A woman who had a "fling" with Elon Musk, or even contemplated one, immediately needs to be sent to a mental health treatment center, billionaire or not. Come to think of it, that's only fair, since the running-mate in question has even greater mental health issues.

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Why do I not want people like this running our country? Let me count the ways. Just another mind-numbingly awful profile in self-centeredness and tawdry trendy. Who are these folks anyway? Then again, maybe I don't need to know. Pass the postcards, please.

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Yes, that is the only antidote.

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People don’t seem to understand the Addictive personality or the residual damage hard drugs (and alcohol) leave. You don’t “just” quit using; in RFK Jr’s case, it scrambled his marbles. He has a sense of entitlement, grandiosity and he hangs with nasty people. I even doubt he’s clean. He’s not a serious person, and neither are his supporters . . . But that hasn’t stopped Trump, either. If RFK Jr had a working brain, he would be aware of the right-wing conspiracy widely discussed . . . He seems oblivious. Head-UP-Ass Syndrome or some really poor advisors.

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An unstable drug infused chameleon with too much money. Perfect match for Mr dead worm in brain.

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Perfect! :-)

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There's been a number of articles about Shanahan and much more negative than you've illustrated here, and it seems that her only qualification for being selected by RFK Jr is the bottomless funding that she is providing to him at this time. We can only hope that this winds up going nowhere because the alternate timeline is unimaginable. Locally I did see someone (middle aged white male) driving an older Volvo with the bumper sticker, "Kennedy/Shanahan 2024" and I haven't seen any others since, but they may be out there since I live adjacent to Silicon Valley.

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A shallow, self-absorbed, ignorant, ethics-challenged partier and social climber who twice used suicide attempts as a divorce management tool, and whose fortune has resulted from social climbing alone, and who has no apparent knowledge or experience remotely related to the responsibilities and duties of Vice-President of the U.S., a position a moment away from being President, with a current grossly inaccurate P.R.-created public persona, should be seen as yet another factor disqualifying RFK, Jr. as a serious candidate for any public office. Get the story out - people need to realize what they are dealing with here.

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Oh my - our little girl has been busy, busy, busy, hasn't she.....as shallow as the layer of sputtered gold on a satellite motherboard, but not nearly as useful or valuable. Where does she get such men? (I'll see myself out.....)

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Most Silly Con Valley Bros were incels back in high school and most of college, so they never "got any" until they got rich, and then they met "friendly" bimbos like Ms. Shanahan. Look at her marriage/dating history.

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Holy cripes, bimbo with money!

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An excellent argument for taxing every billionaire into impotence, #2,453,628

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Or as Joe Biden suggests, get them to pay their fair share. You can’t buy integrity or generosity of spirit, moral courage, or compassion, but if you’re wealthy, you can pay your fair share of taxes. That is the least you can do for your country. And you should do it without feeling put upon.

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But of course they do. Feel "put upon".

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It’s such a contrast to the remarkable fighter pilot you featured earlier this week or to Heather Booth who we heard speak at Senior Taking Action on Wednesday. The Silicon crowd leaves me cold.

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Still in a bubble that's about to pop.

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I’d like to be present at the bubble popping ceremony. But we’ve all got a lot of work to do before November and beyond. Happy endings happen, but never overnight.

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Yes. I have been authorized as a Poll Worker in November 2024. I am already actionably capable on bad federal election law as well. Gore v Bush.

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Congratulations. That's great!

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She seems to have "hospitable thighs", as the French woul say. I'm surprised tRump didn't get a crack at her (so to speak).

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Holey shit.

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Wow. THAT makes me want to run right out an vote for RFK Jr. Another "great business person" who invests 10 million in a company that goes bankrupt and then funds her ambitions with a divorce settlement? Showing a well-worn path to "success" by larding her life with excuses. I feel really sorry for that child. Nothing like being named after your dad's major-competitor in "personal AI assistants."

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her life decisions thus far don't give me a lot of hope for her administration, should RFK Jr. (who, let's remember, is no spring chicken himself at 70) turn out to be wrong about that worm being dead...

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Shanahan will indeed give Americans what they seem to want these days--tawdriness, erratic thinking and behavior, money waving, and most of all, freedom from self-control so one can pursue control of others. She might as well be maga because she knows how to out Trump Trump. (The lusty magas will be watching to see which of them hits on the other at MAL during the final weeks of the campaign. My 27 bucks is on her because she runs on modern chemistry and plays with downed power lines.) And no one will ask who's taking care of Echo now because we know that wherever she is, she's in better hands.

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Wasn't it "Inconthievable??" :-)

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Yes! But i didn’t know how to wroite with a lisp. It took a pro to do it. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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I laughed out loud.

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Soooo...a man who has had his brain chewed on by a worm, and a woman who only cares about the spotlight are running as the independent candidates this year. Why does this spell disaster to me in so many ways? I assume this means there are no mental assessments done before a person can become a candidate for president, or even be in the Senate or Congress for that matter. Is it any wonder the world looks at us and thinks we have all gone mad???

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