Jul 7Liked by TCinLA

I’m not saying don’t report on the weaknesses of any candidate, but the press is obligated to do so equally on all candidates. The press seems to continue their inability to place the same scrutiny and consistency of reporting of his dangers upon Trump that they place upon Biden’s age and speech impediment. The press’ thumb upon the issue of Biden’s age with the almost daily handwringing creates an imbalance and unwarranted focus in the absence of reporting and focus upon Trump’s inability to maintain any semblance or sense of focus or coherence in his speech. There has been paltry coverage of Trump’s 2025 plans that would place our country into a vengeful, bigoted, and autocratic government supplanting our democracy. The tendency of the public to have their reality influenced by this manufactured and unbalanced drumbeat is damaging our future and that of the world. The press is responsible for that. They are aware of their ability to shape our perceptions and behaviors through their reporting. They choose not to moderate their behaviors and reporting to provide equally truthful and balanced coverage of both Biden and Trump.

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Unfortunately, with ad revenue down and profits ar an all time low, it appears that the MSM is banking on higher profits under a Fascist regime, contract publishing propaganda.

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Very possible, but I'm not sure they've thought that far ahead.

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Couldnt have put it any better!

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Jul 7Liked by TCinLA

I find Beau of the Fifth Column to be a much more intelligent, better researched, and informing place than ANY of what used to be called news media. Between Civil Discourse, Letters from an American, and TAFM, plus Beau, I sure do feel better informed & up to date than I ever did before!

No hysteria, no orange blob, and common sense.

Thanks, Tom, this post was VERY informative - but then back in the old days, no internet, so secrets could be kept. Honestly, its questionable as to whether that was good or bad - at this point.

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Jul 7Liked by TCinLA

Huge second for Beau! Can't recommend him enough/ he puts the worthless modern billionaire- fellating 'press' to shame every time .

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Who is Beau?

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Beau of the Fifth Column - utube videos.

I imagine there are those who see the beard and hear the accent and make assumptions. They're wrong.

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Thank you Maggie!

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I believe you will get it, David

He has a lot of videos, and also does a weekly one where he just goes thru the news - maybe not something that was reported by "media". Anyhow its really worth watch a few and see if you agree with me.

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thanks Maggie! I've listened to two now, and I'll be watching for new ones.

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He's really smart and sensible and of good character.


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Thanks for the recommendation, Maggie. I'll check out Beau of the Fifth Column.

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WaPo lost me as a subscriber

2 days ago. I had left NYT a

couple of months ago.

Democracy dies in darkness?

How about they're killing

Democracy when not

reporting the truth about

Trump and Project 2025.

About Trump not being fit

to empty the trash cans in

the White House?

The 4th columns estate will

be one of the first to get

blown up and none of the

sugarcoating is going to save


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Jul 7Liked by TCinLA

That's pretty much what I wrote to the executive editor of WaPo when I quit two days ago. He actually wrote me back, very defensive. And when I responded, I used your point above - that he had a Constitutional responsibility as a member of the Fourth Estate to tell the truth and to defend our Democracy REGARDLESS of what his owners said.

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I am hanging onto my subscriptions because I want to be able to continue voicing my disagreements in the comments or with letters directly to the editors. Time enough to abandon when that is no longer needed. And of course trump is likely to send the national guard to shut down the NYT and WaPo so subscriptions will be moot.

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I keep my sub, because they do do some good national reporting (them and the Times are the last to field a slate of reporters cross country), but I barely skim the titles of the opinions. I do read Jennifer Rubin.

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I thought the NYT article on the history of Israeli treatment of Palestinians was excellent. You can support Israel’s government or decry it, but you should know what it DOES and that plenty of Israelis object to it strongly and have for some time. I’m with you on the opinions.

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Jul 7Liked by TCinLA

Scott Dworkin offers a very compelling approach to all this cloak and dagger stuff about BIDEN and all this cloak and dagger stuff NOT being covered about the other guy: "Time for the Media to Examine Trump’s Brain

It’s Donald’s turn to be under the microscope



"Since the debate, there has been so much nonsense swirling around about President Biden’s cognitive abilities. The press has had a field day spreading lies, conspiracy theories, and rumors about the possibility of him stepping out of the race.

Each time we have been there to shut it down and give you the truth.

The debate was clearly a fluke. Biden was sick. And based on numerous fiery speeches, events, rallies and the Stephanopoulos interview since the debate, we can put most of those questions about the President’s abilities to rest.

The time has come for us all to acknowledge the fact that Biden is and will be the Democratic nominee. And he is about to stage what the Press has set up to be the biggest comeback in US political history.

Now, let’s move on and start asking questions about what really matters: Trump’s broken brain. Because I think once everyone gets a peek inside, it will be clear Trump is the one who should end his campaign.

Whether it’s acting like Hannibal Lecter is his friend, claiming Biden could plunge us into “World War II”, or saying he leads Obama in the polls, the red flags are all there.

It’s time for the mainstream media to start scrutinizing Donald’s every mannerism, every misspeak, every fumble from every angle. And there are tons. They need to be listening to the psychologists and health care professionals out there who say Trump is a sociopath and a malignant narcissist."

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Jul 7Liked by TCinLA

I want to make a second point and it's a personal point. How many of us here tell the world all about our personal health issues? If any of us were in a public role, would we? Would we instead focus on keeping the work going, keeping the calm, making sure that our personal issues were not fodder for our enemies? Or would we, as George suggested, have some "outside" person administer a "test" and make the results public. Really? What about the other guy? Oh, that's right. He could remember five words: "person, woman, man, camera, TV." Or could he? You believe him? I don't. And by the way, this is not a legitimate example of a "cognitive test." Having been through several with my late husband, I can assure you that George and all the others salivating over the possibility of throwing the election to the other guy or throwing their own hats in the ring have absolutely NO CLUE what entails a REAL "cognitive test." I do think Biden was correct. He literally LIVES cognitive testing on a daily basis - heck on a 24/7 basis - and it is far more stressful and complicated than anything any of us would ever endure. And he is passing. With flying colors. He is keeping this country on track and moving ahead. And he will continue to do so if we get our act together and get OFF this stupid bandwagon of throwing the engineer off our train because he's old and tired and doesn't bounce when he walks. Sorry. I'm angry. I'm also 77 and I resent the attack dogs who basically do not understand my generation, don't respect it, don't value it, and don't like the color of our hair. Maybe I'll go pink next time.

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No, Ellen, you hang in there gray hair and all. I'm 91, gray haired, overweight, and can't walk without a walker or at least a cane. But I need to know there will still be Ellen's out there, raising hell and demanding the truth when I'm ready to leave.

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Excellent, Ellen! Thank you.❤️

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Jul 7Liked by TCinLA

I would be more concerned about Biden's health if he was out of the public eye , but the super ager has been making remarkable speeches - Valley Forge, overseas, & at rallies . The propaganda machine is insiduous & at full throttle.& we can' t be certain what is going on with Biden's health as we all know things can change in our bodies on a seconds notice. Bidens heart & soul are not an act to take over democracy. When I see him embrace Zelensky, John Lewis, countless war heroes, & the common good people , I know he is worth fighting for. Great men who even want to be POTUS are a rare bird. At least we have a fighting chance to stop the unimaginable . I hope he is in better shape than the MSM.

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Jul 7Liked by TCinLA

Anyone who truly wants to know exactly how rigorous and stressful the Presidency is only has to look at the pictures of Obama from the beginning of his first term and at the end of his second! And he was a fairly young man coming into that office.

I cannot imagine the stress Biden, his wife & his team in the WH is dealing with normally, with all of these whiney wusses throwing him to the wolves! If I were Jill Biden, I'd want to do serious damage to these, well politely here, naysayers.

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Jul 7Liked by TCinLA

I agree. It's hard enough to endure harassment toward oneself, but to endure the relentless and insulting onslaught from media and from presidential hopefuls towards a loved one is beyond understanding. Given their close relationship, I hope she is able to help him keep from drowning in all the negativity and meanness.

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Jul 7Liked by TCinLA

I hope she’s taking notes for her memoirs, Maggie.

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So do I!

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John Fetterman is a case in point that one's body can change without notice. Steve Scalise and Amy Klovechar have been treated for cancer. And Trump had his bout with Covid and probably a dozen TIA's. That he survived may have had more to do with the nation's best medical care than with any health reserves he had. That Trump's doctor was and is a sychophant makes his assessment highly questionable.

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I remember one of the professors in one of my college history classes talking about JFK’s health issues and how he had been in and out of the hospital several times when he was a senator from Massachusetts in the 50s. He suffered from Addison’s Disease and complications from his chronic back issues and nearly died twice. Then he was popping painkillers, stimulants, and taking steroids to manage his health issues but by 1962-3 it was apparent that he was in bad physical shape but his entourage and JFK himself kept up the façade that he was OK and able to function as President. The professor said that there was real concern that if JFK was re-elected in 1964, he might not have finished his second term. And LBJ was not in much better physical condition either with his cardiac problems…lot of stuff I didn’t know about as a callow youth in the 60s. The Presidency is not a job for an old man but here we are. The Press deferred to Saint Ronnie Raygun, but Biden is fair game with trump getting a pass from the media…why is that?

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Because that's what the intergalactic widgetmakers who own the media want. Their only interest is a 10% ROI and they don't care how it's achieved.

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So true…anything for clickbait and ratings.

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"Bruenn held firm on the need for digitalization" so the last few years of FDR's term in office he was actually a hologram?

Kidding aside, both legacy party candidates are too old and infirm for the job and therefore are perfect for the string pullers behind the curtains. Given the alternatives, the only acceptable course is to support Biden as long as he chooses to stay in, vote Democratic all the way down the ballot, and pray that he makes it to at least Jan. 21, 2025. Danielle Allen had a nice piece in the WaPo this morning asking God to talk with Joe; if that happens, one hopes that God has a Plan B in place for opposing the felonious failed insurrectionist, because it's fairly clear, at least publicly, that the Democrats don't.

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sigh. He was clearly talking about how a major medical issue, one "sent by God," could change his mind. He'd probably have been better off saying "an Act of God."

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I think you're right, and that's one from the "Be careful what you wish for" file.

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The MAL surveillance cameras would pick up what lightning can do to a hoisted nine iron and shoes with metal cleats. That's probably why he always jumps right back into the rubber-grounded golf cart; he knows he might have celestial and Almighty enemies.

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Johnson's health also played a role in his decision to not run "for another term, as your President." It's in Lawrence O'Donnell's book, "Playing With Fire: 1968 And The Transformation Of American Politics."

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Thanks for the book reference, Kent. Currently reading Kearnd Goodwin's "An Unfinished Love Story." So much we didn't know.

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Jul 7Liked by TCinLA

I missed 1968 as I was positioned in an information and news wasteland in Vietnam. For years when I saw a reference to something that had happened I wondered "How did I miss that?" Tommy Smith, John Carlos? Who are they? All I saw of the Chicago convention was one photo of some poor hippie getting the crap beat out of him. The I read Lawrence O'Donnell's book. It's like he gave me a year back.

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Yes, it's an excellent book.

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There is a book published in the early aughts called What Liberal Media? that gives a very comprehensive history of how the media has pretty much had its finger on the scale for conservatives for a long time. One of the most maddening chapters is about the whole sorry spectacle of the infamous 2000 election recount in Florida, and basically about how Al Gore could not catch a break from coverage (remember how the media told us that Shrub was a "guy you could have a beer with?" The media hates policy wonks, and Gore was one of the biggest.

Someone else wrote that Joe Biden's age is the "but her emails" of this cycle. We need to keep pushing, and remind people that it's not just a man we are voting for, but his team, and we absolutely don't want the other team in charge.

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Interestingluy, Maxine Waters pointed out this afternoon that the Congressional Black Caucus, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and the Progressive Caucus have all announced that they support President Biden. All the surrender crap is coming from the corporate/DINO wing of the party.

I'm sooooo surprised to learn this! (/snark)

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Yes, yes, yes, and it's worth highlighting the "best people" Trump selected and their mug shots. Manafort, Bannon, Navarro, et. al. and the cheaters and wife beaters. Keep showing those photos of Trump with Epstein, who likely knew his life was over when he went to jail.

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Jul 7Liked by TCinLA

Who's up & running & hosting the NATO summit- hope it is on CSPAN so we don't have to hear selected sound bites & the POS conflicting narrative & may Putin take a big hit. Timing is becoming everything. No rest for the weary.

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I love the idea of presidential candidates having to publish their entire health history. So everyone will know about trump and erectile disfunction. (Of which I have no knowledge except where Melania sleeps)

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She must be off having a roaring good time over there in the catbird's seat with whomever because she's seldom seen any more.

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Good morning Tom . Historical perspective is always better than hysterical. Since the tRump has been fully diognosed by qualified experts, there is obviously no need for the press to question his mental abilities. It's just the way he is. Next question...

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Well, there’s the ("without fear or favor") Financial Times, if you can stand looking at all the rich-bitch bling and The Irish Times is always reliably lively. I agree that The Guardian is getting more and more like a cheap tabloid, but it can be a good source of ledes. That leaves readers with In These Times as the go-to source for print addicts. But before the coming Civil War is over, I think everybody will be reading their fave authors on Substack, provided the fascist pigs in the Swamp haven’t shut the platform down.

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Let's not forget that Trump tried to shut down Voice of America, claiming that keeping it going was too costly. He was testing the water then.

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I remember that first Mondale-Reagan debate and I was downright shocked that St. Ronnie had so much support, given the state he was in. That quip at the second debate got a big laugh, and it was clear that behind his smile Mondale absolutely knew that quip would lead the coverage. Mondale was not as good in his second debate, when he needed to be. But Reagan's re-election was almost a foregone conclusion even then.

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Forwarding this to some of the worried because it's always good to know our history.

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