DONATE, FOLKS!!! Look at Senate candidates who need our help: Alsobrooks in Md, Tester in WY, and others. Pull $ out of your retirement account, if necessary (as I did yesterday, to the tune of thousands). This is more important that anything else that you can pay for or buy.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by TCinLA

You better believe, because our money will only get us out ot he country if we fail and that is not an option for our grandchildren. If we can't save democracy here, it will be taken away EVERYWHERE. Got it?

WE have to put our money where our future is, and here it will be if we do our work.

(Hi Kathy)

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by TCinLA

Hi Ransom. Nevertheless, my only child (no grandchildren, and I accept that there will never be) will be coming with us. I've spent the better part of my life fighting for Justice -- from organizing anti-war protests in D.C. when I was 20; to marching in Civil Rights rallies (again, including in D.C.); to more recently being very active in Black Lives Matter, here in Charleston (the only old white lady involved -- and boy! was I welcomed!) I'm too tired. I'm doing everything I can do at this age to save our democracy. If it's not enough, I do not plan to spend my last years watching Hell break lose. Wherever I end up, I will use every ounce of my strength, and as much money as I can, to try to save my homeland. But I don't want to be here if Project 2025 happens. My choice. Not saying it's right for you, or for anyone else. My sibs and their children and grandchildren will make their own decisions. Given that one brother is a MAGA leader, with all blonde and blue-eyed children, he'll be fine. Another one married a lovely Jewish woman. They are extremely smart, and will do what they need to do. One of their three children is already in Canada; the rest of the family lives near the border. My sister? I am clueless. They are all red-headed and blue-eyed, so they should be fine. My marriage is to an Asian man, and my daughter appears Asian. He is a devout Tibetan Buddhist. I am a Sufi-Christian. We won't fit.

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That is what I will have to do because this is the worst year ever for the resources to donate. Primarily because I had an unexpected IRS bill for $6,000. A bit more than Elon and Jeff and some others with clever lawyers have. That was only part of my sad story as a new widow, but I will do what i can. But it would be a big help if the press were not the enemy of us all (sorry chump, but they have greased up your arse to look like gold) and the Democrats didn’t have morons in places of power. RFKJ has an ego the size of Naders, whose was as big as the Hindenburg. May his crash and burn as well. Thank you for the words of one who knows his evil up close.

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I agree with you 1,000% about the destruction of our democracy by evil monied men. As for your situation, I have had times where $5 and $10 was all I could afford. I donated, knowing that my emotional support (the numbers of people helping) was highly meaningful to campaigns.

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my few bucks seems useless when billionaires donate so much to the evil. Yet we all do what we can. It will be less than I have done before. Debt I won't do.

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I know what you're feeling. But do not discount what it means to various campaigns to have a large number of people donating. Numbers count. (So I've been told.) Debt? NO!!!

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Couldn’t decide if I should give all to a few or spread it around. Your point is a good one,

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Jul 4Liked by TCinLA

Along these lines I have taken the advice of Dr. Timothy Snyder ("On Treason"). On some show or other on MSNBC he suggested many of the actions that the mercifully estranged niece of TFG has suggested. One in particular is Letters to the Editor in your local newspaper, if you still have one. Every thirty days is the rule here, so every thirty days it is. They all get read. I try not to insult the droolers but rather educate them. Judging from the published responses it is a monumental task, but the inconceivably "undecided" folks do absorb the facts as I present them.

I used to march in protest, stand on street corners with signs, in the heat, in the cold, in the teargas years ago, but I can't do that now. But I can at lest take the time to write some fucking letters.

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I write them, they used to be printed, but not in the last six months. Did one yesterday, we’ll see. The MAGAts never fail to accuse the paper of liberal bias. Accusations put people on the defensive. I stopped one paper because they were hiring eight new conservative writers. Unreal…

I used to go to protests, but don’t have Joe’s stamina anymore.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by TCinLA

I've cut ties with several distant "Facebook friends" who are up to their necks in handwringing and garment rending. They weren't people I was close with anyway, but the "I'm a pundit now!" mentality really torqued me off.

Donating to Biden/Harris and writing postcards! As Simon Rosenberg says, "Do more, worry less".

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Excellent post Mary, you said everything that needs to be said. I'm truly sorry to be so old and decrepit that all I can do is write.

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Those postcards you're writing are eight times more likely to be read and kept by the addressee

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I am still handwriting warnings against right wing fascism on cut up packaging and neon stick-ons and placing each of them in "discoverable" places like markets, gas stations, restrooms, inside books I donate for the monthly library sales, in the pockets of clothing items at retail stores, in shopping carts (where I first got the idea when I found myself reading cast off grocery lists out of simple curiosity) and inside magazines in waiting rooms. I have ventured into the reddest parts of this area. I make sure my printing large print for the visually challenged. Will be at the polls as before.

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Jul 4Liked by TCinLA

I have the same feeling Fay. I tell myself we had our turn and time for another generation to get it done. I donate, postcard and hope for the best. Like you I feel that is not enough.

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If everyone does as much as they can, it will be enough.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by TCinLA

It’s time to come together. Fuck the Bulwark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GwjfUFyY6M

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by TCinLA

yeah, I have the same feeling. I kicked the Bulwark off my subscription list and I had a spat with Mr. Rupar of Public Notice when I commented that we should support Biden. So they may be next.

Also, I have subscribed to Chris Cillizza's "So What?" substack...but if he continues pounding on Bidens age and his supposed decrepitude...based on one lousy night and Chris's nonprofessional "observations of deterioration" since last year.... okay, that was infuriating and I am about to cut him loose as well.

Sick and tired of the media circus doesn't even begin to describe my fury and disgust at the media's chase after money and clicks without even a semblance of a nod to the interests of the country as a whole.

Because that what this whole circus is about...the NYT and too many of the rest of the rags and news services WANT a brokered convention with the Dems in chaos and civil war, so they'll have something to breathlessly report on and gather up the advert dollars. As I said: utterly depraved and disgusting.

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Cilizza can't get away from Cretin News Network Think. Cut him loose.

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I cut Cillizza off a while back. I’m livid with the media.

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Jul 4Liked by TCinLA


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Jul 4Liked by TCinLA

Amen to that, Gail. As my sister wrote to me today, I just wish they would STFU!!

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Jul 4Liked by TCinLA

I didn’t read the Bulwark piece, and I don’t think I will. Time to build up, not tear down. And time’s a’wasting.

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It’s been the entire staff. I found their newsletters/podcasts informative in the past. They’ve all jumped on the bandwagon.

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Hum. I think I’ll stay away from The Bulwark for awhile and concentrate on writing postcards. I need an energy reboot, not more drama right now.

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I'm supporting Jenelle Stelson, a popular newscaster in central Pennsylvania who is running to unseat Scott Perry, an instigator of Jan 6. She's smart, well liked and polling well in a historically very red district. Check her out! I'm also engaged in my local democratic committee and will be participating in a postcard campaign. Roll up your sleeves and get to work, folks. We need every Democratic candidate to win every election this year!!

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Jul 4Liked by TCinLA

Saved again by Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC. Not bothering turning on the rest; weary of the sky is falling and the down in the mouth-itis. Biden/Harris, Dep. Campaign Mgr. Quentin Fulks is best interview I’ve ever seen of a campaign spokesperson. Stamping 300 postcards and ready to start writing another 200. Let’s keep donating and postcarding!

Thanks TC for all you do.

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Jul 4Liked by TCinLA

I love your attitude. I’ll be writing postcards myself today. Onward!

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Jul 4Liked by TCinLA

You said it perfectly! Worst week so far. The media has been completely ignoring the tsunami of Don’s lies. I cancelled my paper which was putting Biden needs to drop out stories on the front page.

. “I know last week—a week that started with the debate (which included President Biden’s rough performance, Donald’s outright fascism, and the media’s insistence that only the former matters) and was capped off by a corrupt Supreme Court declaring my uncle above the law—felt like a perfect storm of horrible.”

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Jul 4Liked by TCinLA

Finally, someone is reacting sanely. I am so exhausted by pundits and Dem fame seekers.

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Mary Trump is pointing out the path to sanity in her post.

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Jul 4Liked by TCinLA

Very practical. I like it. 👍🏻

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I love her posts and am subscribed to her

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Jul 4Liked by TCinLA

What an inspiring piece. I was almost afraid to read it yesterday but now I’m glad I did😊

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Thank you. It is not too hyperbolic a statement to remind all here that survival of the US as a rule of law based democracy is essential to the survival of all global democratic nation states.

Great advice on what immediate actions can be taken TC. Again, thank you.

I am just beginning to read ‘How to Survive a Crisis. Lessons in Resilience and Avoiding Disaster’ (Penguin:2023) dedicated to ‘victims of crises that need not have been’ by the former

Director of UK’s GCHQ Intelligence. The Chapter on Defusing Slow- Burn Crises is pertinent to the present crisis created by 5 decades of a slow-burn takeover of the US political structures by theocratic oligarchs and their many enablers.

Immediate takeaways. Firstly, there is a ‘difference between results and consequences.’ Results are what we all expect but consequences are what we have to actually address. He warns against exaggerating the former and minimizing the latter. Secondly, he advises that we compromise on our shared objectives as ‘competing imperatives will have to be balanced under conditions of uncertainty.’

He also recommends watching the Gillo Pontecorvo classic movie ‘The Battle for Algiers’ (1966) as an accurate depiction of the horrors of urban terrorism of the kind MAGA are both slow-burn enacting and threatening to increase if they do not succeed in dissolving the US Constitution and the difficulties of countering it and creating any return to civil order once control of urban and grassroots landscapes have been lost.

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