Thanks for giving us another inside view of the smart strategies and planning that go into winning a war. Will there be great reads about the derring-do of today's drone operators? Not likely.

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So true...

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isn't anonymity sorta the whole deal about drone technology? y'know...to make war less "personal," therefore "cleaner?"

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it's a little painful to read this great, incredibly exciting stuff about the Eighth because it's exactly the kind of thing my father would devour, with real excitement because he was, after all, THERE.

last week made 20 years since he passed, cursing out Bush et al for invading Iraq a few minutes before they wheeled him into surgery and we agreed to talk more about it when he woke up, which he never did.

anything about the Eighth took precedence over anything else he might have been reading. it even took precedence over his endless re-watching of "Cannon" and "Kojak" episodes.

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Thanks for the excerpt. Tom, you're a great writer. Clean Sweep will be my next TC book. Yesterday Amazon delivered The Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club. I figured it would be a good idea to start reading all your books with this one about Vietnam, the war I was in.

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I'll be very interested in learning your response to the book, Stewart.

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Roger that, Tom. I'll write a review.

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So many heroes, why does Hitler get more respect these days? I was raised in a time that we were all acutely aware of the heroes and the sacrifices they made. We were even more aware of the sacrifices made by average Joes, many of our family members. Some came back in body bags, were buried overseas, or never recovered. Many of the ones I met, working for USAF and NASA in the 60’s, wore scars that were not talked about. But we knew…

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The book is on an Amazon truck today.

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mine too.

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