It takes a woman redux: 1. Cheney may lose her seat due to her principled stand and participation on this committee. She did it anyway. 2. Caroline Edwards was knocked unconscious; when she revived, she rejoined the fight against the imsurrectionists. She did it anyway.

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Caroline Edwards was a real hero in the way that Old Navy Chief defined the term to me: "When everything's gone to hell, and you're so scared you shit your pants, and you still do your damn job - even if others aren't - that's a hero."

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Nevertheless, she persisted!

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Well said. I agree completely. I can't think of any of Cheney's policy positions that I could agree with. But last night she stood tall as a believer in American democracy. I rate her a WOW.

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Bennie Thompson referred to tfg as simply " Donald Trump" throughout his opening. Liz Cheney called him "President Trump" throughout hers. Interesting.

Compelling presentation. Clearly organized. Re- traumatizing video. Bravery of Caroline Edwards both then and now. " I was trained for crowd control not for combat."

The " deep throat" ambience of the film producer's parking garage shots of Enrique Tarrio.

If Trump does not go down as a seditious criminal as a result of this careful case presentation then something is wrong with the DOJ.

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Representative Liz Cheney represents the last of a once "Loyal Opposition".

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TC. I truly hope that the one person I wish to read this essay does have the opportunity. She deserves to know of the recognition and honor she has earned.

Thank you for putting into words what so many of us think.


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Your best TC. An aptly deserved paean to an American of conscience. In other times, her courageous acts would make her the party's invincible candidate for President. Given the climate, now, not likely. In another climate, she would become the President to achieve all peddled by the senior Cheney and tfg.

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Here are two more questions:

Will David and Goliath be updated by Liz Cheney v. Donald Trump? And who is going win this one for the USA?

“If our generation does not stand for truth, the rule of law and our Constitution, if we set aside our founding principles for the politics of the moment, the miracle of our constitutional republic will slip away,” Cheney said in a video … that all but named Trump as her enemy. “I am asking you to join me to rise above the lies, to rise above the toxic politics, to defend our freedom to do what we all know is right.”

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It's going to be interesting to find out!

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Can splits in the Republican Party -- more MAGA than Trump -- weaknesses in primary candidates he endorsed -- small group of conservatives who want accountability amount to much? A proviso is Democratic Party's strategy, messaging and candidates. More than one proviso, isn't it! The Democratic Party -- the biggest problem?

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As Donald Rumsfeld said, you go to war with the army you have, not the army you want. The Ds are the army we have, such as it is.

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If the hearings make the strong case against Trump, which I think it will, the Democratic Party will have ammo it needs, however, the Elephant will have INFLATION! As TC says, 'it's not easy!'

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Outstanding essay, TC.

May I present one minor quibble? Liz Cheney actually said, "“I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible. There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.” She didn't say "...your dishonor will live on."

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You're right.

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I was expecting a forceful opening statement, but what I saw and heard literally made my jaw drop. As much as I oppose the Cheneys on policy, Liz Cheney left little doubt that she is an American first, and she is going to fight for American values, regardless of personal cost. It gave me some faith that maybe right would have might sooner than we may think.

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Trump deserves what he did to the Capitol and Metro Police. Bear Sprayed, tear gassed, traumatic Brain injury and finally death by a stroke. I would then be satisfied if similar fate followed for those Senators and Congressman who have kissed his butt and encouraged him. Is this too much to ask?

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beautifully put yet again. I agree entirely with everything you said, which is a good thing because I was a little bit confused about what to think about Liz Cheney (who did in fact back Trump all the way until she didn't) because of her completely detestable politics and pedigree. but people are complicated and yeah, she deserves everything you've said about her in this incredibly important thing. and yeah, she was splendid last night and yes, it was a stroke of genius (even if it was also kind of a no-brainer, given how much attention her presence on the committee has engendered) to make her the "chief prosecutor." I didn't know about the Fox scumbags dropping their commercials, but it's pretty funny, no matter how much it might hurt to laugh.

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Bravo TC!

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Amen to every word! Thank you!

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I too was very impressed TC, an extremely strong case was outlined.

Observations from the outside: Having no "skin in the game" I like to flatter myself that I can see things differently.

To me, after Liz Cheney and Benson's * performances, I got the impression that she, not he, was very much in command and control of this thing and is the Game Master, Director, Editing Director, and Exective Producer. As such Ms Cheney knows exactly what is yet to come. War has been declared internaly within the GOP and that will be the focus of her long game. We all noted how the DoJ's superseding indictment landed on the incarcerated Not So Proud Now Boys a few days before this public hearing - well timed for effect, and to let the noise settle down. Many moves are yet to be played out in this game of 3D chess (thinking Game of Thrones) and I will not be surprised if she has some player pieces lined up in the wings that we do not yet see. It's plausable that, over the coming five or six weeks, some Congressional Representatives may also receive delivery of their own personal indictments for Seditious Conspiracy and Other Offenses. "Ha! Hold my brain, be still my beating heart."

How difficult will it be to gain endorsement for re-election at midterms while awaiting a grand jury trial for sedition? Against a Liz Cheney endorsed candidate? What are the chances of a Cheney candidate winnining in a red state if the Dem voters there curiously decide to "squander their votes" accordingly? America, where weird and impossible shit happens every damn day.

* apologies if my reference to a favourite '80s comedy series offends, but the title sprung to mind during Chairman Bennie Thompson's closing.

Also, slightly unrelated further reading: An excellent and delicious skewering of the political fossilisation harming US democracy - by Greg Olear & Adam McKay https://gregolear.substack.com/p/no-congress-for-old-men-with-adam?r=8u0q8&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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I like the way you dream, and I'd rather wake up in your dream than mine.

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I see wannabe Michigan governor Ryan Kelly is facing up to one year in federal prison and a fine of up to $100,000 for each of the four federal misdemeanor charges in regard to his participation on Jan. 6 that the FBI arrested him for this week. His Zoom hearing on June 16 would be an interesting one to watch in on.

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Thank You. Shared as part of my Republican friends' 6 Jan. 6th coversion episodes.

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I admire Cheney and the battle she has chosen. I also view her as I view The Lincoln Project;

You don't get a trophy for doing the right thing. Really, how fucking hard is it to stand for what is right and risking a police career? Again, these people need to be thanked, they also want to take us back to the fucking Reagan clusterfuck. Liz loves torture like her dad, Darth Vader. The LP screamed pro Reagan shit that set our country back decades if not a century.

I am a vindictive bitch with a long memory.

I will use these cretins for the greater good, then throw them on a trash heap. I'm a democratic socialist with a chip on my shoulder and I don't give a fuck. If only the Democrats had such fortitude.

So, thanks and your tip in on the dresser.

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While I understand and largely agree with you, I'm going to have to disagree somewhat, as I recall the Old Navy Chief's definition of "being a hero": "When everything's gone to shit, and you're so fucking scared you've shit your pants, and you do your job - no matter if nobody else is doing theirs - that's being a hero."

Right now, the only question that has to be asked is, "Do you believe in democracy?" If the answer is "Yes," then you have identified A Person On Your Side.

And please keep on being "Judes." :-)

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No worries pal. I'm practicing for my upcoming Irish Alzheimer's: I'll forget everything but the grudge

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I actually Laughed Out Loud! :-)

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