That was indeed a cleansing summer shower. I can only think that other subscribers must have glanced the rainbow peeking through the gray rain clouds opposite the emerging late afternoon sun. I needed that entry, TC, after reading the flurry of updates from Lucian Truscott and others this afternoon. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. One that understands the Light and its ability to fill cracks of darkness.

I am poignantly sad about how many have forgotten who we really are. So sad that such an assault over the past several months on our senses have rendered even some of the most faithful in doubt of those working their tenacious damndest to save democracy and spare no one “in fear or favor”. It has been gut wrenching to me. I have cried tears on more days than not.

I’ve been afraid. But as I have said many times. I am not scared. I find my courage in truth, not lies. In Love…of which there is no opposite…something I find proof of in things that inspire me. Often it is from reading things penned by others. I am grateful to authors such as TC and HCR who build bridges with their words.

I have penned often to others that which I believe as the original download from the Creator after human beings began the experiment of separate existence from that Creator. A download in our very souls that, if recognized, holds the key to harmonic existence and a glimpse of a rainbow on a summer afternoon.

“We are all in this together. There is enough to go around.” Post it on your fridge or mirror. Say it every day. Significant action can follow collective thoughts.

Unita my Brothers and Sisters.🗽💜

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That's just perfect, Christine.

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Well said sister Christine. It is cliché but nonetheless true that united we shall stand while divided we will surely fall. There has never been a more necessary or appropriate time for unity.

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"I’ve been afraid. But as I have said many times. I am not scared. I find my courage in truth, not lies. In Love…of which there is no opposite…something I find proof of in things that inspire me. Often it is from reading things penned by others. I am grateful to authors such as TC and HCR who build bridges with their words." -- Thank you for these words especially, and your response overall. I feel the same.

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So well said, my sister!

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Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful........you are a force of light!!

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Beautiful, Christine. Thank you.

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Tears were coming up reading Saint X, but they didn't come out until I read your post, thank you Christine.

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Hi Olof, Please check your emails. Let me know if you found me.



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I cannot help but compare the nobility of those brave soldiers/sailors/marines/coasties who went to war for humanity with those who would go to (civil) war over the lies and propaganda spewed by today’s Republiqans.

Thanks for this wonderful quote from Saint-Exupéry. Also, thanks for the tissue warning. I’m blubbering in SeaTac Terminal C as I read it.

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" It is true that technical progress in modern times has linked men together like a complex nervous system. The means of travel are numerous and communication is instantaneous – We are joined together materially like the cells of a single body, but this body has as yet no soul. This organism is not yet aware of its unity as a whole. The hand does not yet know that it is one with the eye" - And now, for your comparison, communications has become so much more abundant, and complex, and it seems it is just this abundance that has advanced the possibilities of lies and propaganda. Maybe for the hand and the eye to come together this body still needs presence, and for a soul to emerge a space that cannot be "flooded with sh*t".

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Thanks for passing on this letter. Unfortunately for American soldiers, airmen, sailors and Marines there has been not one war worth the cost in American and “enemy” lives since WW2.

Those of us who had ideals were wasted by our “leaders” after Korea and in the Vietnam fiasco.

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I was just thinking from what you said here, Hale, that all the guys from Korea and Vietnam I interviewed were just like the guys from World War II. All the same people. I've always had an anger, ever since I discovered the truth about Tonkin Gulf the month after it happened, that you don't ask people like us to go do the things that get done, and pay the price that gets paid, unless you have a really good reason. If you don't, it's a betrayal - and that's what happened.

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And exactly why, knowing a betrayal such as that, we must not allow the betrayal by the Republican Party to continue. Too many have been sacrificed already. Due time for all hands on deck to rattle their Light sabers and announce our support of democracy and our clear intent not to allow it to be compromised by treason.

I’m going to channel my inner Princess Leia and Queen Latifah and Lady Liberty.

May the force be with us! 🗽💜

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Damned right, TC, a betrayal. As the mother of a soldier who spent too much time in Iraq and Afghanistan, I listened to Bush and Cheney spout their lies. Sending our young people to war based on lies is a horrendous betrayal. You didn’t see Barbara or Jenna Bush signing up to fight or Liz or Mary Cheney. People kept saying, “But Saddam has WMD.” Look how that panned out. Or Paul Wolfowitz claiming Saddam had an Al-Qaida connection. Liar! Just so the make believe cowboys could pretend to be tough at our young people’s expense. The Republicans are so much worse than I thought. The politicians are purely evil, because they know they are lying, but the rank and file ordinary people don’t even realize how delusional they are.

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So damn true.

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I am so touched that you shared this letter by Saint-Exupéry. As a retired French teacher born in France I know and love his writings. I read Le Petit Prince many times with my students. Thank you!

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Outstanding, thanks TC.

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What words are adequate to this writing? I must read it again. Thank you for sharing it with all of us.

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