Thanks Tom. We need to know what is going on with what used to be our government. I guess there is no way we can protect the civil servants who are going to be fired for declaring loyalty to the Constitution and both the Country and Citizens of what used to be the United States. Perhaps we who live in blue States could urge our legislatures to fund these REAL Americans for at least the next two years. I worked for a year and a half with this dedicated workforce who did their jobs to the best of their ability. They are decent honest hard working people and do not deserve this irresponsible attack.
So I’m a lifelong Anglican e who reveres the Washington cathedral. They will never get an apology from our bishop— I was so proud of her queries looking directly at the weird poor excuses for elected officials of maggot variety. She was courageous and followed The actual lessons of our savior and she was literally begging our heartless poor excuse prez— he looked alternately angry and bored—Melania looked really pissed like who does she think she is??? Luckily the whole revealing and bizarre interaction was flashed all over Instagram!
Bishop Maryann Budde asked Trump to feel for people who are afraid, to give them no reason to be afraid.
Trump’s standard practice is to encourage fear. In his supporters. It took him until midnight to think of a comeback to her sermon: She forgot those millions of illegal alien (brown-skinned) murderers I made up! You should be, very afraid—of them.
Where to start?. I LOVE the revealing statement of Dummy Tuberville about Bishop Budde: I've"watched the radical left spew hate all over the place and push an agenda that I don’t even recognize." Uh huh: promoting mercy is spewing hate, and is an agenda he can't recognize. I wonder how much of this comes from a distorted Calvinism: I'm saved, you aren't, so no mercy for you. Of course, actual Calvinism depends on not KNOWING who God Saved. As far as not having seen any police officers attacked, can we assume he's been spending all his time restricting his visual intake to Porn Hub and missing all the video of J6?
Apparently one of the J6rs has been re-arrested already for possessing a firearm while a felon. While that may or may not stand--is it a violation to have a gun as a felon before you get pardoned for BEING a felon??--but the case will certainly highlight that particular guy. for possessing a firearm while a felon. While that may or may not stand--is it a violation to have a gun as a felon before you get pardoned for BEING a felon??**--but the case will certainly highlight that particular guy. (Did the pardon cover all felonies a J6r ever committed, or just those involving J6? The felonies of Daniel Charles Ball went WAY back, to at least 2017.)
This was a federal warrant. DOJ will stick it in the waste bin. Can similar things be pursued by state courts?
State officials can still go after those who commit violent crimes within the state; federal authorities could, too, for crimes committed post pardon, but they won't under trump's DOJ. State officials can still go after those who commit violent crimes within the state; federal authorities could, too, for crimes committed post pardon, but they won't under trump's DOJ.
But is at the local level, using state laws, that we can resist best. The Proud boys et al may become de facto Brownshirts, but in the process of being so they will undoubtedly commit multiple state and local crimes. Does one rough up a protestor or immigrant? ARREST HIS ASS and hold him without bail. What about an ICE guy who beats up a school kid in process of hauling him out of his class? Does Federal Supremacy allow violence against kids? Maybe he's got some immunity, but in the meantime ARREST HIS ASS. Let him have to argue his immunity, don't just accept it. Let HIM go through the process of removal to Federal Court. Bring suits against ICE officials who go into churches on the grounds of interfering with the religious liberty of the church to--well--show mercy. If "religious freedom" lets you violate federal anti-discrimination laws, why doesn't it allow you to violate immigration laws? Let the Extremes chew on THAT one.
Once all those DEI folks are actually fired, won't they have the ability to argue wrongful termination? Far as I know, believing in DEI isn't against any law passed by Congress. An Imperial Decree can't legislate. What "cause" is it that allows them to be fired? And if they are "laid off" can't they get unemployment? Another thing for Elon to worry about while he tries to "reduce federal spending."
Finally, my cynical mind wonders if trump started off with birthright citizenship knowing there would be multiple suits, thus spreading the resources of places like the ACLU and state AGs thin, possibly therefore unable to act in the less slam dunk areas?
If I manage to off Trump and declare myself the chief executive can I then pardon myself, or do I need to build a cult of personality first? Asking for a friend.
Thanks for the ratings update Tom. Can't wait to hear the spin on that. Possibly the feed was limited because the Rotunda was too small?
Re: Dept. of When Will You Eat... Bishop Budde's outstanding sermon, reminiscent of one delivered on the Mount by a predecessor of hers whose teachings she clearly tries to follow obviously penetrated Trumplethinskin's thick head partway and activated the lizard brain defense mechanism. I think that the clip should be spread as widely as we can and hope that she has good bodyguards.
Until Maga citizens on Medicare who take medication realize Trump wants to hurt them, then nothing will change. The question is why does Trump want to punish senior citizens.
Somewhere out there in this 50-state shooting gallery (another school shooting today) there are armed people whose loved ones will be woefully affected by this Trump volley of absurdity and who will empty their weapons on elected magas or J-6ers. They should not feel safe, much less "impervious" as they seem to do. They do not know their enemy to the degree that they are known.
The Bishop is a saint, she has a glow, she may not be perfect, no one is, and she would no doubt agree with that, but she is living her belief system as it is intended to be lived. Like all of us she lives in a world populated by choices, she has chosen well, motivated by her understanding of the path and its underlying truth. The only one that seemed to get it was Vance’s wife, who must be wondering what the hell she has gotten into. She has as much in common with the rest of them as turds do stars in the heavens. You made me laugh Tom, your sarcasm was the last thing I read before turning out the light last night and it was on my iPad when I opened it today, I woke in the night dreaming that the oily hegseth had been turned down by the senate, may it be so, he is by a whisker the most unfit of the remaining nominees, think about who he’s in the running with. Maybe today is the day that the senate wakes up, most of them,with the exception of Graham have children and grandchildren, and they know how to add. I pray that the good Bishop’s words will reach through the fog that has surrounded them 🙏
And in local poking around, Pt. Charlotte, FL edition: I drove back to find a resident flying his American flag at full staff, with a Trump flag directly below. Down the street from where I'm staying, another American flag was also at full staff, but with a Kansas City Chiefs flag below. The latter guy did have his flag at half staff until yesterday.
Thanks Tom. We need to know what is going on with what used to be our government. I guess there is no way we can protect the civil servants who are going to be fired for declaring loyalty to the Constitution and both the Country and Citizens of what used to be the United States. Perhaps we who live in blue States could urge our legislatures to fund these REAL Americans for at least the next two years. I worked for a year and a half with this dedicated workforce who did their jobs to the best of their ability. They are decent honest hard working people and do not deserve this irresponsible attack.
So I’m a lifelong Anglican e who reveres the Washington cathedral. They will never get an apology from our bishop— I was so proud of her queries looking directly at the weird poor excuses for elected officials of maggot variety. She was courageous and followed The actual lessons of our savior and she was literally begging our heartless poor excuse prez— he looked alternately angry and bored—Melania looked really pissed like who does she think she is??? Luckily the whole revealing and bizarre interaction was flashed all over Instagram!
Bishop Maryann Budde asked Trump to feel for people who are afraid, to give them no reason to be afraid.
Trump’s standard practice is to encourage fear. In his supporters. It took him until midnight to think of a comeback to her sermon: She forgot those millions of illegal alien (brown-skinned) murderers I made up! You should be, very afraid—of them.
Damn, Tom. This is just nucking futs.
The info on dumpy's EO drug
roll back should be headline
news across the country! All
his MAGATS will be
screaming 😱 NO! It's going
to hurt a lot of people.
Keep Poking Around Tom.
These are really good.
So instead of bi-partisaning, Dems need to step up and for crying loud SPEAK OUT!!!
I was thinking the same thing.
Where to start?. I LOVE the revealing statement of Dummy Tuberville about Bishop Budde: I've"watched the radical left spew hate all over the place and push an agenda that I don’t even recognize." Uh huh: promoting mercy is spewing hate, and is an agenda he can't recognize. I wonder how much of this comes from a distorted Calvinism: I'm saved, you aren't, so no mercy for you. Of course, actual Calvinism depends on not KNOWING who God Saved. As far as not having seen any police officers attacked, can we assume he's been spending all his time restricting his visual intake to Porn Hub and missing all the video of J6?
Apparently one of the J6rs has been re-arrested already for possessing a firearm while a felon. While that may or may not stand--is it a violation to have a gun as a felon before you get pardoned for BEING a felon??--but the case will certainly highlight that particular guy. for possessing a firearm while a felon. While that may or may not stand--is it a violation to have a gun as a felon before you get pardoned for BEING a felon??**--but the case will certainly highlight that particular guy. (Did the pardon cover all felonies a J6r ever committed, or just those involving J6? The felonies of Daniel Charles Ball went WAY back, to at least 2017.)
This was a federal warrant. DOJ will stick it in the waste bin. Can similar things be pursued by state courts?
State officials can still go after those who commit violent crimes within the state; federal authorities could, too, for crimes committed post pardon, but they won't under trump's DOJ. State officials can still go after those who commit violent crimes within the state; federal authorities could, too, for crimes committed post pardon, but they won't under trump's DOJ.
But is at the local level, using state laws, that we can resist best. The Proud boys et al may become de facto Brownshirts, but in the process of being so they will undoubtedly commit multiple state and local crimes. Does one rough up a protestor or immigrant? ARREST HIS ASS and hold him without bail. What about an ICE guy who beats up a school kid in process of hauling him out of his class? Does Federal Supremacy allow violence against kids? Maybe he's got some immunity, but in the meantime ARREST HIS ASS. Let him have to argue his immunity, don't just accept it. Let HIM go through the process of removal to Federal Court. Bring suits against ICE officials who go into churches on the grounds of interfering with the religious liberty of the church to--well--show mercy. If "religious freedom" lets you violate federal anti-discrimination laws, why doesn't it allow you to violate immigration laws? Let the Extremes chew on THAT one.
Once all those DEI folks are actually fired, won't they have the ability to argue wrongful termination? Far as I know, believing in DEI isn't against any law passed by Congress. An Imperial Decree can't legislate. What "cause" is it that allows them to be fired? And if they are "laid off" can't they get unemployment? Another thing for Elon to worry about while he tries to "reduce federal spending."
Finally, my cynical mind wonders if trump started off with birthright citizenship knowing there would be multiple suits, thus spreading the resources of places like the ACLU and state AGs thin, possibly therefore unable to act in the less slam dunk areas?
Not to demean posts and rocks, but Tuberville is as dumb as a post, and has less brainpower than a sack of rocks.
Posts and rocks accept your clarification.
Thank you.
But Alabama loves their football coaches!
Too bad Tubby doesn't actually LIVE in Alabama. He resides in Florida and pretends to be from AL.
If I manage to off Trump and declare myself the chief executive can I then pardon myself, or do I need to build a cult of personality first? Asking for a friend.
We'll just say you were having dinner with us.:)
Thanks! Definitely living in an upside down inside out time!
Thanks for the ratings update Tom. Can't wait to hear the spin on that. Possibly the feed was limited because the Rotunda was too small?
Re: Dept. of When Will You Eat... Bishop Budde's outstanding sermon, reminiscent of one delivered on the Mount by a predecessor of hers whose teachings she clearly tries to follow obviously penetrated Trumplethinskin's thick head partway and activated the lizard brain defense mechanism. I think that the clip should be spread as widely as we can and hope that she has good bodyguards.
Until Maga citizens on Medicare who take medication realize Trump wants to hurt them, then nothing will change. The question is why does Trump want to punish senior citizens.
OF WHICH HE IS ONE! Sorry for the caps - seems to be necessary!
I doubt Trump views himself as one. Apparently neither does the media. All the media reported on was Biden's advanced age. Nada for Trump.
Trump would really like us all to die--we are taking up resources (money) that he could use to cut taxes for his buddies in the oligarchy.
Revolution anyone?
One UN presidential moment after another. The liar in chief has been crowned.
Somewhere out there in this 50-state shooting gallery (another school shooting today) there are armed people whose loved ones will be woefully affected by this Trump volley of absurdity and who will empty their weapons on elected magas or J-6ers. They should not feel safe, much less "impervious" as they seem to do. They do not know their enemy to the degree that they are known.
The Bishop is a saint, she has a glow, she may not be perfect, no one is, and she would no doubt agree with that, but she is living her belief system as it is intended to be lived. Like all of us she lives in a world populated by choices, she has chosen well, motivated by her understanding of the path and its underlying truth. The only one that seemed to get it was Vance’s wife, who must be wondering what the hell she has gotten into. She has as much in common with the rest of them as turds do stars in the heavens. You made me laugh Tom, your sarcasm was the last thing I read before turning out the light last night and it was on my iPad when I opened it today, I woke in the night dreaming that the oily hegseth had been turned down by the senate, may it be so, he is by a whisker the most unfit of the remaining nominees, think about who he’s in the running with. Maybe today is the day that the senate wakes up, most of them,with the exception of Graham have children and grandchildren, and they know how to add. I pray that the good Bishop’s words will reach through the fog that has surrounded them 🙏
If that many people ignored the inauguration then how did he get elected president?
And in local poking around, Pt. Charlotte, FL edition: I drove back to find a resident flying his American flag at full staff, with a Trump flag directly below. Down the street from where I'm staying, another American flag was also at full staff, but with a Kansas City Chiefs flag below. The latter guy did have his flag at half staff until yesterday.
(Research on emigration intensifies)