I always love you, but this:

The Republican National Committee has decided that the thing to hit Kamala on is her laugh. This is unsurprising, coming as it does from people who are still puzzled by the fact of the female orgasm, something a Five Minute Man will never encounter. The guys at Today’s Big Story have it right: “Someone tell the scary dorks at the RNC that’s the sound women make when they are happy or amused and not reaching for pepper spray.”

I'm on the floor. When I get up, I'm forwarding to my 4 daughters.

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MALA, baby! 🤣🤣🤣

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Exactly! Same experience for me. Even though I was adamant that Biden forge on, the party has … in the past few days at least … exceeded my expectations. I’m will be very very happy to be wrong! Well said, TC.

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Great post, Tom. Like you I went from being deeply depressed on Sunday to elated on Tuesday. I felt so much empathy with Joe, but realize what a truly great American he is. And Kamala was my first choice in 2020, she can and WILL WIN.

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I don't usually watch political conventions - I don't even own a television set - but this next DNC may be an exception.

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You and me both, Joan.

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Make that the three of us. It’s going to be the pre election event of the year.

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You’re on a roll, TC, with another hilarious, inspiring post. I think we’ve witnessed a miracle of sorts in this sudden transition in which the actors on stage tore up the script, acted from the heart, and raised our expectations to match our hopes as freedom-loving Americans. Not perfectly — the genocide in Gaza is still a big horsefly in the ointment — but Kamala sure did reignite the flame of liberty that I feared was about to extinguished by the foul winds of fascism. As David Kurtz put it: “She’s not only delivering the message, but like Clinton and Obama did before her, she stands as symbol of that message.” I want to add that the courageous spirit and energy of that idea also applies to your writing as well. Cheers!

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"We are not going back" had immediate resonance for me on several levels, and it had nothing to do with "youthfulness." "We are not going back" means we're not going back to back-alley abortions, we're not going back to Jim Crow, we're not going back to the closet (or even "don't ask, don't tell"). The Republicans, in marked contrast, want to go back to when men were heads of the household, women knew their place, and Pinkerton would bust your head if you even thought about organizing a union. WE ARE NOT GOING BACK!

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“Someone tell the scary dorks at the RNC that’s the sound women make when they are happy or amused and not reaching for pepper spray.” perfect

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💙 this post and I was right there with you and others. We “turned on a dime” because we were grounded in reality,energized and optimistic about how the Dem party had evolved for the better…. while remaining grateful for,and respectful of ,our Prez. Obviously we are not the 😡 cult !

Just ordered our new yard signs. Biden/Harris sign will remain in place until new ones received. Today I circled Harris and placed two Dark Brandon 🕶️ stickers on either side of “her”. I will not cross out the greatest president in my lifetime…

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This is great, and comforting to see such a response at so many levels. For me the pivot was made much easier seeing the huge numbers of donations made by people - you can plan for a transition, but there's not way to plan to have people jumping up and literally saying "take my money please!"

This bit is just delicious - "Maybe the reason why Elmo Muck decided to fade on his promise to give Mushroom Donnie $45 million a month for the campaign has something to do with the fact Tesla’s second quarter profits fell 45%? Perhaps people are deciding they don’t want to buy tinny toys from the Space Nazi??" - and is also typical - Elmo is a lot of talk, but always seems to regress to the miserly rich guy mean.

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Elmo inherits hundreds of millions from family blood money, buys his way into ongoing ventures and all too many call him a genius! If he were a genius, then the Tesla would have a a battery that could be recycled!

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And steals the ideas and work of a true genius

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The ExxonMobil morning newsletter sometimes known as Politico is, however grudgingly, recognizing that something has changed and that the GOP is not on the leading edge. I don't know that I'll watch the convention, because the deal is done, but it will now be a much more interesting election season. I'll predict heavy turnout and a 56/44 split of the popular vote in our favor.

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I’m hearing rumors of some great entertainment, so it may be fun to tune in just because…

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You mean entertainment that is not from a corruption of the news… wow

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That might do it, sort of a political Super Bowl.

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This is the difference between Democrats and Republicans, Democrats are capable of quickly trimming our sails to the changing winds and tacking when necessary. Republicans still think they can sail dead into the wind and move forward. They are incapable of facing reality, let alone course correction.

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I immediately contributed to Harris's campaign upon the announcement, recovering from my disappointment at those who disrespected President Biden (but never quite forgiving them). Meanwhile, he outwitted them all by the timing and method of his announcement, knowing how much behind-the-scenes preparation went into it so that everyone was ready at the starting line.

I chose not to buy any of the website's merchandise. Instead, I ordered two buttons from etsy.com:



Make America Laugh Again

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“Make America Laugh Again”!! I love this. Let’s keep turning their slurs into our badges of honor.

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I love both and never thought of Etsy… Thanks for the nudge!

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I have my rear guard protective feelings for Biden's reputation and legacy, but that doesn't need to impinge the smallest bit on an embrace of Kamala. Biden himself set it up that way, Biden himself remained the target of slings and arrows until after the RNC convention, and signs are that he had set up with Kamala for the dramatic and smooth transition. It's a pivot but it's not a rejection and redirection - just a redirection and when has life not included those?

I saw that Russian official propaganda television ran a section calling Kamala a devil, a demon, "with her white teeth" and her laugh and they showed clip after clip of her laughing behind ominous statements about how evil she is. Apparently the Russian kleptocracy doesn't want people to view laughter as a good thing and life as potentially upbeat. What they have against good dental health is puzzling...

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they are afraid that the Russian people might like to laugh

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And Ukraine has a bonafide comedian as its president.

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I have a beautiful scene in Ukraine before Putin. It is so distressing to see that country torn apart. I hope Zelensky has something to laugh about again someday.

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Zelenskyy has been an inspiration for us, and Europe. He must feel signs of hope now too.

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I hope it’s only the beginning of a surge of sanity. The crazies have had the edge way too long. The repubs have so much Ukrainian blood on their hands. In fact their positions bleed pain and death all across the land, while they claim that guns, ruling women, their god, and the rich hogging resources are pro-life.

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So well said and factual, JD Chilcutt. It’s much easier to define who the repubs are now. They stand in stark contrast to youthful, energetic, joyful Harris along with Biden’s character and stellar legacy. And Joe is not done yet while Kamala is just getting started. The villains stand out in grotesque relief now.

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I don't think I've ever seen so many grins on MSNBC, from hosts and guests. On Sunday, when Corey Booker was talking about Kamala Harris, you could see from his eyes that he was (internally) grinning from ear to ear as he talked.

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Maybe now that the torch has been passed to Harris, the upcoming Democratic Party Convention will and must work on to craft a complete new platform to counter the Repugs’ Project 2025/Agenda 47 or whatever moniker it wears, something like FDR’s New Deal but for the 21st Century. Put a plan of action out there for the voters to see the difference between the regressive Repubs and the Democrats’ vision for the future. Make the election a choice between a dark age of repression and revenge, or a bright new age, one of hope and possibilities for every citizen.

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Definitely! And it needs to include a plan of action on climate change. We have to show younger generations that we want to give them a just, livable society *and* a livable, thriving planet.

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Great idea, go for it dems

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I love her laugh.

I love my laugh, which you so easily and frequently call forth with your outrageous and spot-on humor, Tom. Thank you. 😆

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Great post! He knows how to turn on a dime.

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