Astute analysis of how fragile our country and the world is today. Yes, a bit of a downer on this day of the year but better to come out fighting in 2024 that sit back on our heels and be caught unaware of what is simmering out there in the world too late in the game.

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Well, I'm guessing that many, after taking that in, might opt out of celebrating as usual and just sit down with a good stiff drink! Kind of sorry I dont drink anymore - maybe just a few chocolate chip cookies!! Dont want to go off the deep end.

Frankly, we all should be seeing that kind of news from the actual news purveyors, right? But they're far too busy asking what dumpty thinks about whatever.

Hope you and the cats have a happy new year - I and dog, cat & bird intend to.


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We are.

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TRUTH!! oh, my God, this is so brutally true! I've been crying every.single.day! My kids urge me to stop reading, stop re-posting the truth of people living through this in real time! Fat chance!! I was actually praying to hear what you might write ... and you sure didn't disappoint. I realize I'm rambling here, but I'm just so grateful to you for articulating the situation. I feel stronger being in solidarity with you. I really do love you, you know. Maybe because i'm 79; maybe it's because I lost my husband recently, as you did your wife; maybe because i feel we've both experienced viet nam, or the civil rights struggles, I don't know. But, you speak my language, and I'm forever grateful! Take care of your bad self, sweet one. We can't lose you! xxx's

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Thanks Cecilia.

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You speak for me…

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That's not a downer Tom, it's reallity. The hard work ahead is what I have been yammering about for so long that people might think I'm some wierd zealot. So be it. Keep your powder dry, as they say. You might need it.

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I can report from the future that all is well (so far) and the sun rose as normal today January 1st 2024 in New Zealand. It is noon and the very good live band at my neighbour's house are currently taking a break for food and refreshments.

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Nice to keep it light , bright and moving on, as the Bride says..... On a more realistic note, I fear that H.L. Mencken was right and the American people will get what they want, and good and hard. This is an excellent, if depressing, analysis, and should encourage all of us to get in the fight before it is too late. I am astounded that Americans are so down on the current president when he is trying to reverse the previous 40 years of supply-side neoliberal economics. They will find out the down side of insisting on instant gratification..... As for China, the day they move on Taiwan is the day China ceases to exist as a modern nation. I hope Biden told Xi the corollary truth - if China moves on Taiwan, we will cut off all shipping to China of the oil and food they need to survive as a modern state. If we cut off all food shipments, China would have a famine that would kill half their population in a year. China is the most vulnerable nation on earth when it comes to the length and vulnerability of its shipping lanes - no imports and no exports. China's economy would be brought to a standstill in months.

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On the other hand, Xi has been smart in forging economic relationships (dependencies) with African and South American nations. He's been keeping all of China's options open. Biden beefed up AUKUS, our Pacific Rim alliances. It could be time for them to echo a warning around that rim. And that's doable. Further, it doesn't help that Poland is now accusing Russia of entering 24 miles into their air space and that eastern Europe has Putin lickspittles in their leadership. (It's easy to see why Anthony Blinken appears not to have slept in the past year.) 2024 is no time for the US to elect a scabrous dunderhead to the highest office in the land. A guy who can't find Okinawa or Turkey on the map needs to stay at home and tend to his hair.

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Jan 1·edited Jan 1Liked by TCinLA

I wonder if there is a connection between China's "beefing up" of relations with African nations and South Africa's accusation of genocide against Israel in an attempt to also weaken the US.

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Jan 1Liked by TCinLA

China has made big loans to many nations, many of which can't meet payment due dates, so bargaining chips like that are entirely possible if not likely.

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Always on Target

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"scabrous dunderhead."

Thank You, Judith.

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I am encouraged by one thing - new reporting that shows that TFG will lose a significant number of voters if he is convicted of any of the felonies awaiting the gubmint's (and courts') attention. But I am discouraged by the self-centered fools who will "punish" Biden because they don't like everything he has done. Hell, even the Bride has mentioned New Zealand, or the UK (we just got back from my first trip to the old sod) if the US goes into the dump. We will fight like the devil until Election Day but if it goes south, we may too.....don't like having to drive on the 'wrong' side of the road, but one does what one must..... I guess the "deus ex machina" will be the Supremes deciding he's off the ballot.....

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After that astute and depressing analysis, Tom, all I can do is wish you a happy new year anyway. We who want to preserve our democracy have our work cut out for ourselves.

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2024 will be a year where humanity makes important decisions. Like whether we should go extinct or not.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by TCinLA

Well, TC. I will close out 2023 with "To a New Year." The only certainty.

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I totally agree about your thoughts on 2024 and the future in general— it appears more messy, dangerous and volatile than I want to imagine. Hate to be a Debbie Downer.

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More Annie Accurate.

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Jan 1·edited Jan 1Liked by TCinLA

Well,really ….there will always be “possible things to come.” That shouldn’t change what we should be doing ! Anything you’re able…call,canvass,donate,text,volunteer,write+++.

Excuse me now while I quaff another sip of my uncorked TJ’s Brut Reserve !😜

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Jan 1Liked by TCinLA

Happy New Year? Sorry, couldn’t resist. Thank you for a dose of reality. The sharks seem to be smelling blood. And the wounding of our nation can be laid at the feet of republicans. I repeat. There is not one crisis that has not been created or exacerbated by Republican maniacs. As they continue to take every action that they possibly can (or refuse to do anything positive), they increase the fear factor around the world. It could not be more obvious that they, led by chump, are on Putin’s team. Scream it from the rooftops…

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This is a dose of nasty medicine we need to take if we are to fight the good fight. That said, it makes me want to curl up in a ball and sleep through 2024!

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Well stated. Bear up for the democracy offensive by having a pleasant evening, whatever you plan to do, and come back in the new year ready to kick ass. My steel-toed slippers are not to be underestimated!

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by TCinLA

Read your piece. Sounds about right. Happy New Year anyway.

Let's not let it be the year we screw away our birthright.

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Indeed yes!

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