When you're a civil servant, as I was for 34 years, during the day, you come to know the territory well and know where to set the Claymores and when to turn the bag of lab rats loose. I hope the fed workers are preparing their "What-me-I-wasn't-even-in-the-building" faces. And they need to stick together. It's a declared war.

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You give me hope that all will not be lost.

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I was too, as a much younger person. Been a Dem for many years, but wouldn’t have known what to do with such.

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Good for Ukraine. I wonder how much help they got from Russian citizens in Moscow. This is the second assassination of a high level official responsible for the chemical weapons attacks. The IFC had accused both of violating laws prohibiting the use of them.

Our military. I don't have confidence that it will resist TFG. I believe he will do what he wants, ignoring processes in place that should slow him down.

That is to me a very scary prospect.

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Repubs have always known how to obstruct and destroy better than build. Count on it. The military has Fox on every channel I hear, so do many businesses in Texas. Found out recently, that hospitals do too. Our press is already enamored with evil. No shots fired. Well, except in our schools

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Whenever faux is on at my hospital, I go to the desk and request that the channel be changed. So far no problem with that.

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"Our military. I don't have confidence that it will resist TFG." Unfortunately, I share your fear. All he has to do (which he has promised to do) is replace our current generals with his own. Also court martial and execute a few of our best, e.g., Five Star General Mark Milley, and others will naturally shy away to save their families.

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At that same Republican Gala, the sociopathic fascist windbag named Steve Bannon floated the idea of a third term for the Pig: “The viceroy Mike Davis tells me, since it doesn’t actually say consecutive, that maybe we do it again in 28?” We are in an epic battle for American Democracy.

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he will likely be dead, but they can parade him around like the Inca priests did their emperor’s corpse. The SC would bow down.

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Interesting image.

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Trump is a cult of personality, and when he goes, I think and hope MAGA will lose it's power, including at the voting booth.

I think the SC may be a separate issue.

Nonetheless, we shall all have to remain on guard.

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no way in the world TFF is going to be able to feed himself by 2028. but that won't stop them.

I used to be confident that SCOTUS wouldn't allow a third term (remember that it was the Repugs who wanted the amendment limiting presidents to two terms). now I'm not so sure.

isn't the truth that the worst has already happened? I refer to TFF ever being in a position to RUN for president, let alone win.

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Oh, yes. We're in for BIG TIME TROUBLE.

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Thanks Tom, and kudos to Ukraine for ridding the world of another monster. While I abhor murder in general, some people are too twisted mentally and emotionally to be kept alive, Adolph Hitler and minions, Sadaam Hussein and minions, Bashar Asaad, among many. When they turn to using outlawed weapons known for their cruelty and lack of precision, even I can applaud.

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Nobody helped Alex Bruesewitz until he hit the ground, even as his brain was clearly shutting down. Was his emergency care in network?

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A brain that was corrupted by evil. Good riddance

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Maybe these people should

be careful what they eat and

drink from now on.😉

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You mean that Vlad is not the only one who serves Polonium tea…

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Germany, now Canada. WTF. I don’t want to be a footnote in a historical era.

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And France.

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Can’t believe I omitted France. Thanks.

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Better than being the one causing the inflagration.

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I have to wonder if some less poisoned-by-the-koolaid sycophants are paying attention. There was no mandate. He did not win a majority. He's way out over his skis. "Something" is going to happen. I awake daily hoping for it.

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Rupert calls it a mandate. Even Karl Rove (reportedly) said that we all would have to deal with the reality that republicans created…

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Revenge first, greed next, or are they twin goals. Depends on who the real puppet master is…

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That is quite a photo of the now former general. Yesterday near here someone crashed their car into a power pole and broke it right on a city street, like the street the now former general lived on, then hit a building. The photo of that accident had a host of emergency services helping the poor woman, quite unlike the scene of the now former general.

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Also on the news was a story of how dangerous the scooters are with those lithium ion batteries. It said they are prone to explode and catch fire under certain circumstances. Just sayin'.

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The picture was taken after they moved people out. Other photos and videos show him uncovered with just a few cops (?) around.

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Deeply troubling. Who is setting up a defense fund?

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Please consider signing this petition to grant green cards to DACA recipients, in order to protect them from being deported by Trump. DACA recipients were brought to the US as small children, and have never known any homeland other than the US.


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