It was going to be John Flynn, a good friend. He directed "Best Seller," a movie where the fact James Woods is a natural asshole, is essential to the storyline.
Logline: "A hitman approaches a writer to help him create his next best seller, but the violent world he was a part of has other plans."
Ah, nice wordplay: "Chase the Phantoms. Some mirages are more real than others"!
Sometimes I think Tom is angling for Bartlett’s. :)
You're an excellent serialist TC. Just enough in each episode to maintain interest in the next without revealing the ending.
Now I’m starting to wonder who directs this movie....
It was going to be John Flynn, a good friend. He directed "Best Seller," a movie where the fact James Woods is a natural asshole, is essential to the storyline.
Logline: "A hitman approaches a writer to help him create his next best seller, but the violent world he was a part of has other plans."
I. Am. Loving. This.