I feel like the light of Liberty is shining a wee bit brighter. We avoided Jim Jordan as Speaker, three attorneys pled guilty in Georgia, and now Meadows flipped. I'm more hopeful than I've been in months.

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Regimental, hell.....this is a divisional time-on-target..... Hope Trump's tailor can do miracles with orange..... Smith will have TFG for breakfast, lunch and dinner.....with fava beans and a good chianti.

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Sounds like he’s trying to make himself look good after the fact, much like Barr.

I hope they've grilled him (and gotten answers) as to just what documents he was busy burning in White House fireplaces - all those times. You don't burn (or flush) White House documents and not know exactly what you’re trying to cover up and why. He took that upon himself.

He’s done immense damage to the country by what he facilitated and let happen. Nothing that happens to Trump, going forward can fix that. He could have stepped up and done the honorable thing long ago and saved the whole world a lot of grief.

And while they’re at it, how about pressing Barr as to why he, as attorney general of the United States, personally paid a visit to the jailed Jeffery Epstein.

And, how about grilling Jared Kushner about just why he was attempting to open a ‘back channel’ to Russia prior to Trump being sworn in, and who he was talking to.

Will the secrets of Meadows, Barr, Kushner die with them?

Seems so.

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In the GA RICO case, I expect Meadows to attempt a plea Deal with the DA before 11/15/23.

Jack's Team can solve Marky's credibility problems.

Fani needs RICO Racket facts from Mark Meadows' 231 withheld Texts from the J6 depo subpoena on alleged privileges that have since been shredded. Willis will get the job done.

Meadows; alleged legal privileges have been shredded not the Texts that Mark withheld from the J6 Select Committee back in 2021.

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Things I’ve wondered about for years, glad somebody else does too. As Bannon said, flooding the zone with shit is good cover

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And no one knows shit like Bannon.

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He is the very definition

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I've told people for months that Smith will make one offer to Mangled Orange - admit you lost the election, drop your campaign and refund all the donor money and we'll drop all charges. Of course, Drumpf will refuse and he'll go to trial and get roasted.

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Malignant narcissists like trump will never admit that they’re wrong, so I highly doubt that trump would accept a plea deal. Even losing another election will not make him admit defeat. How this will play out is anyone’s guess at this point.

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Several states (including cheating Texas) have passed enough laws, and run enough good people off, that they plan to win another election, by whatever means.

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I hope Smith does not make such an offer to the orange putrescence. He has put this country, its people, and its governmental institutions through hell. Plus, he is a traitor. He stole classified documents and gave out classified information. He ought to spend the rest of his sorry life in jail. Gitmo should be good, plus no Diet Coke, ketchup, bronzer makeup or golf and NO NO NO communication with the outside world.

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Hope the MAGAts are weeded out during jury selection. I know some who resemble humans…

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Trump would almost have to refuse, wouldn't he? No doubt he's already spent a considerable amount of donor money and his monetary replenishment source (i.e. the MAGA base) would (probably?) dwindle once he admitted he knew he had lost and was trying to illegally retain power. Not that Trump would EVER put it that way.

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Never, ever

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Did he offer that? I wrote this post at the beginning of August: "Saving Trump could be saving ourselves: Can anyone make this Open Letter better?" https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/p/saving-trump-could-be-saving-ourselves

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Suzanne, I would put quotations around 'normal,' because the Libidinous Defendant has never lived a 'normal' life.

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Great if my misguided choice of that word is your only criticism!

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I don’t know, Kent. I don’t think Donald is a trial kind of bloke. Not when it’s him on trial and he has to be present in the same room with greatness.

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I believe 'game, set, match' may have some relevance in this situation.....

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Do I detect a rush for the exits, or for the hawser off the tramp steamer? They'll have to bring in more staff to process the new arrivals (I hope!!) This is going to be a glorious week! The wheels of justice have been grinding, grinding, grinding, slowly but surely---A little round of the Battle Hymn of the Republic........."He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;

He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword; His truth is marching on."

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Waiting for that glorious week. Check the House

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Yes, it IS huge! It's ENORMOUS!!! BTW, we know what the orange sadist will illiterately write in the wee small hours of the night on Lie Social: "I don't know the guy. Never met him." FOTFLMAO!!!

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it's funny, sort of.

today was an excellent day if you think the Repugs need to be punished, which I obviously do.

but for the last week, I've felt this sense of overload and outrage that it sometimes feels like I don't care.

watching Jenna Ellis lie through those practiced-in-the-mirror tears made me want to break her nose. and Mark Meadows, this very highly placed officer, an eager participant in an unsuccessful revolution planned by the worst administration in US history gets...what? it seemed to me that what Ellis gave--this so-called 'letter of apology--is somewhat short of the allocution she needs to give.

I sure hope what Smith got in return for letting Meadows basically WALK is pure platinum.

and this Mitt bio...I'm gonna pass.

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Hope all become pariahs and are stuck with MAGAts 24-7. How is Bill Barr faring?

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very badly, one hopes.

but I'm sure that, from his point of view, he's happy as the proverbial pig in shit.

fuck him, along with the whole bunch of them.

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The first time I read this, I thought you said, "How is Bill Barr farting?" Probably a lot, but the MSM isn't (of course, what do you expect?) reporting it.

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for sure. I wish I was in a position to add something like "people say," but it wouldn't be very convincing...

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My laugh for the day

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Evidently Trump's attorneys filed late night, last night, more bushwa. is Griedner(sp)

here on Substack, an attorney has unpacked it all.

It's crazy stuff and Jack Smith will be ROFL. It's really

crazy! I can't imagine what Judge Chutka will think. They've lost their minds. All

of them.

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That they might have minds to lose is, as they say, "a fact not in evidence."

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Never ate goose, is it anything like turkey? Or just drown it in ketchup and serve it up to trump…

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Gamier and greasier than turkey but it smokes nicely and, with enough wine, anything tastes OK.

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more like Duck, I'd say. even a tad more gamey, which I like. I just can't see myself killing one and eating it with a clear conscience.

I know, I know. hypocritical...

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He wouldn’t notice the arsenic…

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well, it's not exactly "flips"--more like "has flipped in past." Didn't we already know at least the outlines of this? We aren't at plea-bargain time yet, though there's gonna be a BIG credibility issue if Meadows is called to testify and changes his tune.

Question: CAN he be compelled to testify in a case where he is defendant, without an immunity deal? As in Georgia. Isn't what he knew or didn't know and what he did or did to cooperate with trump at the heart of the RICO allegation against him?

In the Smith cases, if not a defendant, more likely. But there'd be nothing to stop him from pleading the fifth without immunity. What isn't clear to me is how far that immunity before the grand jury extends.

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So many lawyers needing so many lawyers. Many of the mafioso kind it seems

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It was a great afternoon too. I got the news and it perked me up BIG time!

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How I hope you are right, I’m sniffing hard as I can. I still see the orange bastard smirking in NY over how he has cowed the House idiots. Not five f***ing repubs with the balls to do what is needed. No wonder he has to have a govt shutdown. Kill the investigations, no matter what. Or even better, win the WH, get revenge and become the pardon king. No script could do Justice to this treason. Been waiting for him/them to jump the shark, and America to become great again, over his dead, putrid body.

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No rest for the wicked, and apparently, no movies for the writer.

Dominos are falling.

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I laughed out loud.

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I can't square the kid-glove treatment the members of the insurrection cabal and their thuggish leader Trump have received when I set them side by side with Reality Winner and some others convicted of anti-American crimes. As others here have offered, Bill Barr may be the most nefarious of all, but he was slick enough to speedily waddle down the exit ramp early enough to make it appear he disapproved of the coming insurrection, when, in fact, no one enabled it more, and that includes members of the Capitol law enforcement who laid back because of the maga-toxins in their veins.

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If I were a drinking man…

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I know exactly what you mean. thing is,the only way drinking ever got me to forget anything was when I passed out. in my case, that horrible little voice is louder than a "pint" (meaning more or less a pint, but probably more like a pint and a half).

I remember around 1980, showing up drunk at places and, when confronted with that fact, saying "but I only had TWO drinks."

yeah, two large tumblers. still two drinks.

I think I could use a meeting.

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