This: the shit stain’s desire to “tear us apart because his sick, twisted psyche is so damaged by the fact civilized society saw him as the piece of shit he was born to be . . .” If I weren’t already a paid subscriber, I would become one after reading that.
I wonder how long it will take before we begin to see the “don’t count out Putin yet” stories from the authoritarian leaning “realists”?
This plus the Korean debacle demonstrate how the authoritarian sorts are just as capable of f’in up as we democracy loving people are. There is still time and room to not just resist, but fight back.
It pisses me off so bad that this country will be handed over to a felonious traitor and sexual predator. The election was bought by an immigrant who overstayed his visa, but is now a citizen. 45 intends to wreck the economy because he has no idea how the economy works. I cannot drum up any sympathy for those who voted for 45. I keep thinking that it didn’t have to be this way, but maybe it does. The inattentive and the ignorant are about to get a crash course in hurt. During his first term, especially during COVID, I kept hoping that the 45 nightmare would end. Drinking bleach to cure a viral infection, are you effing kidding me???!!! Now we are back to second verse same as the first but worse.
The words you used are plenty good. The rage, and in my case, the hurt we feel inside is shared. 54 percent of white women and whatever percentage of angry young men voted for a disaster. Shuck it.
Not so many voted for him as you’d think. The election was stolen. C’mon, this is someone who has been breaking rules since he was in diapers. He’s been at it so long he wouldn’t know how to play by the rules, even if he wanted to. Which he clearly doesn’t.
And his sudden wannabe dictator wingman from aparthoid is the one who's said more than once that "any computer system can be hacked." And later with unrestrained orgasmic glee TFG told his bobbleheads that they "won't even have to vote any more."
Memo to counter intelligence agents: While the al-Assad intelligence files are open for awhile, let's make some payoffs for the expedited delivery of the Syrian regime's intelligence files on American co-conspirators & Agit-prop operatives (plural).
Tail Tulsi & put her on the no-fly list.
Monday Morning 12/9/24 Update: Per Reuters' Ju-min Park, SoKo President Yoon got strapped with a travel Ban, inter alia, over 150 South Koreans died during the botched coup. Far from over.
Monday Evening Update: Per a MSNBC interview of Dan De Luce & Mouaz Moustafa of the Syrian Emergency Task Force more Tulsi Trips tp al-Assad were confirmed, 2014, 2015, the more well-known 2017 trip & again in 2018.
DAN DE LUCE, NBC details the efforts taken by the House Foreign Affairs Committee in 2020 to protect the identity of a Syrian defector code named "CAESAR" who appeared before the HFAC in blue hood to protect his identity from Tulsi & others. More to come on Tulsi. No mahalo.
Yes, Caesar was in fact the Syrian defector who published 1000's of photos of Assad's torture & murders during the Syrian civil war over the last 10 or more years.
(I know. I was trying to make a joke along the lines of "3 guys meet in a bar". Moslems aren't supposed to drink alcohol, thus water. Not that I know any jokes. Really. I thoroughly enjoy them, but one must have a certain gene to create them. Joke! or not. I don't know. I just made up the gene thing.)
Thankfully, you have the words for many of us. I thought the Syrian brute had a stranglehold so I’m delighted, but with qualms. The future is still fraught, but rays of light shine where there was no obvious crack.
Not fun reading, but essential. Among other things, he demonstrates that Putin's campaign is tearing the heart out of his military, and his state. In that light, Trump's call for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine is clearly tied to the Russian/Iranian debacle in Syria. (Truscott also presents a picture of war in the immediate future that screams of the need to revise this country's approach war; of course, under Trump that's the last thing we'll get. Just pray that we don't need to use our military against a state with some reasonable military in the next four years.)
Poor Syria. Bashar al-Assad was bad. His daddy, Hafez, was arguably worse. Remember the short-lived attempt of Egypt and Syria to create a United Arab Republic? This was back in Nasser's day, so maybe you don't. Now go back to the aftermath of World War I, when Syria and Lebanon became a French mandate and Palestine, Transjordan, and Iraq were turned over to the British. Thwarting Arab dreams of independence, which, however, did not die. None of us alive can remember that, but some of us have managed to learn about it. Now fast-forward to the interwar and immediate post-WW2 years, when European antisemitism culminated in the Holocaust and in 1948 the establishment of the state of Israel and the continuing expulsion of the Palestinians from their land. There is, of course, more detail to it than that, and many books to read, but there it is in a nutshell. Poor Syria.
I read about it after watching the scene in David Lean’s “Lawrence of Arabia” where Lawrence first hears of the Agreement/Treaty from the Claude Rains character after all his efforts to get independence for the Arab countries only to see it pissed away by the Big Powers for a land grab in the oil-rich Middle East. The back door horse trading by Lloyd George, Clemenceau, and Wilson started the ball rolling for the mess that now exists in Syria, Palestine/Israel, Iraq, etc.
I stopped counting after I'd seen "Lawrence" 30 times. Seek out the 1990 British TV film "A Dangerous Man: Lawrence After Arabia." It focuses on the machinations at Versailles. Ralph Fiennes plays Lawrence and Siddig el-Fadig is Emir Feisal (a Feisal who is much closer to Lawrence in age, as he was in real life, than was Alec Guinness's Feisal).
Maybe it will become clear to the Felon President-elect when Putin requests asylum and safe passage out of Moscow. Few things are flimsier than a dictatorship that starts losing power.
You may be understating it a bit. Russian casualties in Ukraine just passed750,00. Also, the Syrian bases are key logistics hubs for Wagner Group (or whatever it’s calling itself these days), operations in sub-Saharan Africa. Cut off from the homeland, they either go or die on the vine. The Russian Navy has lost its base in the Med and probably has to pull all the way back to Petersburg, at the eastern reaches of the Baltic, now basically a NATO lake. Not sure the Turks would let them into the Black Sea- or that they would want to go.
Emotional being that he is, perhaps Putin’s denial of contact will rattle around in the felon- elect’s brain. Let’s hope he has better advice than from the drunk Fox guy. On the other hand, Biden is still President. And I trust those who surround him.
Good news, I guess, from Syria, Tom. But frankly I feel no sense of elation. That region has never evolved from the medieval authoritarianism. They have had kings, sheiks, tribal over lords for as long as I can remember reading about that Region.
Modern Israel was founded in May 1948, Without Netanahu they would have been a democracy for 77 years this May.
But, they voted Netanyahu in 1996. And Netanyahu has always favored authoritarianism. So unless the Israeli courts act a hell of a lot faster than ours did, when Netanyahu finishes his genocidal annihilation of the Palestinians you can expect Israel to become another dictatorship, fascist or otherwise.
This: the shit stain’s desire to “tear us apart because his sick, twisted psyche is so damaged by the fact civilized society saw him as the piece of shit he was born to be . . .” If I weren’t already a paid subscriber, I would become one after reading that.
Thank you, Tracey.
I wonder how long it will take before we begin to see the “don’t count out Putin yet” stories from the authoritarian leaning “realists”?
This plus the Korean debacle demonstrate how the authoritarian sorts are just as capable of f’in up as we democracy loving people are. There is still time and room to not just resist, but fight back.
It pisses me off so bad that this country will be handed over to a felonious traitor and sexual predator. The election was bought by an immigrant who overstayed his visa, but is now a citizen. 45 intends to wreck the economy because he has no idea how the economy works. I cannot drum up any sympathy for those who voted for 45. I keep thinking that it didn’t have to be this way, but maybe it does. The inattentive and the ignorant are about to get a crash course in hurt. During his first term, especially during COVID, I kept hoping that the 45 nightmare would end. Drinking bleach to cure a viral infection, are you effing kidding me???!!! Now we are back to second verse same as the first but worse.
Yes indeed.
The words you used are plenty good. The rage, and in my case, the hurt we feel inside is shared. 54 percent of white women and whatever percentage of angry young men voted for a disaster. Shuck it.
Not so many voted for him as you’d think. The election was stolen. C’mon, this is someone who has been breaking rules since he was in diapers. He’s been at it so long he wouldn’t know how to play by the rules, even if he wanted to. Which he clearly doesn’t.
And his sudden wannabe dictator wingman from aparthoid is the one who's said more than once that "any computer system can be hacked." And later with unrestrained orgasmic glee TFG told his bobbleheads that they "won't even have to vote any more."
Maybe Tulsi will have visiting privileges in Russia.
Memo to counter intelligence agents: While the al-Assad intelligence files are open for awhile, let's make some payoffs for the expedited delivery of the Syrian regime's intelligence files on American co-conspirators & Agit-prop operatives (plural).
Tail Tulsi & put her on the no-fly list.
Monday Morning 12/9/24 Update: Per Reuters' Ju-min Park, SoKo President Yoon got strapped with a travel Ban, inter alia, over 150 South Koreans died during the botched coup. Far from over.
Monday Evening Update: Per a MSNBC interview of Dan De Luce & Mouaz Moustafa of the Syrian Emergency Task Force more Tulsi Trips tp al-Assad were confirmed, 2014, 2015, the more well-known 2017 trip & again in 2018.
DAN DE LUCE, NBC details the efforts taken by the House Foreign Affairs Committee in 2020 to protect the identity of a Syrian defector code named "CAESAR" who appeared before the HFAC in blue hood to protect his identity from Tulsi & others. More to come on Tulsi. No mahalo.
Yes, Caesar was in fact the Syrian defector who published 1000's of photos of Assad's torture & murders during the Syrian civil war over the last 10 or more years.
But she has her broom! And musk-rats support!
It's convenient that both her boyfriends are now in one place. May she go there and stay there.
LOL! Interesting combo: a fascist, a Moslem, and a Hindu got together for a glass of water. What happens next?
She's more Cult than Hindu.
(I know. I was trying to make a joke along the lines of "3 guys meet in a bar". Moslems aren't supposed to drink alcohol, thus water. Not that I know any jokes. Really. I thoroughly enjoy them, but one must have a certain gene to create them. Joke! or not. I don't know. I just made up the gene thing.)
Delete the maybe!
Maybe she'll even stay!
I wish!
Thankfully, you have the words for many of us. I thought the Syrian brute had a stranglehold so I’m delighted, but with qualms. The future is still fraught, but rays of light shine where there was no obvious crack.
In his Substack, Lucian K. Truscott analyzed the war in Ukraine and the future of war.
Not fun reading, but essential. Among other things, he demonstrates that Putin's campaign is tearing the heart out of his military, and his state. In that light, Trump's call for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine is clearly tied to the Russian/Iranian debacle in Syria. (Truscott also presents a picture of war in the immediate future that screams of the need to revise this country's approach war; of course, under Trump that's the last thing we'll get. Just pray that we don't need to use our military against a state with some reasonable military in the next four years.)
Yes, that is a masterful analysis that Lucian put up.
Terrific article from Truscott. Thanks for the link.
I'm hoping the new group in
Syria will stick by their word
and not add to any more
problems - looking at Israel
still bombing Gaza for what?!
- then exist. Syrians need to
try to rebuild their country, so
all these others just sit down,
take a break and see what
I sure hope the NSA is
tracking all of Gabby's calls to
Russia. That'll look good at
her Senate hearing when
some brave 🤣 soul whips out
her transcripts.
Other rays of light are republicans resisting a dictatorship and so many more Americans finally waking up to what and who they voted for.
Poor Syria. Bashar al-Assad was bad. His daddy, Hafez, was arguably worse. Remember the short-lived attempt of Egypt and Syria to create a United Arab Republic? This was back in Nasser's day, so maybe you don't. Now go back to the aftermath of World War I, when Syria and Lebanon became a French mandate and Palestine, Transjordan, and Iraq were turned over to the British. Thwarting Arab dreams of independence, which, however, did not die. None of us alive can remember that, but some of us have managed to learn about it. Now fast-forward to the interwar and immediate post-WW2 years, when European antisemitism culminated in the Holocaust and in 1948 the establishment of the state of Israel and the continuing expulsion of the Palestinians from their land. There is, of course, more detail to it than that, and many books to read, but there it is in a nutshell. Poor Syria.
The Sykes-Picot Treaty of 1916 still has an effect.
I never heard of it before, so I googled it. GOOD GRIEF!!! I wonder if anyone but you and I know about this. (Sorta joking, sorta not.)
In the general run of readers, you are likely right.
I did the same - never heard of it. But sure does sound like every colonialism "arrangement" made by whatever country - Britain, France - US!!!
Secret of course.
I read about it after watching the scene in David Lean’s “Lawrence of Arabia” where Lawrence first hears of the Agreement/Treaty from the Claude Rains character after all his efforts to get independence for the Arab countries only to see it pissed away by the Big Powers for a land grab in the oil-rich Middle East. The back door horse trading by Lloyd George, Clemenceau, and Wilson started the ball rolling for the mess that now exists in Syria, Palestine/Israel, Iraq, etc.
Now you make me want to see that movie! I missed it when it came out.
Absolutely worth watching!Find it on Max on TCM on demand. warning: it's long.
I stopped counting after I'd seen "Lawrence" 30 times. Seek out the 1990 British TV film "A Dangerous Man: Lawrence After Arabia." It focuses on the machinations at Versailles. Ralph Fiennes plays Lawrence and Siddig el-Fadig is Emir Feisal (a Feisal who is much closer to Lawrence in age, as he was in real life, than was Alec Guinness's Feisal).
Sykes and Picot died but their treaty has a long half-life.
It also must hurt the feelings of republicans, who want to turn this country into Assad's Syria.
Indeed, the traitors needed a comeuppance
Maybe it will become clear to the Felon President-elect when Putin requests asylum and safe passage out of Moscow. Few things are flimsier than a dictatorship that starts losing power.
I was personally hoping the French Secret Service would take care of our problem when he was mid-Atlantic on the return flight.
Would have been nice.
You may be understating it a bit. Russian casualties in Ukraine just passed750,00. Also, the Syrian bases are key logistics hubs for Wagner Group (or whatever it’s calling itself these days), operations in sub-Saharan Africa. Cut off from the homeland, they either go or die on the vine. The Russian Navy has lost its base in the Med and probably has to pull all the way back to Petersburg, at the eastern reaches of the Baltic, now basically a NATO lake. Not sure the Turks would let them into the Black Sea- or that they would want to go.
Indeed. Here we are with the Orange Turd in position to pull defeat from the jaws of victory.
Guess he's picked up a little something from the Dems!
How sadly maddening.
Emotional being that he is, perhaps Putin’s denial of contact will rattle around in the felon- elect’s brain. Let’s hope he has better advice than from the drunk Fox guy. On the other hand, Biden is still President. And I trust those who surround him.
Reiterating the Hemingway quote. Me: cockeyed optimist.
Yeah, 43 days.
Enough time for the cloaca pout to exit like Elvis and expire on the crapper. Shame I can't pray.
The YouTube channel Suchomimus reports:
4 days ago, the Russian port of Tartus looks abandoned in satellite images:
2 days ago, Russian S-400 missile systems and TOR SAM batteries leaving Masyaf and heading to Port Latakia (Syria's main seaport):
It's a fast-moving story. I'm actually going to focus on other issues, like advocating for improvements in NYS election policies.
We have a lot of democracy left to protect, and to improve!
Good news, I guess, from Syria, Tom. But frankly I feel no sense of elation. That region has never evolved from the medieval authoritarianism. They have had kings, sheiks, tribal over lords for as long as I can remember reading about that Region.
Modern Israel was founded in May 1948, Without Netanahu they would have been a democracy for 77 years this May.
But, they voted Netanyahu in 1996. And Netanyahu has always favored authoritarianism. So unless the Israeli courts act a hell of a lot faster than ours did, when Netanyahu finishes his genocidal annihilation of the Palestinians you can expect Israel to become another dictatorship, fascist or otherwise.