Wow! So Ed Martin the acting US attorney in DC is not a member of the DC bar! Do you know how much arrogance/stupidity is involved in not renewing your bar membership? To quote the great Bugs Bunny, "What a maroon!"

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Just saw: Time Magazine( still exists in grocery check-out lines) ...current cover-- Musk sitting behind desk in Oval Office.

What do you think will happen next?

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I hope it causes apoplexy……..

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Thanks for the great rundown of events Tom. I can't stay on top of all this shit.

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It's not easy!

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Why are women so hated? I just don't understand it. Didn't anyone have a mother or grandmother? Were they born in a test tube?

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"Why are women so hated?"

They only love them in the kitchen and the bedroom (probably in that order), or when they are picking up after them (like good mothers and grandmothers do).

They literally can't stand a woman with brains, and especially any that achieve manly things using those brains.

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Know your place women and “others.” The men will take care of you. Like chump promised. Hahaha . The moronic bully is in control. What could go wrong? Let me count the ways…

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Jackie Calmes is one of only maybe five journalists writing regularly about politics in DC. Another is E.J. Dionne, who hasn't been showing up in the amazon compost lately. I hope she goes onto Substack, and maybe Dionne needs to. I'm glad to see Krugman rogered the new vichy times.

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I did see E.J. Dionne on MSNBC this week though I forget which program.

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Thank you again for the work you do. I would lose my mind without the great writers and commenters of Substack.

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Scatology ( the study of shit} has taken on a whole new meaning with increased verbal usage & activity.. As an invaluable tool for diagnostics with our domestic pet partners & a tool to detect what critter passed through in the night, it's part of the detective story. Thanks for diagnosing the spewing verbal onslaught of shit. I prefer my Identification of a porcupine visiting my horse's salt lick over the BS meeting of Thomas & Bondi administering the lying oath... it just keeps on coming.

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I hope you don't burnout having to gather all this mayhem so you can serve it up to us, Tom. It's something that often happens to police dispatchers in cities because of the intensity of the info load and the mostly negative emotions it stirs up.

Musk stuff being investigated included his direct assistance to Putin's invading troops in Ukraine via his manipulation of Starlink there. He also helped the Russian navy anchored in the Black Sea. Once condemnation of Russia became widespread, he attempted to appear "merely concerned about being involved in so many needless deaths," as though he gives a whit about anything but his own comfort.

If anyone has a photo of the Musk incels heading into the Social Security Administration, let's help it go viral, not to agitate the elderly and disabled who are always alert to threats to their livelihood, but to release some saltwater crocodiles into the sea of comfort the magas think they have with Trump. Musk and his ilk want all the money they've paid into the trust fund throughout their working lives, and he'll just take it. It would indeed make him the first trillionaire.

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Pitchforks needed

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Robin Abcarian wrote for the Detroit Free Press before going to the Times. Basically, she's a stringer now. It's no coincidence that she and the other columnists are some of the most highly paid employees at the LAT. Bill Plaschke is likely next.

Senator Pete or Dana. I like the sound of that. Hayley Stevens should quit before the race even gets started.

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Nessel was killer in the courtroom, which is what got her the AG position. Would rather see her in the MI Supreme Court, but she has to follow her stars. Hate to see effective Detroit Mayor Duggan run as an I against Jocelyn Benson, an excellent Secretary of State, and any white guy the MI GOP runs.

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It might be John James, my do-nothing Congressman who the nice racist white folks elected twice over Marlinga. It was reported that James brought a house in Grand Rapids (can someone say Mike Rogers redux?) and that might open up something for the Democrats in MI-10. But I also hear Lisa McClane might run if James runs for Governor. We'll see. At this point, I'd take Andy Levin back in a heartbeat.

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TC, I hope we don't have to wait 634 days for some kitty photos. Strangely, I'm feeling calmer than I was a couple weeks ago, but I could really use some kitty therapy. 🤔

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OK. Noted.

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Once again a great post Tom. Thank you for keeping up with everything and sharing with us in a way that only you can. I read Krugman’s post this morning. It was very good and excellent advice.

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Thank you Tom for keeping

us updated.

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I admire your continued grip on optimism TC in believing that midterm elections will be held, as Dotard J Diaperdump rushes to beat Adolf Hitler's 53 day record for quashing a democracy.

As to the total fucking irrelevance of Space Nazi's approval rating! So what? It wouldn't matter if 100% of voters disapproved of the unelected fascist Apartheid Clyde dipshit. Opinions don't have any physical presence to affect or move or block people or objects in the real world.

Likewise politicians talking, lawyers filing, judges ruling. They all move too slowly, expressing their high ideals, reaching the correct conclusions far too late and with zero means of enforcement.

The answer as history has sometimes shown, appears to be in the hands of the intended/potential victims, you the people. Just as it was in 1789 France and 1917 Russia. Or do you hold out in hope for your own 1989 Romanian Christmas day? (Which took 24 years to arrive.) The best possible outcome I can imagine is that the Musk and Trump corpses are both discovered swinging from traffic lights tomorrow morning. My worry - the longer you all wait the bloodier it will be, and the higher the body count.


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I fear that you are rigjt

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I hope I'm completely wrong, but the cumulative results of these last five years give me sense of doom too.

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Thank you, TC! I am tired today! Geeee it has been 3 years or it sure feels like it to me!

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Thanks, Tom, for this very informative post. How come no movies were released regarding Genevieve Grotjan? I had never heard of the Navajo code breakers or the three lovely ladies who helped put Glenn into orbit at NASA. You should write a book about these neglected heroes, I'd love to know who else was ignored. I've read books about generals from WW2, but none about the ladies who served.

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A veritable fountain of information. Delivered with style. Thank you, TC!

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