Dear one, thank you for posting this magnificent speech. A balm for the soul not meant to change minds, but to sooth and encourage the weary. God bless!

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Thank you for this beautiful commentary. Ken Burns has gone straight to the heart of this coming election, We're voting for America - do we want to continue our Great Experiment or condemn it to the ashes of fascism.

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Thank you for posting this Tom. I’ve been sharing links to this with many people. I have always been impressed with his films, and this speech is extraordinary.

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Thank you, TC!

An amazing, wise, non- binary perspective.....as well as a prophetic call to action. I love the way Burns firmly established the ground on which we have stood so far ( with all its paradox) before he clearly stated that our very existence is in jeopardy as a country if we vote for tfg.

Ken Burns is a National Treasure!

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Thank you so much Tom for posting the transcript of this beautiful speech. I listened to it on YouTube, but, appreciated reading it even more. It speaks to the very heart of our nation; our strengths and weaknesses and what is required for democracy to survive. Too many have come to see citizenship as a legacy and a right, without recognizing the heavy responsibility it incurs on us all. Bravo Ken Burns.

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Ken Burns makes my monthly contributions to PBS a worthwhile action. I hope that PBS listens to his words and I feel that if we survive, it will too, with the commitment of its early years. A learned man, who shares his art for the elucidation of us all. May we heed his clarion call to put our country first. And recognize the tumor within and the seeds of our destruction. Words to touch the soul…

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Of all Ken Burns documentaries I hope this speech may be, I pray, the one that saves "us". The country needs to hear and act on his call to action: VOTE. Protect our Democracy and the world from Trump and his followers.

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Burns's speech is informed by some our history's best minds, Lincoln, Twain, Baldwin, Singer, and his finish was akin to that of the William Tell Overture. The graduates and their families had to leave the event feeling not just inspired but also empowered. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you, Tom, for reprinting Ken Burns superb commencement address. I've loved and learned from his books and documentaries. This address should be printed on flyers to be distributed to every person who cares about the fate of this country.

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Ken Burns: "The power of our Past '' continues through November & the decades ahead.

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Thank you so very much for posting this. I hope these kids (graduates) and their family members HEAR it & take it in. Pretty unusual in the present time - truth-telling by someone who has done so much to educate us - all of us - in our own history & past. This sure was worthy of all of our attention.

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Simply put, this made my heart sing.

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Thank You, TC. I JUST watched Burns' speech, and was wondering where I could find a copy of the text of it to read, so his important words can settle solidly into my head, and heart. You surely earn your keep!

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FB, but bet it is everywhere.

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Thank God for that speech, Brandeis, our country, democracy and if u know anyone who going to vote the wrong way SPEAK UP!

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Wow!! Thank you so much for sharing Ken Burns’ speech Tom. I’m going to do a mitzvah and pass it along in hopes that family and friends give it the consideration it deserves.

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Thank you, Tom, for posting this transcript! I have lost count of how many times I’ve listened to him giving the address. The best commencement address I’ve ever heard! I would love to have the link to a video of it that is not interrupted by several ads, if anyone knows of one.

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This is the second best speech I’ve ever read, exceeded only by Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.

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Lincoln’s Gettysburg address exemplified that brevity is soul of wit. I have only heard others read or recite it (of course).

Burns’ address I have not read, but listened to a few times. Despite its nearly 22 minutes length, it has my rapt attention all the way through…every time. (And he certainly acknowledged his respect for Lincoln in it!)

I want everyone to hear it.

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