Since, I have zero confidence in polls, I chose to ignore them. I agree with you, Tom that the Newspapers are doing their very best to discourage Democratic voters. What AI am hearing from my adult grandchildren is most of their friends will vote - to me that's good news.

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Here in swing-Michigan Biden is hurt by the continued aid in the slaughter of Palestinian civilians. He could counter this with more highlighting of environmental and climate change bills passed and his efforts to cancel student loan debt. And for the luvovthelord, use visuals--charts, graphs, videos--when stumping and show the contrasts with Trump's actions and inactions because the young seem to be lookers more than listeners.

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Good advice. Wish the DNC would take it instead of just trying to accumulate money.

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Biden has gifted red states with beneficial programs and funding that should have him polling better in all of them, not to mention the swing states. It's annoying that T-reds take credit for things they voted against, and the call-outs should be louder and longer.

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The parking sites for road work, etc., have chump bumper stickers. They watch Fox apparently and don’t have a clue. Billboards, Dems, near road construction. You might catch a glance or two…

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Jobs are from Heaven unless Elon Musk builds a Tesla plant in your town, right?

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Anything he touches is from hell

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Reminds me of those signs (not actually billboards) next to road construction, or factory construction, sites that state that the project is paid for by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, citing President Biden as originator. They should be visible at both ends of where the project is under construction.

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I haven’t seen those signs in Texas. Will look closer but may not be there

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I can't speak to Texas specifically but, over the years, I've seen large signs next to major public works projects which state that the work is funded by federal dollars. I don't recall the specific wording but I think the specific funding source is usually identified.

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I’ve seen those too, not in recent years though. Will do a look see…

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Judith, have you seen this ? I’ve been sharing.

This map shows announced and select awarded funding locations and projects. To see Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding, select ‘BIL’ from the funding source tab and hover over the dot to see details.⬇️


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The polls don't seem to represent the Haley voters at all, who cast their ballot for her well after she dropped out of the race.

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We have to amend Mark Twain's statement to this:

"There are lies, damned lies, and statistics... and then there are polls."

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Most of theses polls lazily use registered voters. One estimate I've seen is that 40% of registered voters don't vote, and if the data is provided and you can fish out only those who consistently vote the result is quite different. But of course you loose the the desired horse race headlines if you do that.

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I had not seen it. Thanks for the link which I will be blasting from my electronic howitzer to every one of my email contacts and FB friends. This is precisely what I think is needed. Folks can see that their taxes come back to them.

My son put together a seven-minute video that accompanied a grant application to correct a river and lake problem in northern MI so there would be a functioning inlet of refuge off an often very stormy Lake Huron. They got their grant after a wide distribution of the video via such links in emails, making distribution easier and more widespread. Thanks again, Kathy.

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Wow, youth at work, great

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Adding to Jeri’s “Wow”…and a special Wow thanks to mom….💙

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It boggles my mind that a Democrat could split the ticket and vote for chump. The lies about a man who has a stellar record and reputation, are unf**kingbelievable. Why are so many Dems as stupid as MAGAts for chump? Brain worm???

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They're the Dim-o-crat wing of the party, aka the Dumbocraps.

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As HST said, I don't give republicans hell, I just tell the truth and they think it's hell. Well Dems, surely you can do some of that... The truth about them now would make Harry apoplectic

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I fear those dems will be voting for RFK jr, cuz, he's a Kennedy. The brain worm news doesn't seem to deter them.

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Proof that some Dems can be as stupid as magats. The other Kennedys are not impressed.

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Of course the latest Times-Sienna poll has the Orange Rind leading Smokin' Joe in 5 of the 6 swing states, just to keep the horse race exciting..... I'm keeping my acerbic H.L. Mencken quotes handy, just in case..... On the other hand, none of these polls seem to be ranking how voters would feel about a convicted felon running for president, so there's that. Still optimistic, but dispirited so many are rooting for a fascist authoritarian and all that will entail if he gets in - that's our job: keep him out.

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Yep, keep on keepin' on, and if anybody needs specifics on how to do that, I highly recommend Jessica Craven's Chop Wood, Carry Water Substack.

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“Good news may be in short supply later this week, so let’s pack on as much good news as we can when we get it.”

Your abundance of very good news is welcomed! But, what bad news are you anticipating?

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Who knows? It's always out there, innit?

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Amen, brother. I feel like I’ve been an extra in a horror movie that’s been serialized and it’s now become a hit on the dark web.

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Good one.

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What a welcome way to reenter the work week. Thank you for this. Pass the postcards, please.

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