Wow. I'm so glad you two said it first. I was thinking "I'm going to need more of this. Faster, faster!" while the angel on my other shoulder patted me soothingly and said "I'm sure he has things to do other than to be typing this in for your" (a plural your, to be sure) "satisfaction."
I'm wondering about the assignment of actors. Is it typical to specify the imagined actor (as a preference?), or is it more usual to denote the speaker as "male two" or "male protagonist"?
Oh! (Smacks forehead) I actually googled the names as actors and came up with two who weren't impossible but seemed slightly odd choices and decided to wait and see... Plus, I might add, one very odd character in Australia. It's a small world.
What's the story with this script? Is it being doled out every couple of pages? I may not live long enough to get to THE END of this drama just my own!
"There’s nothing like a really good movie to cure what ails you.
And as a result of this, I have decided to answer the requests of some of the TAFM crowd, and show you the screenplay that sold the first week it was out (and never got made), which I realized watching “To Catch A Thief” was influenced by my love of that movie.
I’m going to present it as a Saturday Afternoon At The Movies Serial.
Pounding fist on table: WE <thunk> WANT <thunk> MORE <thunk>!!!!
I kinda like being left hanging. It gives us a chance to think of what might be coming up next.
Focus for the distracted mind...
Cliff hangers...unfair.
I Laughed Out Loud.
Wow. I'm so glad you two said it first. I was thinking "I'm going to need more of this. Faster, faster!" while the angel on my other shoulder patted me soothingly and said "I'm sure he has things to do other than to be typing this in for your" (a plural your, to be sure) "satisfaction."
I'm wondering about the assignment of actors. Is it typical to specify the imagined actor (as a preference?), or is it more usual to denote the speaker as "male two" or "male protagonist"?
Use the character's name.
Oh! (Smacks forehead) I actually googled the names as actors and came up with two who weren't impossible but seemed slightly odd choices and decided to wait and see... Plus, I might add, one very odd character in Australia. It's a small world.
What's the story with this script? Is it being doled out every couple of pages? I may not live long enough to get to THE END of this drama just my own!
TC has always said he's a good script writer, and this proves it.
Yes. Easy to visualize. Bogey and Bacall, Sam Neill and Laura Dern, Courtney Vance and Carrie Mulligan.
you haven't met the male lead yet.
Fern, this is what Tom wrote in MGM+:
"There’s nothing like a really good movie to cure what ails you.
And as a result of this, I have decided to answer the requests of some of the TAFM crowd, and show you the screenplay that sold the first week it was out (and never got made), which I realized watching “To Catch A Thief” was influenced by my love of that movie.
I’m going to present it as a Saturday Afternoon At The Movies Serial.
Coming next: 'Permanent Interests.'"
I read it before commenting. That is my practice, My comment holds, Mim. I'm not alone is wishing for more. Salud.