Yep - they will run through all their cultural shibboleths, removing all impediments to the Christian nation they so earnestly desire..... Of course, they will run the whole bloody country into the loving ground - and they won't even know what hit them, they are so ignorant of what has made this country great in the past - for all its faults.....

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The right wing hypocrisy makes me spitting mad. They trample on freedom of religion with every step they take. Anti-abortion, anti-contraception, anti LGBTQ arise from religious points of view. Why should how you practice your “religion” impact my healthcare decisions? Why is how I care for my body anyone else’s damn business? The party of freedom, law & order? Give me a break! They just continuously lie!!!!!!

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As Will McAvoy put it in 'The Newsroom' the Republican Party has become the American Taliban, with their own version of 'Sharia' law, but it's their law, not Mohammed's.

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'Unenumerated Rights'

'The Ninth Amendment of the Constitution states: “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” Because the rights protected by the Ninth Amendment are not specified, they are referred to as “unenumerated.” The Supreme Court has found that unenumerated rights include such important rights as the right to travel, the right to vote, the right to keep personal matters private and to make important decisions about one’s health care or body.' (AnnenbergClassroom) No more info on its website.

This the best I could, do but as these 'rights', are not in the constitution, some of them are likely to get smudged and twisted by the far-right.

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Domino's lined up for a return to Southern society and 18th century Christian purity. Good luck on trying to find a virgin in this house of diddlers and woke folks that will remain.

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Fred why did you raise the issue of virgins'? TC predicts that the next cultural based legal battle on the right will be to overturn Obergefell vs. Hodges, the 2015 5-4 decision where the Court decided that the 14th Amendment gives same-sex couples the right to marry. What does that have to do with virgins? Have you been searching for one yourself and came up empty?

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A euphemism. The right is setting up a series of dominos (test cases) whereby progressive gains are pushed back (in their minds) and the hope they have is to go back in time to a period I was raised in when Christian morality was touted (family value, every bride a virgin, no contraceptives or sex without procreation intent, good girls didn't get pregnant or have abortions, only whites were truly worthy, everyone went to church, light coloreds might be hired to fulfill some jobs, etc) while in the breach, most of those were ignored or gotten around in my neigborhood (Baptists drank, might beat their wife, divorced, etc). So, a play on the old line about there being as much chance of going back to that mythical time "as finding a virgin in a Las Vegas whore house." Just didn't want to be inappropriate on TC's substack. 😉

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It's not possible (being inappropriate) since there are no idiots here. :-)

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Finding a virgin in a Las Vegas whore house -- not even among the kitchen or cleaning staff? Fred, I enjoyed our exchange very much and your writing was sexy as hell. We must do this again.

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I'd have to defer on that. In a recent novel, that was an apprentice position. I believe Cloud Cuckoo Land, Anthony Doerr. Thanks. Your offerings of how to make a difference are invaluable.

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Do your recommend the book? Your library sounds like a fun place on a Saturday night. I might drop by, if you don't mind.

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Your last question I'll have to give some thought to. 😊 Have a good weekend.

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Wish I was a candidate, but you can't always get what you want. 🍒

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'a loud and boisterous laugh!'

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Looks like Christian Sharia Law is being formed as we watch.

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Shades of Salem witch trials...here we go again.

If I'm not mistaken, most of the wingnuts on the court are members of one religion - Catholic. Did I get that right? I have hope that when they do their massive unraveling of our Constitutional laws and rights, there will be a commensurate massive blowback. Certainly women will be first in line - but the LGBTQ community, which has long suffered and only recently been given their legal freedoms, will be fierce contenders in elections to follow. I don't know what the Catholic church is "thinking" these days, but who on earth would want to affiliate with that religion, given its anti-human posture on just about everything?

Maybe their backup plan is to ensure that none of these "unenumerated" populations will ever have a vote in the future? That might have worked back in the day when you could simply round them up and burn them at a stake, but there were over 7 million more of us in 2020 as I recall. That's a lot of burning. A lot of trees being staked.

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Catholic theology and social teaching have many good aspects. The problem is more that prominent Catholics (= rich) and bishops are acknowledged Republicans. That's the problem.

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Once the Catholic Bishops honored Bill Barr at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, the church lost me. I agree with you that many Catholics and even Catholic groups do wonderful things, truly humanitarian work. But the hypocrisy stinks in the hierarchy. I can’t abide it. Bill Barr is part of the axis of evil from the last administration. To honor the devil is to sell your soul.

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I like the Catholics like Joe Biden much better. :-)

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The hierarchy is generally (but not uniformly) despicable. I see incompetence and arrogance from my own bishop, and he’s not alone.

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I didn't get that Federalist Society memo, but I'm glad you filled me in.

Thanks for this inciteful and insightful analysis.

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