Fuck these everloving fucking fuckers. Piss on you, Time "magazine". One hopes that history will show the parallels between Hitler as MotY and that motherfucking president elect as being the worst events of their respective centuries.
If I remember correctly , there was a phony TIME cover of TFG along with the stolen docs strewn on the floor . That he got away with the docs & every other crime makes me so angry & I am not happy feeling angry all the time. Appreciate that you can put it into words & we can all be on the same page of outrage. You are right , the next 4 years are going to suck on the world stage.
Back to referring to the White House as 'Whitey's House". A favorite political cartoon from 2016 had tfg seated on a chair holding a mike on the steps of the Lincoln Monument asking Lincoln 'how do I look ?' Lincoln replies "small".
Time Magazine’s decision is yet another example of the “ reverse world” we are living in. Their gauge for choice is naked impact,without a nod to the damage done by that impact. It is the worst of our celebrity culture in which people become “famous” for doing nothing.
In the case of DJT he is “ famous” for projecting his destructive charism on us all, hypnotizing his cult followers and taking aim at democracy at home and abroad.
What happened to all the choices of people who actually made our planet a better place for all?
Shame on Time for feeding the narcissism of the bottomless attention seeker-- who has undoubtedly already framed the Cover and hung it next to the fake one he had made years ago.
the times has a story this morning about the push to confirm the rapist at DOD, and at no time do the "reporters" mention threats--as in the number of Democrats who have said republicans told them, and the number of republicans who have publicly or privately said, they fear for their lives if they don't vote the way the MAGA fascists want. Some people call this sort of thing journalism. It is not.
I believe that the reason there is a more flagrant push right now for Hegseth than for Gabbard or Kennedy or Patel or any of the unworthies is that the military is key to a take over. As much as the others scare me, Hegseth has moved into first place because he has to be in place first.
Lower your expectations, Prof. The Special Ops forces are nearly all Christian fundamentalist "Crusaders,"particularly the SEALs The Air Force is thoroughly shot through with Christian Fundamentalism. Majority of the Army comes from small town "Red America." Majority of the enlisted troops voted for Mangolini.
I keep seeing reporting from sources I mostly trust, that military officers will work for the country, and not fprez. I keep thinking of the drafted and enlisted soldiers who were more than happy to disobey their officers in Vietnam. Some officers were supposedly shot by their own men.
I wouldn't trust that the enlisted will follow orders necessarily. Of course I don't know the mindset of today's soldier. I know they are fed Faux News nonstop, but resisting orders, who knows.
I don't have a frame of reference to how they really think.
Politicians are so fucking disappointing. Try to pace yourself TC. Things will only get worse from now on in. Rewatch a favourite movie with good cat company 🐈⬛
I've downloaded a bunch. Just finished all eight seasons of The Sopranos and the three seasons of Deadwood (an excellent metaphor for today) plus a bunch of movies.
Watching mysteries on Acorn and Brit Box. Catch about 20 minutes of “news” by flipping around. Chump’s revenge party is one for the record books. Soon some will be taking picnics to lynchings after church on Sunday. Yes, that was a thing. And then having postcards made and mailed to like-minded evil.
You would love Acorn also. Brokenwood Mysteries a fav. Made in New Zealand, writers slip in humor unexpectedly and it’s murder with NZ cultural slant. Also love Miss Fishers Murder Mysteries. Another NZ find. Of course, the Brits never disappoint. Nor does Canada (Murdoch Mysteries) although writers seem to go off the deep end at times. Turn of the century stories are great though. I watched Broadchurch a while back, good but lots of pain and strain. Guess that’s murder, for you. And our news these days…
All good. We’ve just enjoyed working through a set of prewar British films starring Jessie Matthews. The fabulous artistic direction by legendary Alfred Junge alone making many of them truly ‘Evergreen’.
No. It is a cheeky reference to one of Matthews movies in The British Film DVD set. Produced in 1934 and based on the Broadway musical by Rodger’s and Hart Ever Green 🐈⬛
Friday the 13th came a day early...I gagged at that stupid time magazine choice...none of their candidates should have been candidates for their cover.. another gag at the NYSE bell ringing and a sentence about drill baby drill and his word of the year "groceries"...now the absurdities you are reporting...Timothy Snyder was correct that his first rule is " do not obey in advance"...Wray at the FBI...Timothy's #18, "Be calm when the unthinkable arrives"...could be the unthinkable is going to be exactly what happens state by state, town by town, as people in military gear begin banging on doors at midnight grabbing people primarily with brown skin and odd last names...#19 "Be a patriot" and # 20..."Be as courageous as you can. If none of us is prepared to die for freedom, then all of us will die under tyranny." I cannot urge readers strongly enough to read his books ON TYRANNY ( the graphic edition is terrific) and ON FREEDOM. This is where we are.
Everyone in power seems to be disappointing / yielding. FBI director. Time Mag. Amazon / Bezos. Plus IRS to be stripped of enforcement vs high net worth t'payors. Plus weaponization of IRS and defanging it vs. real criminals. AND invitation of an authoritarian leader to the Coronation cum inauguration. . . . On the plus side, Portuguese and Spanish air lines getting an uptick.
AND THE WINNER IS: Kari Lake Admr of Voice of America. . . . aka NEWSPEAK! Voice of the America with the King coronated In Jan. . . . Not to be confused with that ol' Democratic America. . . . Which raises question: is he going to change the name? Trump steaks. Trump watches. Trump Country? Trump-Publica? Trumpistan? The new Christian Nationalist States of America fla usa.
I am right there by you, wretching my guts out.This was a particularly odious News cycle that you have been talking about.I hope we have some good stuff happen to us before January 20.
Just to note that, in addition to Hitler and Trump, Time has named Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev, Pierre Laval (look up "Vichy France"), Ayatollah Khomeini and Vladimir Putin. Fitting company for the Mango Mussolini.
Back in the 1980s-90s,I was a diehard Time magazine fan. I read it cover to cover. But as news delivery changed (think internet and cellphones) the reporting became weaker and weaker. It is irrelevant now. Who cares about Person of the Year (altho I did like Taylor Swirft achieving that). And Zuckerberg is a lost soul. He cares about no one but himself and his money. He had the opportunity to be a good influence on society but he squandered it. I try to find glimmers of hope, and I won't go back and I won't sit down and be quiet. It's going to be a long 4 years and a generation after that to repair the damage done.
It has now been 9 years since the escalator ride and I have yet to see a rational explanation for the support that the Felon President-elect gets from virtually every corner of the ring. It can't simply be the power of the office, because every President has that and it certainly isn't any sort of moral or ethical imperative because he is completely lacking in the standards that would enable either. It's almost as though he's only a puppet and someone else is pulling the strings, in which case the critical question is "Who?"
That's the public story, but neither of them has any real power. All it would have taken anywhere along the line is for someone or several someones to say in unison "oh no you're not" and he would have wilted. As Alvin Bragg has demonstrated, nothing in Trump's arsenal stands up to examination in front of a jury.
Oh Dave, don't underestimate what it means to be owned by the Russians. That goes back to the 70's when he housed the spies coming from Moscow. In Floriduh.
A presidential candidate tried, and failed, to own my dad in the 60's. They offered serious money and power. They weren't playing. Just saying.
I don't underestimate it Hannah, I just don't have a visceral understanding of what it means. I know that the Russians play for keeps by rules that are very different from ours but that's not the same as having the experience.
This all just reinforces the idea that we can no longer count on institutions, be they elected officials, appointed judges, or our mass media. It is up to us to hold the line as best we can, exemplified by the protestors in North Carolina. We need to get in the way of ICE after January 20th as much as possible. Document EVERYTHING.
I hope, but doubt, that Mitch McConnell recognizes that his long term plans were pivotal for bringing this present reality into being. I hope, but doubt, that he still has enough influence to tug in any effective way at all on the reins of this monster he's created. He'd better get started with the Senate since it doesn't sound like they are digging their heels in in any real way.
He's still got several million in campaign funds that he no longer needs but could "invest" in people willing to support him and Thune for the next few months. Whether he's got the stones to do it, we'll see but I'm not betting the rent.
The first thing I did when I saw this vote was check my Representative and others in the state. Democrats: 5 voted no, 4 voted yes. I contacted all 9 that actually thought it important enough to vote.
Fuck these everloving fucking fuckers. Piss on you, Time "magazine". One hopes that history will show the parallels between Hitler as MotY and that motherfucking president elect as being the worst events of their respective centuries.
Tell it Ally.
If I remember correctly , there was a phony TIME cover of TFG along with the stolen docs strewn on the floor . That he got away with the docs & every other crime makes me so angry & I am not happy feeling angry all the time. Appreciate that you can put it into words & we can all be on the same page of outrage. You are right , the next 4 years are going to suck on the world stage.
Yes, when I first read about Christopher Wray I sounded like I was channeling TC.
I laughed out loud.
We all channel him..
Back to referring to the White House as 'Whitey's House". A favorite political cartoon from 2016 had tfg seated on a chair holding a mike on the steps of the Lincoln Monument asking Lincoln 'how do I look ?' Lincoln replies "small".
Good one.
Time Magazine’s decision is yet another example of the “ reverse world” we are living in. Their gauge for choice is naked impact,without a nod to the damage done by that impact. It is the worst of our celebrity culture in which people become “famous” for doing nothing.
In the case of DJT he is “ famous” for projecting his destructive charism on us all, hypnotizing his cult followers and taking aim at democracy at home and abroad.
What happened to all the choices of people who actually made our planet a better place for all?
Shame on Time for feeding the narcissism of the bottomless attention seeker-- who has undoubtedly already framed the Cover and hung it next to the fake one he had made years ago.
Fear works. "Shame if something bad happened to that business of yours."
Time magazine has always been a republikkkan front. Not surprised.
Who reads Time magazine any more? I am old—the target audience—and I haven’t even seen a copy of it in decades!
the times has a story this morning about the push to confirm the rapist at DOD, and at no time do the "reporters" mention threats--as in the number of Democrats who have said republicans told them, and the number of republicans who have publicly or privately said, they fear for their lives if they don't vote the way the MAGA fascists want. Some people call this sort of thing journalism. It is not.
More on that later.
I believe that the reason there is a more flagrant push right now for Hegseth than for Gabbard or Kennedy or Patel or any of the unworthies is that the military is key to a take over. As much as the others scare me, Hegseth has moved into first place because he has to be in place first.
Agreed, and it will be interesting to see whether the military obeys unconstitutional orders.
Lower your expectations, Prof. The Special Ops forces are nearly all Christian fundamentalist "Crusaders,"particularly the SEALs The Air Force is thoroughly shot through with Christian Fundamentalism. Majority of the Army comes from small town "Red America." Majority of the enlisted troops voted for Mangolini.
I keep seeing reporting from sources I mostly trust, that military officers will work for the country, and not fprez. I keep thinking of the drafted and enlisted soldiers who were more than happy to disobey their officers in Vietnam. Some officers were supposedly shot by their own men.
I wouldn't trust that the enlisted will follow orders necessarily. Of course I don't know the mindset of today's soldier. I know they are fed Faux News nonstop, but resisting orders, who knows.
I don't have a frame of reference to how they really think.
Plenty of suckers and losers love the monikers, apparently.
Cowards all
Yes. I think lower case is in order now.
Sure. Just checking.
Politicians are so fucking disappointing. Try to pace yourself TC. Things will only get worse from now on in. Rewatch a favourite movie with good cat company 🐈⬛
I've downloaded a bunch. Just finished all eight seasons of The Sopranos and the three seasons of Deadwood (an excellent metaphor for today) plus a bunch of movies.
Watching mysteries on Acorn and Brit Box. Catch about 20 minutes of “news” by flipping around. Chump’s revenge party is one for the record books. Soon some will be taking picnics to lynchings after church on Sunday. Yes, that was a thing. And then having postcards made and mailed to like-minded evil.
I recently discovered britbox. Rewatched Broadchurch and a couple others. Now feeding my paranoia with Homeland, an oldish showtime series.
You would love Acorn also. Brokenwood Mysteries a fav. Made in New Zealand, writers slip in humor unexpectedly and it’s murder with NZ cultural slant. Also love Miss Fishers Murder Mysteries. Another NZ find. Of course, the Brits never disappoint. Nor does Canada (Murdoch Mysteries) although writers seem to go off the deep end at times. Turn of the century stories are great though. I watched Broadchurch a while back, good but lots of pain and strain. Guess that’s murder, for you. And our news these days…
I think Miss Fisher is Australian.
I’m a moron on geography in that area. I thought Tasmania was associated with New Zealand. Thanks for correction…
Thanks JD.
All good. We’ve just enjoyed working through a set of prewar British films starring Jessie Matthews. The fabulous artistic direction by legendary Alfred Junge alone making many of them truly ‘Evergreen’.
Is Evergreen a britbox series?
No. It is a cheeky reference to one of Matthews movies in The British Film DVD set. Produced in 1934 and based on the Broadway musical by Rodger’s and Hart Ever Green 🐈⬛
Friday the 13th came a day early...I gagged at that stupid time magazine choice...none of their candidates should have been candidates for their cover.. another gag at the NYSE bell ringing and a sentence about drill baby drill and his word of the year "groceries"...now the absurdities you are reporting...Timothy Snyder was correct that his first rule is " do not obey in advance"...Wray at the FBI...Timothy's #18, "Be calm when the unthinkable arrives"...could be the unthinkable is going to be exactly what happens state by state, town by town, as people in military gear begin banging on doors at midnight grabbing people primarily with brown skin and odd last names...#19 "Be a patriot" and # 20..."Be as courageous as you can. If none of us is prepared to die for freedom, then all of us will die under tyranny." I cannot urge readers strongly enough to read his books ON TYRANNY ( the graphic edition is terrific) and ON FREEDOM. This is where we are.
Yes indeed. Dr. Snyder is crucial, and people should read his substack too.
Everyone in power seems to be disappointing / yielding. FBI director. Time Mag. Amazon / Bezos. Plus IRS to be stripped of enforcement vs high net worth t'payors. Plus weaponization of IRS and defanging it vs. real criminals. AND invitation of an authoritarian leader to the Coronation cum inauguration. . . . On the plus side, Portuguese and Spanish air lines getting an uptick.
AND THE WINNER IS: Kari Lake Admr of Voice of America. . . . aka NEWSPEAK! Voice of the America with the King coronated In Jan. . . . Not to be confused with that ol' Democratic America. . . . Which raises question: is he going to change the name? Trump steaks. Trump watches. Trump Country? Trump-Publica? Trumpistan? The new Christian Nationalist States of America fla usa.
Trump wanted to defund Voice of America during his first term. Maybe he's putting her out to sea.
She will turn it into Fox International
It's a nice thought.
FBI director, such a coward! His organization knew about the build up for the Jan 6:insurrection and allowed it to happen!
Good riddance, as they say, to bad rubbish! He cleared the deck so the amoral orange creature can have the fbi as his own Gestapo!
He was and is Trump's creature, that's for sure.
I am right there by you, wretching my guts out.This was a particularly odious News cycle that you have been talking about.I hope we have some good stuff happen to us before January 20.
I think WE have to happen to IT.
Just to note that, in addition to Hitler and Trump, Time has named Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev, Pierre Laval (look up "Vichy France"), Ayatollah Khomeini and Vladimir Putin. Fitting company for the Mango Mussolini.
Carlin was right.
Back in the 1980s-90s,I was a diehard Time magazine fan. I read it cover to cover. But as news delivery changed (think internet and cellphones) the reporting became weaker and weaker. It is irrelevant now. Who cares about Person of the Year (altho I did like Taylor Swirft achieving that). And Zuckerberg is a lost soul. He cares about no one but himself and his money. He had the opportunity to be a good influence on society but he squandered it. I try to find glimmers of hope, and I won't go back and I won't sit down and be quiet. It's going to be a long 4 years and a generation after that to repair the damage done.
It has now been 9 years since the escalator ride and I have yet to see a rational explanation for the support that the Felon President-elect gets from virtually every corner of the ring. It can't simply be the power of the office, because every President has that and it certainly isn't any sort of moral or ethical imperative because he is completely lacking in the standards that would enable either. It's almost as though he's only a puppet and someone else is pulling the strings, in which case the critical question is "Who?"
I think we know who. Putin and the Christian right maniacs.
That's the public story, but neither of them has any real power. All it would have taken anywhere along the line is for someone or several someones to say in unison "oh no you're not" and he would have wilted. As Alvin Bragg has demonstrated, nothing in Trump's arsenal stands up to examination in front of a jury.
Oh Dave, don't underestimate what it means to be owned by the Russians. That goes back to the 70's when he housed the spies coming from Moscow. In Floriduh.
A presidential candidate tried, and failed, to own my dad in the 60's. They offered serious money and power. They weren't playing. Just saying.
I don't underestimate it Hannah, I just don't have a visceral understanding of what it means. I know that the Russians play for keeps by rules that are very different from ours but that's not the same as having the experience.
Fair enough Dave. I don't disagree with you. Just sharing what little frame of reference I have.
All the information we can get will help.
Trumputin is his name.
This all just reinforces the idea that we can no longer count on institutions, be they elected officials, appointed judges, or our mass media. It is up to us to hold the line as best we can, exemplified by the protestors in North Carolina. We need to get in the way of ICE after January 20th as much as possible. Document EVERYTHING.
I hope, but doubt, that Mitch McConnell recognizes that his long term plans were pivotal for bringing this present reality into being. I hope, but doubt, that he still has enough influence to tug in any effective way at all on the reins of this monster he's created. He'd better get started with the Senate since it doesn't sound like they are digging their heels in in any real way.
He's still got several million in campaign funds that he no longer needs but could "invest" in people willing to support him and Thune for the next few months. Whether he's got the stones to do it, we'll see but I'm not betting the rent.
You know he isn't going to change. Don't bet the farm please.
I'm not even betting the manure wagon.
I'm with Maggie. We want the
damn names of these
I'm already getting campaign
donation requests. Ha, ha, ha!
Blocking them all! This guy
running for a seat in
NY, I've never heard of
before. The only info on him
is he's a dairy farmer and
milks cows. The DNC and
DCCC better clean up their
act. Dems definitely seem to
be in mental disarray.🙄
Roll Call 500 | Bill Number: H. R. 5009
The first thing I did when I saw this vote was check my Representative and others in the state. Democrats: 5 voted no, 4 voted yes. I contacted all 9 that actually thought it important enough to vote.
Thanks Kathy.
How the heck did this bill come out of the house Natural Resource committee?