience and opportunity to make an informed, unhurried selection!
Even though I work at the town office as a ballot clerk, I will myself be voting by absentee ballot, because that day is going to be crazy busy at the polling place!
Thank You for Your service TL!!
I always vote by mail or Dropbox. So easy.
Never forget that they are depending on their prearranged cheating to “win.”
Thank you — I won’t drink the poison and I’m getting plenty of fresh air— I plan to stay up election night until the gory electoral toes are all in— plenty of butted popcorn will ease the night!
Good plan.
So my 33 year old son had some interesting and protective advice which I will pass on— he said that if Trump wins I have to become like a Bhuddist and detach myself from the news as much as possible so I can find peace.✌️
If Trump wins I will become an ex-pat in Portugal.
How I wish I could, my only cat left and me.
You will be well hated in Portugal. Yes. The expats destroyed the country and the back lash now is huge. Their government changed a few months ago. We are Portuguese residents for a few decades. We have properties in Italy (Rome) and also rentals in Portugal.
Hopefully that's buttered popcorn.
I am already working on a self-help book for the red cap rabble in which I describe 35 ways in which they can upcycle their Trump merch and memorabilia into useful household, camping, and dogfighting equipment, things they need to know when their unions get busted, their healthcare insurance is cancelled, and their taxes go up while Trump's and Elmo's go down. Will work on the title after the election.
Thanks for spreading this word. We need every vote we can get-we need an election map that looks like 1964- to win.
Don't drink the poison.
We can win this election.
There are antidotes of course - read good commentary, keep up with accurate news, and note that for only the 5th time in its 167 years, The Atlantic has endorsed a candidate for President - Kamala Harris. I noted on my Facebook page that Trump had been torpedoed in the Atlantic.....
If your state allows for Early Voting, do it as your name will be taken off the lists that Dem activists use for GOTV (get out the vote) and they can concentrate on calling lower propensity voters.
Absolutely.. be careful what you put in your body.. and the mind IS in the body after all. Don’t drink the mainstream stream media.
Don’t drink the poison. Excellent advice. I will pass that on to my wife who is drinking the poison daily and is wigged out of her mind.
I voted by mail this week and will be tracking the progress of my ballot through the state tracking system. It felt GREAT to blacken that little circle by all those wonderful Dem candidates! Now, I don't need to worry about crawling over glass to vote...tis done!
Great advice as always, Tom.
I'm in NY always blue. We're gonna vote on election day. If a zombie crosses my path, he's in hospital, I'm in jail.
No more with these motherfuckers and their trades. No more
Thanks Tom. Just got my
ballot in the mail the other
day. Mailing back this
weekend, double postage.
Will have a friend call county
clerk in a week to be sure it
has arrived.
Thanks TC/Rick Wilson. I needed that!
Thank you Tom. Even TPM was kinda depressing today. I stopped reading halfway through and said, "enough of this!".
Some commenters on Daily Kos articles are very good at this. I don't remember the names (and I don't comment there) but take a quick scan and you'll see ones who claim to have it all figured out.
Yes, those folks are why I took a hike from DK.
For several years we've seen pickups, here in Colorado, flying the US flag on one side and a Trump flag on the other. Wednesday going to a cross-country meet down the hill, we saw in the inside lane a truck with what we thought were those two flags flying, and we sighed a sense of cynical dismay. Then my 12-year-old grandson piped up, "No that flag says Harris Waltz!" And indeed it did!