Thanks for the rundown TC. How do we get this cat back in the bag? How do we stop pre-pubescent marshmallow-man from destroying everything decent with one of the world's largest microphones? Is he really that sick or does he just not give a shit as long as people are talking about him? Elon Musk's pronouns are Ass/Hole.
Who could dig deeper into the Muck of Musk than TC? Who would use Afrikaans to expose a root of Musk’s as he did? Who could trace how much muck Musk has made in no time and all? Who knows how filthy one man can be and then there are his chums? Does he have friends? There are words to convey the stench, the out-of-mind madness of this fiend and he has them; TC has the words. He seems to know the essence of this man. Musk.
Before reading NUTTIGE IDIOOT, I was looking for a poem; one about winter with cool words to calm me as the first snowfall. Searching among the poets for space away from the Musks and Mire. Escape? Perhaps. Reminders of beauty and of love, along with the Musks of this world.
TC has the words of life from NUTTIGE IDIOOT and T-37s to FABULOUS FELINES; he is a poet among us.
I still maintain my Farcebook and Twatter accounts but both have only ever been accessed via browser on my computer, and checked less frequently than daily now.
Since lonE skuM's takeover and degradation of the platform (including the unblocking of all accounts that were previously blocked, so I can now once again be blessed by the rabid rantings of right wing loons and delusional ravings of conspiracy nut cases) I actually look forward to those rare days when I find my feed contains a few promoted items.
This enables me to receive some lovely little frissons of dopamine as I commenced my subversive acts of resistance by scrolling down my feed, seeking every promoted tweet, and blocking the account. As I do I imagine consternation forming in the mind of a person owning or responsible for that account, which has paid to promote the tweet who (being very likely to use such analytical tools) some time later will receive a report "x number of users blocked your account today."
I would encourage others who still have a Twitter account to do the same. It's a small, petty, fun way to flip the bird at skuM by sending a message to some of the people giving him money. And why the hell not, if it makes you feel good for a few seconds too? The more the merrier.
I keep hearing “he’s trying to devalue the stock so he can buy back his debt at a lowered cost” or something similar. What d’ya think? Could it be simple manipulation? Then again there’s his buddy Thiel to consider. Real dark side there.
Your article is a tight combination of the ingredients of an effective piece of writing--carefully chosen language; Sentences that carry this reader along then stop me short with a different structure; an adequate amount of ranting; and, most important, piles and piles of detail of every kind imaginable. Musk is a good target, a generally repulsive fellow, but your portrait brings him to life.
And, you know, of all the horrors of the man himself and the specifics of his life, in fact, of all the horrors of the whole time in our history, one. of the things that appalls and moves me the most is what has been done to Anthony Fauci. This is a man who has managed to serve many presidents, Democrats and Republicans, without even appearing on anyone's radar screen. He was known and admired by his fellow scientists and a few good men in the political world. And then he went to work for Trump.
A man like Musk could not possibly grasp anything about a man like Fauci and you capture that by stopping to publish a handful of defenses of Fauci and condemnations of Musk's attacks.
changing the subject slightly, I just watched the HBO Alexandra Pelosi documentary about her mom and , while I've always liked and admired her, I might now just be in love. my oft-mentioned upstairs neighbor can't look at her on a screen without spewing vileness (oh y'know, stuff like "that evil c**t," but can never be too specific about why he feels that way and he can't give a decent answer, at which point he gets a "shut up or go home." I sometimes feel like George Burns firing Harry Von Zell.
and I've been reading through that long "Official German Report" (sometimes the not-so-good original xeroxing gets wavy enough to get me seasick). it's dense enough that I have to read it in short bursts of twenty or thirty pages. but wow. it's a brilliant piece of work and Rogge is obviously one of those great unsung'd be great to add him to his well-deserved place in the pantheon, but that's more optimistic than I feel comfortable being. I hope we're treated to your anticipated brilliant response to it, but I realize that could take some more time...every page is heavy with amazing information.
Yes, there is a lot to the Official German Report, which is why I haven't written anything on it yet. And that original xeroxing does get a bit "motion sickness inducing."
TC, was it the Russian Trolls at the I.R.A. that first planted the child trafficking conspiracy that led to the spirit cooking pizza gate? This kind of conspiracy/accusation is centuries old in Russia. That Musk is echoing this and other conspiracy and paranoid fear mongering and division tactics...this does lead logically that your assertion is correct. Musk is in fact a useful idiot for the FSB and Putin.
Part of Muck's idiocy is evident in his Mars fixation. People are never going to live in a sustainable manner on Mars, although it's conceivable we might have a few bases there.
The radiation there is killer, so people would have to live underground, and would be unable to go outside without a radiation-protective space suit on.
If Mars had habitable temperatures, and the temps on Antarctica were proportionately elevated, there'd be cities and agriculture on Antarctica.
Muck likes to throw out that word, "terraforming," as if there were a way to seed life on that frigid, radiation-bombarded desert, such that temperatures would rise and rain would fall, and Mars would grow forests filled with fruits and beasts that could feed a new colony of humans with their bounty.
But ecosystems as on Earth are highly complex systems in which animals, plants, and arthropods have co-evolved for eons to supply "ecosystem services" sufficiently ample to feed critters large and small for millions of years, that keep water and air clean, and soil fertile, that provide pollination, that sequester carbon, that prevent disease, and much more than all that. It wouldn't work to ship a few animals and plants to Mars and expect them to give the red planet an atmosphere, fertile soil, and a temperate climate quickly enough for Muck to live and die there. Given the conditions there, probably nothing from Earth could live there.
(Conceivably, if there were some H2O somewhere that spent at least part of the Martian year in liquid form, radiation resistant bacteria (such exist on Earth) might be able to stay alive there. But it's unlikely any terraforming would happen. And it's possible that if there is some liquid water anywhere, such bacteria already exist on Mars.)
Backing Putin and Xi seems a precarious position for as American defense contractor. I believe US Law gives the Pentagon a lot of leverage over t try he management of defense contractors.
Thanks for the rundown TC. How do we get this cat back in the bag? How do we stop pre-pubescent marshmallow-man from destroying everything decent with one of the world's largest microphones? Is he really that sick or does he just not give a shit as long as people are talking about him? Elon Musk's pronouns are Ass/Hole.
Just leave Twitter and go to Mastodon ...It’s so much better and all the old guys are there! Tell e erroneously you know to leave Twitter too!
Who could dig deeper into the Muck of Musk than TC? Who would use Afrikaans to expose a root of Musk’s as he did? Who could trace how much muck Musk has made in no time and all? Who knows how filthy one man can be and then there are his chums? Does he have friends? There are words to convey the stench, the out-of-mind madness of this fiend and he has them; TC has the words. He seems to know the essence of this man. Musk.
Before reading NUTTIGE IDIOOT, I was looking for a poem; one about winter with cool words to calm me as the first snowfall. Searching among the poets for space away from the Musks and Mire. Escape? Perhaps. Reminders of beauty and of love, along with the Musks of this world.
TC has the words of life from NUTTIGE IDIOOT and T-37s to FABULOUS FELINES; he is a poet among us.
Flattery will get you *everywhere*, Fern. :-)
Fern only tells the truth!!
Thank you, MaryPat. I am not going to contradict you because …well, because I rather not.
Because it is the TRUTH!
Let's go, TC. I'd love to fly, fly away, more than ever.
a most unusual poet, one that should not be missed
Speaking of poets... Dylan speaks for me...”I’m a poet and I know it. Hope I don’t blow it.” Fuck Muck!! Well at least it rhymes
Somehow, Karen was left in a warren, perhaps, because she wrote ‘Muck’ instead of Musk in her eagerness to be considered a poetess.
Love it Fern!
Yes, TCinLA, is a rare and raw poet, indeed.
Twitter has now become a twit's turd. I never signed on and am glad I didn't, now that we can see what a rich man's toy can become.
Bravo TC. Tell it like it is! Muck is scum! SCUM!
I still maintain my Farcebook and Twatter accounts but both have only ever been accessed via browser on my computer, and checked less frequently than daily now.
Since lonE skuM's takeover and degradation of the platform (including the unblocking of all accounts that were previously blocked, so I can now once again be blessed by the rabid rantings of right wing loons and delusional ravings of conspiracy nut cases) I actually look forward to those rare days when I find my feed contains a few promoted items.
This enables me to receive some lovely little frissons of dopamine as I commenced my subversive acts of resistance by scrolling down my feed, seeking every promoted tweet, and blocking the account. As I do I imagine consternation forming in the mind of a person owning or responsible for that account, which has paid to promote the tweet who (being very likely to use such analytical tools) some time later will receive a report "x number of users blocked your account today."
I would encourage others who still have a Twitter account to do the same. It's a small, petty, fun way to flip the bird at skuM by sending a message to some of the people giving him money. And why the hell not, if it makes you feel good for a few seconds too? The more the merrier.
“lonE skuM”
That’s good, Vague Craig. So perfectly descriptive of dough brat.
I keep hearing “he’s trying to devalue the stock so he can buy back his debt at a lowered cost” or something similar. What d’ya think? Could it be simple manipulation? Then again there’s his buddy Thiel to consider. Real dark side there.
Your article is a tight combination of the ingredients of an effective piece of writing--carefully chosen language; Sentences that carry this reader along then stop me short with a different structure; an adequate amount of ranting; and, most important, piles and piles of detail of every kind imaginable. Musk is a good target, a generally repulsive fellow, but your portrait brings him to life.
And, you know, of all the horrors of the man himself and the specifics of his life, in fact, of all the horrors of the whole time in our history, one. of the things that appalls and moves me the most is what has been done to Anthony Fauci. This is a man who has managed to serve many presidents, Democrats and Republicans, without even appearing on anyone's radar screen. He was known and admired by his fellow scientists and a few good men in the political world. And then he went to work for Trump.
A man like Musk could not possibly grasp anything about a man like Fauci and you capture that by stopping to publish a handful of defenses of Fauci and condemnations of Musk's attacks.
Thanks for another great one, TC
changing the subject slightly, I just watched the HBO Alexandra Pelosi documentary about her mom and , while I've always liked and admired her, I might now just be in love. my oft-mentioned upstairs neighbor can't look at her on a screen without spewing vileness (oh y'know, stuff like "that evil c**t," but can never be too specific about why he feels that way and he can't give a decent answer, at which point he gets a "shut up or go home." I sometimes feel like George Burns firing Harry Von Zell.
and I've been reading through that long "Official German Report" (sometimes the not-so-good original xeroxing gets wavy enough to get me seasick). it's dense enough that I have to read it in short bursts of twenty or thirty pages. but wow. it's a brilliant piece of work and Rogge is obviously one of those great unsung'd be great to add him to his well-deserved place in the pantheon, but that's more optimistic than I feel comfortable being. I hope we're treated to your anticipated brilliant response to it, but I realize that could take some more time...every page is heavy with amazing information.
Yes, there is a lot to the Official German Report, which is why I haven't written anything on it yet. And that original xeroxing does get a bit "motion sickness inducing."
TC, check out just published article from
NYTimes on Muck. Auctioning off the
kitchen appliances just 1 of the laughs.
Its all so surreal. Superman Comic book Bizarro World
“Who changed my Kryptonite?”
Proud to be banned for trashing chump. He is a waste of space and oxygen. Pay attention NASA
TC, was it the Russian Trolls at the I.R.A. that first planted the child trafficking conspiracy that led to the spirit cooking pizza gate? This kind of conspiracy/accusation is centuries old in Russia. That Musk is echoing this and other conspiracy and paranoid fear mongering and division tactics...this does lead logically that your assertion is correct. Musk is in fact a useful idiot for the FSB and Putin.
Thiel is loathsome. Muck's nuttiness is beyond Pluto--beyond Eris, even.
Here's the link for anyone interested.
Thanks for the link! Eye-opening article!
Part of Muck's idiocy is evident in his Mars fixation. People are never going to live in a sustainable manner on Mars, although it's conceivable we might have a few bases there.
The radiation there is killer, so people would have to live underground, and would be unable to go outside without a radiation-protective space suit on.
If Mars had habitable temperatures, and the temps on Antarctica were proportionately elevated, there'd be cities and agriculture on Antarctica.
Muck likes to throw out that word, "terraforming," as if there were a way to seed life on that frigid, radiation-bombarded desert, such that temperatures would rise and rain would fall, and Mars would grow forests filled with fruits and beasts that could feed a new colony of humans with their bounty.
But ecosystems as on Earth are highly complex systems in which animals, plants, and arthropods have co-evolved for eons to supply "ecosystem services" sufficiently ample to feed critters large and small for millions of years, that keep water and air clean, and soil fertile, that provide pollination, that sequester carbon, that prevent disease, and much more than all that. It wouldn't work to ship a few animals and plants to Mars and expect them to give the red planet an atmosphere, fertile soil, and a temperate climate quickly enough for Muck to live and die there. Given the conditions there, probably nothing from Earth could live there.
(Conceivably, if there were some H2O somewhere that spent at least part of the Martian year in liquid form, radiation resistant bacteria (such exist on Earth) might be able to stay alive there. But it's unlikely any terraforming would happen. And it's possible that if there is some liquid water anywhere, such bacteria already exist on Mars.)
Backing Putin and Xi seems a precarious position for as American defense contractor. I believe US Law gives the Pentagon a lot of leverage over t try he management of defense contractors.